Your job is at risk-if not now, then soon.
We are on the leading edge of a Smart Machine Age led by artificial intelligence that will be as transformative for us as the Industrial Revolution was for our ancestors.
Smart machines will take over millions of jobs in manufacturing, office work, the service sector, the professions, you name it.
Not only can they know more data and analyse it faster than any mere human, but smart machines are free of the emotional, psychological, and cultural baggage that so often mars human thinking.
So we can’t beat ’em and we can’t join ’em.
To stay relevant, we have to play a different game. Our guest offers us that game plan.
We need to excel at critical, creative, and innovative thinking and at genuinely engaging with others–things machines can’t do well.
The key is to change our definition of what it means to be smart.
Our guest calls it being NewSmart.
The crucial mindset underlying NewSmart is humility–not self-effacement but an accurate self-appraisal: acknowledging you can’t have all the answers, remaining open to new ideas, and committing yourself to lifelong learning.
The key to success in this new era is not to be more like the machines but to excel at the best of what makes us human.
We welcome the author of Humility Is the New Smart, Rethinking Human Excellence In the Smart Machine Age, Edward Hess
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00:00:12.885 –> 00:00:23.744
We are on the leading edge of a smart machine learning artificial intelligence that will be has transformed for us as the industrial revolution what’s for our ancestors.
00:00:24.048 –> 00:00:32.216
Smart machines will take over millions of jobs in manufacturing office work the service sector the professions you name it.
00:00:32.591 –> 00:00:45.098
No leak and no more data and i like the fast and the tiny human what’s mark machines are free of the emotional psychological and cultural baggage that’s so awesome mars human thank you.
00:00:45.572 –> 00:00:54.955
So we can’t beat ’em and we can’t join on display relevant we have to play a different game our guest today offers that game plan.
00:00:55.294 –> 00:01:10.151
We need to excel at critical creative and innovative thinking i’m not genuinely engaging with others things machines can’t do well the key is to change your definition of what it means to be smart our guest today cause i knew smart.
00:01:10.562 –> 00:01:13.950
The cruise online said underline you smart its humanity.
00:01:14.163 –> 00:01:27.994
Not self of a basement pulling accurate self appraisal technology the kind of all the answers remaining open to new ideas like committing yourself to life long learning the key to success in this new era,
00:01:28.135 –> 00:01:33.566
is known to be more like machines but excel at the best of what makes us human.
00:01:34.418 –> 00:01:41.677
We welcome the order of the humidity is the new smart rethinking human accidents in the smart machine age,
00:01:41.755 –> 00:01:51.363
edward has welcome to the show thank you very much that’s wonderful to be with you and wonderful to be with your listeners and please please call me at
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add great definition of alex play a bit of a two y to go to bed with a lower case if he should he started a show i want to thank our partners
00:02:03.307 –> 00:02:12.672
marcus for startups in and i thought we start the they show by introducing some terminology used in the book in particular to quora concepts.
00:02:12.894 –> 00:02:26.202
The first is estimate the smart machine age and the second is quarter to the game plan mentioned in the introduction today which is the term you smart with a smart machine age is really the,
00:02:26.235 –> 00:02:34.808
convergence accelerating technology led by artificial intelligence including deep learning.
00:02:35.058 –> 00:02:49.500
What did ross hire process and computers connectivity virtual and augmented reality im buy eggs etc did all of these technologies and specially artificial intelligence.
00:02:50.010 –> 00:02:53.794
Artificial intelligence is going to basically take over,
00:02:53.962 –> 00:03:06.568
most common type of processing most linear processing it goes on in the world and whether it’s the business world operates but not for profit organization or even just human human learning
00:03:06.548 –> 00:03:10.854
and what’s left for us humans.
00:03:11.112 –> 00:03:25.806
Will humans basically have two xl just if you stayed in opening what’s the technology can not do well enough higher order a critical innovative imaginative creative thinking and more importantly.
00:03:26.470 –> 00:03:38.571
Emotional and social intelligence is the ability to connect and relate and emotionally positive with other human beings really going forward if you look out.
00:03:39.064 –> 00:03:40.399
Can your store now.
00:03:41.593 –> 00:03:49.185
Reduce human skills that are going to be a earthquake what makes us unique.
00:03:49.722 –> 00:03:54.082
Yes emotional intelligence and ability to adapt.
00:03:54.377 –> 00:04:01.464
And our ability to adapt is the ability to learn on learn and re learn it the pacers change the color.
00:04:02.389 –> 00:04:07.910
Oh that’s the ability to emotionally intelligent them the ability to connect and relate
00:04:07.700 –> 00:04:17.605
when other human beings in a positive manner so that you can use the library to factory so that you build caring trusting team so he could have meaningful relationships.
00:04:18.017 –> 00:04:26.716
Love this the foundation of building block is humility humility is the building block you being a bot.
00:04:27.100 –> 00:04:28.840
Do that.
00:04:29.404 –> 00:04:38.617
Werk the technologies no cambia do you spell channel to meaningful relationships ready when you get down to its foundation on.
00:04:39.208 –> 00:04:48.195
Meaning of life so the smart machine age is just be over arching theme technology is gonna be in many cases,
00:04:48.255 –> 00:05:00.942
much smarter than us so we need a new smart one for the books that may believe that machines can’t tackled the non routine code of tasks you a deeply research this topic and development over six hundred,
00:05:01.011 –> 00:05:06.686
leading academic papers over one hundred living books and conducted extensive research,
00:05:06.764 –> 00:05:13.212
new concluded don’t for giving scale we can think of some computer science is somewhere,
00:05:13.281 –> 00:05:20.072
is already working on an algorithm to do that task you are exactly right especially with respect to ignition.
00:05:20.366 –> 00:05:24.735
Especially with respect to will call it thinking it’s interesting.
00:05:25.407 –> 00:05:34.782
Um last july can you condiment nobel laureate in road probably the best book on comic thank you.
00:05:36.030 –> 00:05:44.378
Who is being interviewed and put the first time you said the following and on perforation i have come to the conclusion.
00:05:45.059 –> 00:05:54.695
There is no human mental thinking process that technology will not be able to do better think.
00:05:56.348 –> 00:06:10.332
Maybe that’s like a ride so that leaves if you will the types of thinking where the technology can do in there is okay what is technology need technology needs lots of data.
00:06:10.527 –> 00:06:19.262
Show that if you basically your new numb trying to create new things or exploring the unknown you have areas where there is not lots of data.
00:06:19.664 –> 00:06:28.300
What will be the type of human think thinking the steel left human rights more ogee much would it be made by humans.
00:06:28.756 –> 00:06:37.203
Any type of you will i’ll call really creative and imaginative what you got to go into the unknown and explorer.
00:06:37.642 –> 00:06:46.044
Basically discover by been doing rapid experiments in trying things and seeing what works what doesn’t work in many cases.
00:06:46.293 –> 00:06:55.163
Technology is not gonna be able to do that because technology doesn’t have an imagination the things that technology is not going to hail.
00:06:55.682 –> 00:07:03.085
Imagination a heart and a soul and we basically have to figure out how do we.
00:07:04.739 –> 00:07:09.927
Exchange to wait hello cher.
00:07:10.617 –> 00:07:20.351
Our imagination are hard and also what other human beings because that’s what’s going to make a unique and underlying all of that.
00:07:20.736 –> 00:07:30.416
Is how do we come to the game what do we bring to the table what do we bring to the conversation and you have to come to the table with humility,
00:07:30.602 –> 00:07:44.856
because humility is what makes you open a new different which makes you able to effectively listen which makes you able to connect emotionally with other people because,
00:07:44.997 –> 00:07:48.357
psychological definition of humility which you.
00:07:48.724 –> 00:07:57.936
Make a couple of quotes about wedding basically shes really be our best self we have to be selfless and wrapped up.
00:07:58.248 –> 00:07:59.466
Not go.
00:08:00.319 –> 00:08:09.720
Improving were right leaving me no extra and the challenge with this news is that we humans are wired.
00:08:10.311 –> 00:08:13.825
You sync confirmation of what we believe.
00:08:15.028 –> 00:08:22.647
Farmar eagle and to see our stories and how the world works.
00:08:23.841 –> 00:08:29.786
We are comment blind we have confirmation by six.
00:08:32.286 –> 00:08:39.346
We are if you were fearful of making mistakes and looking stupid and not being like.
00:08:39.829 –> 00:08:48.349
Do you know where all of that we have this definition of our sales defined by how much i know what i know.
00:08:48.670 –> 00:08:51.508
When was the first time someone’s said you were smart.
00:08:52.730 –> 00:09:00.520
I’m out of union was the first time you start to get thing back in your elementary school teacher.
00:09:01.300 –> 00:09:10.035
Yeah this is okay i cleaned and welcome to this this question and question for you because this is keith that we get.
00:09:10.428 –> 00:09:24.511
Hide this idea of being smart and weak create a mental more than a new share this yourself but for me to answer your question was probably what i was a kid and my parents said and then what happened is the start protecting,
00:09:24.589 –> 00:09:25.294
00:09:25.354 –> 00:09:38.698
yo being smart and you start to build the mental model and it says its delivered if you don’t listen to a little bit now yes your exactly right your parents did when you get to school okay when you get to,
00:09:38.866 –> 00:09:53.759
elementary school college here but me know when you when you when you get to school hey its some kind time you got the right answer are you made a good score on manchester you did something nice never ending teacher says you’re smart and,
00:09:53.792 –> 00:09:58.908
leon we learn that being in smart things.
00:09:59.347 –> 00:10:13.150
Not making mistakes being smart means i know something and i know something better than somebody else right and so we started our define ourselves with i’m smart.
00:10:13.390 –> 00:10:21.891
I know more than you okay and it’s been there we go along the more we know,
00:10:21.942 –> 00:10:33.486
the smarter we are every time we getting a school ok im smart right and so you started in a find your ego with what you know what how much you know,
00:10:33.663 –> 00:10:41.741
and so you get down into you reach adulthood right and you been successful like you help and.
00:10:42.017 –> 00:10:47.034
You have only stories about how the world works and he don’t.
00:10:47.509 –> 00:10:55.082
I come into your life you will have a conversation when i say who disagree what you meet online store is different.
00:10:55.512 –> 00:11:05.210
Can you normal human reactions going to be oh okay no mas stories right because you know i know and
00:11:05.117 –> 00:11:19.461
and instead of saying we’ll we’ll just role playing here because you will probably act this way instead of the normal reaction to most people instead of ask okay and what do you think why do you think that you should wait a minute.
00:11:20.610 –> 00:11:25.510
I am right because of this we immediately start to defend a flag in the night.
00:11:25.885 –> 00:11:30.632
And what would goes on is between basically he’s always wrapped up include,
00:11:30.828 –> 00:11:40.715
begin how cold it of smart by what i know in how much i know what the new smart concept.
00:11:41.099 –> 00:11:48.151
Need to define ourselves by the quality of thinking listening relating in club ready.
00:11:48.481 –> 00:11:57.810
It’s a quality definition and thinking listening relating in collaborating are the underlying behaviors.
00:11:58.275 –> 00:12:08.019
That going to be needed in order for us human beings to have meaningful work in a meeting for a wife in a world that’s gonna be dominated by technology
00:12:07.944 –> 00:12:12.457
add love to do well and it’s because there’s a great saying that,
00:12:12.562 –> 00:12:22.701
if your walking your kitchen someday and you noticed kitchen sink was overflowing what you do grandma turn off the top right and i mentioned not to say.
00:12:22.978 –> 00:12:34.242
There’s two things we can do here wants turn off the top which is to stop happening in that we can do that with their children and future generations which is what you do any work in education in central
00:12:34.159 –> 00:12:41.930
and also we can start marking which is to focus on ourselves because i’m so many of your friends or parents.
00:12:42.540 –> 00:12:44.190
Intruder style,
00:12:44.304 –> 00:12:54.723
can you share how you like sporting progress as a child and became a wet to the idea of intelligence and protecting that intelligence i’d love to share this
00:12:54.594 –> 00:13:04.337
because this is what happens and actually where the ones parents are the ones who start the ball rolling with that mentality with your children yes yeah yeah
00:13:04.271 –> 00:13:12.475
it goes back i was raised in a small can i enroll sitting in georgia i was.
00:13:13.093 –> 00:13:22.846
I would say yeah i was not an athlete and in the community that i lived in the sport of us football.
00:13:23.167 –> 00:13:36.043
What is everything in fact in our little town was known for being a great football school and town and heroes in town where the football heroes and the cheerleaders sleep and stomach.
00:13:36.382 –> 00:13:43.263
It was not enough but a thousand people back then and why one out for pick up the football.
00:13:43.926 –> 00:13:53.516
And i was the only kid in the second grade and my account was not chosen to be on the football team because i was just not a good actually.
00:13:53.946 –> 00:14:06.255
Anyways devastated i mean it all my friends went to football practice my parents never said they were unhappy with me but i mean you know they can talk about you know there was no need for them to go to the game english,
00:14:06.360 –> 00:14:10.909
add kien anda a little bit of an outcast.
00:14:12.049 –> 00:14:18.705
I didn’t do it consciously when i didn’t have a scale i had a very good memory.
00:14:19.116 –> 00:14:24.952
And i can run very fast and so i said to myself i’m going to be a winner too.
00:14:25.616 –> 00:14:32.172
I will be the smartest kid in the room in the answer is first when the teacher asked questions.
00:14:32.457 –> 00:14:46.954
Im back to me know when you have many spelling bees everywhere these type of bees i mean young all types of competitions working with no lineup that the when you got the wrong answer yet sit down.
00:14:47.230 –> 00:14:53.390
I started out i said i’m going to basically be the smartest person and.
00:14:54.027 –> 00:15:03.734
Whenever teacher had a question i was the kid released in the front row and raised his hand and shook his hand into the teacher called on an end,
00:15:03.875 –> 00:15:17.372
i was very fortunate in the answer almost all the time when we had the spelling bee i get to webster dictionary in home and not study hours of my friends youth football practice i’m studying a dictionary,
00:15:17.523 –> 00:15:24.502
i won a spelling bee gees teacher decided she needs to change spelling because i was wondering every way she does the bible.
00:15:24.842 –> 00:15:37.574
Can i start studying the old testament and the new customer i start winning the bible every week it goes on so mind being pushed to find him i also became a popular kid
00:15:37.472 –> 00:15:39.743
i want to send the football stars like,
00:15:39.749 –> 00:15:48.763
i want to go to the leaders would look at me and okay and that was my entry into society by being smart and,
00:15:48.914 –> 00:15:51.806
i basically use that approach.
00:15:52.181 –> 00:16:06.660
Word thirty three years and became very successful and fired going back and me i was in the business world for twenty years in executive was very successful and reach thirty three.
00:16:06.927 –> 00:16:10.828
I sorta hit a wall and i was never arrogant,
00:16:10.942 –> 00:16:22.045
i just had to win and i didn’t want people i just had to pay me the one with the right answer any hit me with age thirty three weight a minute.
00:16:22.375 –> 00:16:36.700
I got these teams and the job is not for me to show the team how smart and its to develop them i basically had to adopt a new way of operating a new way of listening to me i wasn’t awful.
00:16:37.004 –> 00:16:46.963
I think the thirty three years i never is the person who made a statement a question about what they were saying to make sure i understood i was sure to lock and loaded,
00:16:47.122 –> 00:16:56.587
when you stop talking i basically launched in here i came with my views or here i can’t with my views as to why i try to wire amount.
00:16:56.854 –> 00:17:01.286
And so i was a piece of work reason at sixty dias
00:17:01.247 –> 00:17:12.656
i was never even mean really arrogant i mean i got along with people that liked me never heard people in when i was little later i always been sweet caring people in god,
00:17:12.815 –> 00:17:22.387
big pay raises jump transfer send the school helped along the way but i was not using the psychological definition
00:17:22.384 –> 00:17:26.105
remember i didn’t possess humility and because of that.
00:17:26.300 –> 00:17:39.752
I really wasn’t that good of a learner and also because of that i get a half deep emotional connections at home or deep emotional connection with my people and i had to work on that soap i had the best regards to ray.
00:17:40.092 –> 00:17:46.477
Major transformation which some extent i am still on and um maybe will always be hot,
00:17:46.672 –> 00:17:57.100
because i’m bored and this rude game and society that you get aids by know in more than other people and you get a spot not making mistakes so therefore,
00:17:57.205 –> 00:18:01.052
that’s how u six een i also asked you god and because,
00:18:01.058 –> 00:18:12.791
i was the philips i was hit the problem she was having picked all the time but wasn’t the smartest but i eventually got back to became a freshman sports player in the plan for over a decade what i found,
00:18:12.842 –> 00:18:20.731
ignite world was equally the same thing is happening because people will be coming their jersey number become defined by,
00:18:20.782 –> 00:18:33.388
the sports they played and no this idea use to be somebody used to be a container behind the bar it’s example find an NFL in your natural sports let’s call it american football.
00:18:33.763 –> 00:18:43.731
When the nfl player retires on average salary of a bed two million dollars are usually brown quad in a couple of years because they cant let go of the person that used to be,
00:18:43.927 –> 00:18:50.654
i think it’s the important message end disney world and the smart machine age but bring it,
00:18:50.849 –> 00:18:55.389
this concert in the business world and the workplace there’s a key in the book air.
00:18:55.864 –> 00:19:08.407
Its easier for other people to help us if you collaboration not a competition to see who is rice roll order as a conversation to define that is the most accurate answer yes can,
00:19:08.512 –> 00:19:14.933
the queen is based on the science that says we can achieve excellence.
00:19:15.822 –> 00:19:20.074
And that type of thinking that humans are gonna be needed to do.
00:19:20.431 –> 00:19:27.888
We can achieve excellence in that i feel emotionally engaging humans are gonna be needed to do by ourselves.
00:19:28.407 –> 00:19:41.463
We can overcome our confirmation biases by ourselves we can all the sudden become this open minded person and the other thing is we still required the same way
00:19:41.379 –> 00:19:45.037
may i share just a short story please do please do.
00:19:45.439 –> 00:19:59.180
I was in london england and the dates for my november eleven twenty seventeen do not talk with fifty global chief technology officer with european companies and my wife and i.
00:19:59.573 –> 00:20:07.741
Trying to travel together when i go over is because i have studied and that i was raised in your environment in
00:20:07.558 –> 00:20:10.396
when are information systems basically take me to
00:20:10.339 –> 00:20:19.912
theatre and opera to get some culture when we go so she went with me and we always have a great time and we would love london and where’s the british museum.
00:20:20.431 –> 00:20:30.012
What happened is we get ready to have lunch with us go to the dining room i said with my wife to the table for two so it’s very close together and my wife.
00:20:30.207 –> 00:20:38.771
Ask question she said you know what you can order and we talking shit well i’m gonna have the grilled salmon and a salad would you like french fries.
00:20:39.300 –> 00:20:48.341
When she knows i don’t like red french fries that much but i know that if i say no she order so i have french fries too so we order french fries.
00:20:48.833 –> 00:20:53.805
And the rest of the dinner we’re getting there in our waiter comes up puts a little
00:20:53.775 –> 00:21:04.635
search the fosters not of is not why did it change the color and puts a saucer between us where we’re sitting real close together i mean not search.
00:21:04.893 –> 00:21:11.198
What can i earn ten inches of me and i look down at that saucer looking for the catcher.
00:21:11.825 –> 00:21:19.048
And i don’t know why that upset me and i’m saying to myself,
00:21:19.198 –> 00:21:26.402
it’s much is we’re paying for this lunch my wife deserves all sorts of ketchup,
00:21:26.454 –> 00:21:38.420
what is a cliff hanger use the logo will turn frosty my cake but i know that if i called the waiter over here and kill him to bring my wife saw my wife.
00:21:38.922 –> 00:21:51.483
Could you send independent person would be upset because she wanted more cats she should be trying to solve her problems so i’m just going to slow burn in generally speaking is my weight.
00:21:51.822 –> 00:22:01.196
Emotions get the better of your your yogourts can get warm and red will my yellow spotlight the world fire lunch comes pretty quickly.
00:22:01.761 –> 00:22:07.201
Play it down in my wife picks up with french fries and sheen goes to dip it.
00:22:07.585 –> 00:22:15.996
And she said ok would you like ketchup mayonnaise i said what would you like super nice.
00:22:17.541 –> 00:22:25.619
And i’m look at the saucer the salsa was not a white sauce or salsa was half full a catch up in half for the mayonnaise.
00:22:26.094 –> 00:22:35.909
I was kinda to blind i did not see that mayonnaise that’s why i was accepted know why was i contact you but.
00:22:36.275 –> 00:22:49.034
Because i mentioned before i grew up in rome georgia road george you catch up on french fries and you a mayonnaise on tomato sandwiches and you didn’t makes it so.
00:22:49.428 –> 00:22:57.920
That’s cognitive confirmation bias which we all have needs too we do not process information.
00:22:58.115 –> 00:23:06.931
Let basically we don’t already know or believe because brian is your prediction machine i’m bringing predictions.
00:23:07.396 –> 00:23:17.391
What were going to feel what we’re going to perceive what we’re going to affect think even before work what’s going on in our body.
00:23:17.794 –> 00:23:24.359
Where prediction machines in thankfully lot of times to bring is right but basically.
00:23:25.509 –> 00:23:34.397
Not processing information or not hearing it or not giving he do weight that’s why i need you i need you.
00:23:34.862 –> 00:23:44.623
The stress test my thank you i need you to ask questions i need you to challenge me 9 competitive.
00:23:44.981 –> 00:23:52.347
And so long is i think you care about me as a person in so long is i trust you when your not trying to hurt me and vice versa
00:23:52.245 –> 00:23:58.109
that will come out with a much better answer when you coming by yourself or i’ll come up by yourself,
00:23:58.295 –> 00:24:05.103
any in the complex world we’re going to live in a smart machine h no human being by themselves.
00:24:05.461 –> 00:24:13.755
Move the fuck it’s going to require change working together with other people in order to do that effectively.
00:24:14.139 –> 00:24:21.740
You have to be the type of person and other people want to work with and i submit to you if you have battery in greece.
00:24:22.124 –> 00:24:29.283
A psychological concept of humility you’re more likely to be the person that some one wants to work with and wants to help,
00:24:29.317 –> 00:24:40.824
any fun aragon its important is that you do on the boat motor still had no formal training and had to think to listen to learn and experiment through in curry,
00:24:40.903 –> 00:24:55.273
how to most leading edge how to manage emotions had to collaborate or how to embrace mistakes as learning opportunities this is because western and protected us close your favorite high grades over mastery aggressive and very competitive
00:24:55.261 –> 00:24:59.054
the avoidance of all costs all of which hinder
00:24:59.042 –> 00:25:06.256
thinking creativity releasing learning how to very best you go on to say to organizations need to,
00:25:06.406 –> 00:25:15.204
engage people and foster a sense of being a printer yes then by what i mean.
00:25:15.597 –> 00:25:21.020
Her friend you can learn learning and really learn the pacers change.
00:25:21.548 –> 00:25:30.382
And that is if you will the skill of the future in the foundation of building block of that is humidity.
00:25:30.892 –> 00:25:34.055
Because humility and your eyes.
00:25:34.673 –> 00:25:44.435
Being a good listener and being open-minded connecting and relating emotionally with other people having empathy and compassion.
00:25:45.269 –> 00:25:48.657
Under lies have been affected collaboration.
00:25:49.257 –> 00:25:58.676
You can have carrying trusting teams if you basically have people that are full of themselves out for themselves and only care about himself
00:25:58.664 –> 00:26:04.104
that’s all of you will end up looking organization going forward,
00:26:04.183 –> 00:26:10.415
i need the successful organization go to punch psychological principles
00:26:10.349 –> 00:26:19.057
oh consol emotions because positive emotions enable learning negative emotions learning psychological safety
00:26:18.955 –> 00:26:30.562
my friend amy since great great work on psychological safety is more important because you have to feel safe with other people and that’s why personal competition
00:26:30.487 –> 00:26:35.765
can be in your workplace ok if you want to have competition you competition is a computer.
00:26:36.078 –> 00:26:43.489
And the question comes down to long-term do i really need competition or should i be highly motivated to be the best self i can be.
00:26:43.721 –> 00:26:51.880
I’m trying to be the best self and my teammates to try to be the best self while trying to do the best work may be our biggest competition is yourself.
00:26:52.345 –> 00:26:59.900
Maybe if we separate ourselves from our old way of working no way of being maybe then.
00:27:00.375 –> 00:27:07.669
We can be all set up all the we can be and i firmly believe my biggest competition is myself
00:27:07.667 –> 00:27:16.627
and that is managing myself managing my thinking managing my emotions managing my ego overcoming my fear and insecurities,
00:27:16.633 –> 00:27:25.773
everybody’s fearful and everybody’s insecure is just a matter of degree and it’s a matter of how you manage it no specially with fears.
00:27:26.031 –> 00:27:35.153
Do we let fear is basically make choices for us we basically own our fearless managers are fierce do we late fears overwhelm us,
00:27:35.196 –> 00:27:43.066
when do we basically moved where they basically where we don’t behave in ways that are detrimental to other people.
00:27:43.415 –> 00:27:49.728
How do i just normal life i’m not talking about you are a special forces operations
00:27:49.581 –> 00:28:02.529
military person protecting your country in michigan not talking about a place also having to contact people are talking about just know what color like normal business environment text.
00:28:02.895 –> 00:28:09.371
The concept is almost like okay how do i bring my best self to work.
00:28:09.674 –> 00:28:16.753
What’s the mindset what’s the address i need in what’s the process i’m going to used in order to be.
00:28:17.236 –> 00:28:20.507
The best learning can be in the best carburetor can be.
00:28:20.783 –> 00:28:29.905
End the part of the mindset is the new smart prints located we mentioned one of them for example before the behaviors.
00:28:30.226 –> 00:28:34.523
The humidity broke people always ask me how do you pick up these behaviors.
00:28:35.016 –> 00:28:42.697
Well this is what i did and i’m not saying it’s full proof i’m not saying it’s the only way to do list when i started thinking deeply.
00:28:43.046 –> 00:28:52.024
January a twenty fourteen what are the skills the human your going to have to technologist not going to.
00:28:52.426 –> 00:29:04.645
New well and weve mentioned critical thinking about you thinking imagination remote engagement other people and then i spend alot of time will in order to be good skills
00:29:04.543 –> 00:29:13.206
how does someone need to behave all my work humility both the book which is coming out in august how long it is behavior based
00:29:13.149 –> 00:29:15.196
good intentions to not enough.
00:29:15.715 –> 00:29:28.357
Business concepts have to be operational behavior and so i’m into a behavioral approach to learning and behavior approach to being smart so i started thinking what are the behavior smh.
00:29:28.975 –> 00:29:33.560
Will i need to be in the behaviors space where we are watching the book.
00:29:33.917 –> 00:29:42.707
Humility reflected listening other miss being able to connect to enroll in a positive way with other people open minded
00:29:42.632 –> 00:29:51.673
collaboration affected collaboration insult how do you behave to get those results that’s what you let me know if you will
00:29:51.490 –> 00:30:05.104
down this journey of defining these behaviors that’s what is the diagnostic and a book called a new smart behaviors were the key behavior and diagnostic for
00:30:04.984 –> 00:30:11.748
people to take any nabi can you send diagnostic on over three thousand senior i can use
00:30:11.637 –> 00:30:23.478
yeah i know i can just tell or friends are listening just see if its there are questions we are the right answer is a one notified that the biggest number just to keep people to spend generally speaking
00:30:23.367 –> 00:30:30.167
answer that every three thousand people are thinking answered honestly very few high scores.
00:30:30.641 –> 00:30:39.403
Because we’ve never been trained how to listen we never been trained how to think it’s special when we never been trained how do we manage our emotions.
00:30:39.670 –> 00:30:50.620
How do we sleep and negative emotions how do we generate positive emotions how do we actually connect with people emotions or what’s what’s going on by a chemical in our body
00:30:50.500 –> 00:30:53.671
in the book gets into this type of green tea
00:30:53.650 –> 00:31:03.682
switch to basically take small steps it have a personal development programme when i called you know if she can affect your journey to your best self.
00:31:03.958 –> 00:31:13.611
That’s what this is all about in rome somewhere nice i can tell you in companies that i work with in terms of work with its magical what can happen.
00:31:13.816 –> 00:31:25.872
Matthew go what can happen anytime just let me use the net knows where it’s it’s actually sing it happen feeling it but having the people who were actually doing yet,
00:31:25.996 –> 00:31:31.373
how much is on my consulting experience workshop suit you can learn this stuff,
00:31:31.487 –> 00:31:39.799
you can understand it by reading what you can when did you actually try and do it any measure yourself after every meeting.
00:31:40.066 –> 00:31:44.129
I need to work on listening okay and you have a chocolate after every meeting.
00:31:45.324 –> 00:31:53.842
Give me shelter great on a sharepoint did i ask questions before i told people my answer did i make sure i understood the other person,
00:31:53.975 –> 00:32:03.205
did i take a pause where is the true present in listening all the time i was making up my answer what a person was talking.
00:32:03.814 –> 00:32:08.102
I use to be a plus class on making on my actual before the other person was.
00:32:08.333 –> 00:32:17.482
When i was sure pretty sure could be sure pretty sure that i knew that there was nothing new and rocket.
00:32:17.705 –> 00:32:18.608
00:32:18.920 –> 00:32:31.724
How would you know i went through over ten years in the business world it be nate would never heard everything is a will there be interrupt you know what’s in the soft voice.
00:32:32.369 –> 00:32:41.383
When did i tell me my answer no me know when there’s a split did the same thing basically you know when i’m headed to figure out what is the game over.
00:32:42.065 –> 00:32:43.229
Call the question,
00:32:43.235 –> 00:32:52.285
using your boots if i want your opinion give it to you if you’d a bad
00:32:52.273 –> 00:33:00.675
oso polar i mean if you could see me and rushing and turning red i mean probably back i should be where i should be wearing
00:33:00.438 –> 00:33:10.839
embroidered shirts or t shirts with that on back and my old life and her figure out sometimes man and a great guest on the show before
00:33:10.737 –> 00:33:20.696
who’s got julian treasure and he has a most listen to talk to all time call him to be heard and has a book of the same title is and when,
00:33:20.775 –> 00:33:25.450
what are people talking what we usually engages nothing called script writing
00:33:25.285 –> 00:33:37.090
we’re writing roster if you finish talking but i gotta be really useful for their loss because you mentioned the behavior is there and will mention those for core behavior is five
00:33:37.087 –> 00:33:39.916
key principles that example fighting you smart.
00:33:40.309 –> 00:33:48.783
When we touch down which is undefined not by what i know is or how much i know but the quality of my thinking listening when i didn’t collaborating
00:33:48.628 –> 00:34:05.465
it’s examples of either closed i will not identify with the content of me believe i will only identify with the way i come to my beliefs that’s the first one but the second one let’s move on to this cuz we don’t have time to share them all just for laughs the second i feel loved which is
00:34:05.309 –> 00:34:11.685
mental models or not reality they’re only my general latest stories of my world works
00:34:11.538 –> 00:34:22.434
i’m here if you reference the fan of pixar yeah and a stuffed that’s what the principal said pixar which is a very very creative animated studios,
00:34:22.530 –> 00:34:34.335
company and end the science is clear i mean matteo not reality they’re just start stories because the science now is basically getting very sophisticated in that
00:34:34.269 –> 00:34:41.042
if we’re out let’s just say were standing up tall is standing out in dublin.
00:34:41.480 –> 00:34:46.470
Limited street and there’s lots going on okay.
00:34:47.106 –> 00:34:55.247
You’re going to see maybe one percent what’s going on and what you’re going to perceive.
00:34:56.289 –> 00:35:02.899
Right in your consciousness basically confirms what you believe.
00:35:03.599 –> 00:35:12.235
And so far i think our stories since we’re still so much we don’t see okay umm.
00:35:13.015 –> 00:35:17.906
Find this neuroscientist said recently we see what we believe.
00:35:19.325 –> 00:35:30.500
That’s bs so if i see what i believe and once i realized how much knowledge of doing different ways of looking at things model not reality they’re just my story.
00:35:30.785 –> 00:35:40.510
What’s your story okay what’s your story what’s your story man what’s your store when they come from different backgrounds.
00:35:41.219 –> 00:35:50.440
Call cherish training different school next pretty nice guy bring to the table very added gifts.
00:35:51.203 –> 00:35:52.511
Its true that.
00:35:53.138 –> 00:36:06.779
Amalgamation of all i edit did we can basically get better definition of reality or create a new definition weather channel ovation imagination leave leave.
00:36:06.992 –> 00:36:07.959
Third point.
00:36:08.262 –> 00:36:21.849
I am not my ideas and i’m st couple my buddy’s talking about virtues as i used the couple my bleach my email don’t define myself by my idea when i was started on my journey.
00:36:22.125 –> 00:36:24.694
Before every meeting and i would go into.
00:36:25.627 –> 00:36:36.181
I wish outside the meeting room take fifteen to thirty seconds and go when i’m not my ideas this is not about me i am not my ideas this is not about me,
00:36:36.313 –> 00:36:42.689
it’s not my idea i’m not my idea this is not about me not saying that problem five six times eight.
00:36:43.038 –> 00:36:49.828
Remind myself i’m not my ideas and this is not about me this is not basically but my ego,
00:36:50.005 –> 00:37:00.010
how can i make a contribution the fourth one i must be open minded increase my bottle is not move the associated street my ideas
00:36:59.944 –> 00:37:05.402
is hypothesis to be constantly texting and subject to modification better data.
00:37:05.930 –> 00:37:10.362
What is basically saying everyone of us needs to think like a good scientists.
00:37:11.728 –> 00:37:22.002
Everything i believe it’s my hypothesis and i started training years ago the remote consulting when i’m having conversations with people.
00:37:22.594 –> 00:37:27.440
I no longer say i believe that i say this is my hypothesis.
00:37:28.850 –> 00:37:34.056
And i found the more i can say this is where my package is easier.
00:37:35.476 –> 00:37:44.373
Do you have it be modified if someone got better data is just a hypothesis and then the first one,
00:37:44.469 –> 00:37:58.254
it is very important especially the culture and the cultural survival will finish the united states business culture different than most business culture around the world is mistakes and failures opportunity to learn,
00:37:58.414 –> 00:38:07.040
no put quotation mark so long as you’re not making the same mistake over and over because of u make me same mistake over and over that you’re not learning,
00:38:07.209 –> 00:38:21.534
show mistakes and failures opportunities to learn selenium there within financial long should not making the same mistake over and over so if you come to the table what those troubles do,
00:38:21.684 –> 00:38:29.015
it makes it easier to deal with horse your self image and how you define yourself.
00:38:30.399 –> 00:38:32.589
From what’s going on in the meeting.
00:38:34.288 –> 00:38:41.681
It’s easy for you to have a story about yourself it’s quality based.
00:38:43.056 –> 00:38:49.531
I doing good job of listening to people i help people come to better answer.
00:38:50.348 –> 00:38:56.445
People want me on there team because i’m a good team player that doesn’t mean go along get along.
00:38:57.270 –> 00:39:04.556
That means you bring value different view points but you come to the meetings in a way you live other people.
00:39:06.003 –> 00:39:15.026
Can you become a role model me because you for other people who act the same way and then all of a sudden you start having really.
00:39:15.572 –> 00:39:22.138
Really great conversation and all of a sudden you end up everybody’s been state of flo.
00:39:22.450 –> 00:39:29.204
When yall landing time is going by new jersey all involved it’s just like magic.
00:39:29.787 –> 00:39:36.388
What happen my workers to help small teams have collected flow where all four five six people.
00:39:36.979 –> 00:39:40.547
Or only in the project it’s just like.
00:39:41.318 –> 00:39:52.061
Magical what comes out new site somebody’s complete have these principles already in place and what are the missed a great bridgewater associates great company
00:39:51.860 –> 00:39:57.615
you interview to ryan the interview the company i find this so irritating to think,
00:39:57.676 –> 00:40:03.134
when you return can do employees of bridgewater you said one of the latest and something like,
00:40:03.302 –> 00:40:08.328
instead of feeling insecure with my thinking where my hope this is challenged,
00:40:08.352 –> 00:40:16.079
i know feel insecure if my thinking is not challenged you are absolutely love the map imagine not being the culture where
00:40:16.004 –> 00:40:24.937
you’re just gonna gun what do you think guys any any open up to be attacked and that’s actually a good thing because the thing,
00:40:25.124 –> 00:40:33.993
i feeling so great about your work is just world is in believable flux only gonna be like saturday but that’s nineteen
00:40:33.991 –> 00:40:46.759
and nobody knows the answers so therefore we all need to be working together as me and said she was on the show by the way i had before christmas fantastic episode hello lisa where she said,
00:40:46.918 –> 00:40:50.180
everybody in the organization needs to be sensors.
00:40:50.375 –> 00:40:59.146
View what’s going on and report back to a central repository in order to navigate the ship going forward she is such a.
00:40:59.512 –> 00:41:03.242
Wonderful human being and a wonderful.
00:41:03.617 –> 00:41:16.196
Thinker and sheila rates people with her know if you will hurt a research in her approach and the wonderful thing is that she wants to talk.
00:41:16.887 –> 00:41:23.416
What’s wonderful that’s when you see leading academics you actually walk the talk the behaves the way,
00:41:23.611 –> 00:41:32.823
they’re trying to the spouse when do the things he got everything about their was resend back to embracing failure and can go back to it stealing that
00:41:32.659 –> 00:41:45.238
morning set and our kids you know when do the things i print my kids think i am not always can i drop them like computers drop a little bit nuggets of knowledge for which i will be right there had to put
00:41:45.136 –> 00:41:54.141
when do the things if i got my kids hope you learn better by making mistakes and that japanese problem poland seven times get up buddy,
00:41:54.219 –> 00:42:03.809
is baked into the school because this is where this all goes awry somewhere along the way but remember an incident with my young kids read six.
00:42:04.040 –> 00:42:14.567
And he came home when is patriots that i’m mad i’m he was fearful about coloring and commercial security was fearful that he would go outside the lights.
00:42:14.888 –> 00:42:19.671
And it came to my mind when is rainy book because you talk about professionalism.
00:42:20.010 –> 00:42:29.808
I’m professionalism and absolute killer you quote brian a brown in the book where she sends research shows the perfection is a shipment,
00:42:29.931 –> 00:42:35.362
refraction is a mr cole with depression anxiety addiction and life problems since
00:42:35.215 –> 00:42:47.821
missed opportunities for the fear of failing making mistakes not meeting people’s expectations of being criticized keeps us outside the arena for healthy competition and striving on falls absolutely
00:42:47.746 –> 00:42:54.996
legendary close but this idea of perfection isn’t so toxic in the work environment
00:42:54.930 –> 00:43:04.359
yeah and she are short story when my previous books i get a case study on name two at one and two it was going to transform
00:43:04.293 –> 00:43:12.163
it’s whole company do innovation company and one of the things they did after they got into it,
00:43:12.341 –> 00:43:20.320
basically announced to the company no longer will you be allowed to use the word mistake inside into it.
00:43:21.316 –> 00:43:29.286
Because whenever you’re doing experiments or you’re trying thanks and answer different than expected.
00:43:29.634 –> 00:43:39.287
We call that a surprise not a mistake so far from here on out and learning situation will be called surprises.
00:43:40.266 –> 00:43:52.854
And i think just using that word with children you know i was learning to ride a bicycle and i put my dear nice lol no you didn’t make a mistake.
00:43:53.553 –> 00:43:58.453
What you would top would work didn’t work so you’re surprised okay.
00:43:58.675 –> 00:44:11.065
I made a surprise what do i do with the surprise will i better put my food in different ways ok go try again or not way of thinking and just to reinforce the strength to this park in the street to the research to put in,
00:44:11.206 –> 00:44:15.782
we had a former CO of the masters and the show last week and.
00:44:16.149 –> 00:44:26.648
He spoke of the requirements for humidity is the leadership skill to be over doesn’t she skilled and that was actually another recent gas bill treasurer who calls a humidity.
00:44:26.915 –> 00:44:28.800
I was as a leadership killer,
00:44:28.941 –> 00:44:40.188
what in your research interviews with research is jim queen the president of tiffany and co bridge waters radio to mention scott co-founder of interest last block of google,
00:44:40.293 –> 00:44:48.290
all these shoes will be successful leaders highlights humidity is key in this increasingly complex business environment.
00:44:48.629 –> 00:44:55.167
Yes jon hennessy who is the chairman of alphabet google current company in which the former
00:44:55.065 –> 00:45:03.782
president of stanford university and head of the school of engineering and stanford in one of the founders of silicon valley gets new leadership book,
00:45:03.834 –> 00:45:08.275
has about can chapter twenty starts out chapter one,
00:45:08.344 –> 00:45:13.883
the number one important thing for later is humility its something that you know you hear about tits
00:45:13.691 –> 00:45:26.495
it’s not spoken about and which switch you do brilliantly here nervous right back to the history of it back to socrates etc moving on because i mentioned paid me the five principles record to be sad.
00:45:26.771 –> 00:45:33.517
And next you talk about the four keeping required in the smart machine age quitting go
00:45:33.487 –> 00:45:48.380
managing self reflective listening and all that is in the book you offer ideas templates processes in tips gallery from science research work with managers and leaders in your own experiences in the experiments in trying to improve new smart routers,
00:45:48.530 –> 00:45:54.222
we want time to explore them all but perhaps share a top line on the ps four keyboard.
00:45:54.552 –> 00:46:04.557
The quality we been talking about the humidity and knew smart principles and how to approach to managing self is extremely important.
00:46:04.833 –> 00:46:10.840
Being able to understand we need to mitigate active this,
00:46:10.865 –> 00:46:17.952
we need to take ownership of how we think and the book called fourth and gifts basically different,
00:46:18.102 –> 00:46:23.417
different templates too you know question critical thinking questions
00:46:23.351 –> 00:46:35.057
a methodology for how to go into the unknown and figure it out so how do you basically take ownership of yours thinking and have checklist that you can use
00:46:34.991 –> 00:46:43.230
make sure will i get nasty with you think about this except emotions or mission critical because.
00:46:44.200 –> 00:46:46.300
Most people are not talk.
00:46:47.612 –> 00:46:55.401
How to manage their emotions when their basically the harbor we active they basically just
00:46:55.381 –> 00:47:07.654
you know what things just happen in your body and i just got to relax and natural endpoint you know you can take ownership of the book is really big on the concept of choice
00:47:07.921 –> 00:47:22.769
we have a choice of how we behave we have a choice as to how we react to our emotions we have a choice as to whether we express our emotions we have a choice so that puts for the science of how do you sleep
00:47:22.613 –> 00:47:23.768
00:47:23.738 –> 00:47:33.220
emotions especially negative emotion so i don’t overwhelm you or if you will become like you know we’re riding a horse when the horse starts
00:47:33.154 –> 00:47:39.603
walking in morning to run the leading the horse on you instead of new orleans the horse
00:47:39.573 –> 00:47:47.633
in the book also has practice is so how do you generate passive emotions because positive emotions.
00:47:48.899 –> 00:47:52.647
Motions basically your camera queen based in our body.
00:47:52.968 –> 00:48:01.496
And there are a waste that you can basically down the negative up and more in control of news ways to generate the positive.
00:48:01.926 –> 00:48:04.926
Listening and we talked about it
00:48:04.806 –> 00:48:15.153
the other part is emotionally connecting and relating to other people and there is a science to connecting and relating to other people there is a science
00:48:15.033 –> 00:48:21.544
what’s so interesting interesting if you look at what determines the quality of your connection and your lady.
00:48:21.992 –> 00:48:30.439
Lowest value thing is your words no okay it’s more your tone in your body language.
00:48:31.867 –> 00:48:42.402
Your eye contact like lack of eye contact and neuroscience shows do you have what color good emotionally connected,
00:48:42.418 –> 00:48:53.547
relationship and i’m talking not log in rome and some talking about crushed caring for each other basically had a synchronization,
00:48:53.635 –> 00:48:58.282
certain chemicals in my body and chemicals in your body and that’s all done.
00:48:58.757 –> 00:49:03.639
Body sweat out is truly knowing about it it depends on.
00:49:03.915 –> 00:49:12.920
How you look at me and jon what i’m sensing from you what you’re sensing for me and show the science of connecting.
00:49:13.215 –> 00:49:21.355
A ride the power of i contact the power of smiles power of asking questions okay
00:49:21.245 –> 00:49:34.571
the power of the having stillness in relax ation in your body which i can send you can sense all that sort of laid off in the book i wanna read a story of how to,
00:49:34.595 –> 00:49:43.897
do this how to include based on what the science says research shows in madrid state cowboys to ride in the bay area,
00:49:44.011 –> 00:49:56.698
it’s possible manner i’m not the brightest light bulb in the pack arrived in my greatest strength is probably i just said disciplined and i work in so i tried to get in to the point where being,
00:49:56.722 –> 00:50:02.676
if i don’t understand it if i can operational eyes at two thousand go in my book.
00:50:03.429 –> 00:50:10.607
Because otherwise i’m just telling people what other people think that i don’t know whether it works or not post everything that network
00:50:10.559 –> 00:50:14.649
no i can validate for my own you have this stuff can work,
00:50:14.727 –> 00:50:21.553
you do a great job in adrian doing absolutely love the book and it totally spoke to the spirit of show
00:50:21.380 –> 00:50:25.470
and i mentioned what the starting process will finish with this
00:50:25.278 –> 00:50:39.954
the idea of adding with a lower case because i came across this and i was out before josh can wish of course i address you like theater edwards it’s actually but then i change to hi the lower case add under the story behind this
00:50:39.942 –> 00:50:45.149
yeah there’s a story and no i.
00:50:45.650 –> 00:50:56.239
Eustace in my name he shall and he was a newbie ok so im looking coming down and then the end.
00:50:57.695 –> 00:51:06.043
Do you know what i was doing this research and stuff i was getting ready and no i was signing something.
00:51:06.301 –> 00:51:09.851
Can you just skip it what’s going on with this guy.
00:51:11.063 –> 00:51:17.296
Whoa wait a minute what am i trending kill somebody with that being clever.
00:51:18.976 –> 00:51:27.162
What if i signed it illegally and little d how would it feel so i said.
00:51:29.518 –> 00:51:31.168
Maybe then biggie.
00:51:31.732 –> 00:51:40.071
Message you will you go fuck and so i started so many years ago everything even my email louis.
00:51:40.897 –> 00:51:44.203
I need help you was almost like.
00:51:45.299 –> 00:51:54.358
Looking like the blood came out of work and it’s came out to me and when i signed my emails now with the little guy.
00:51:55.363 –> 00:52:00.210
It also think impacts how i am writing in coming across.
00:52:01.557 –> 00:52:07.249
End the end the email let me know it’s where i can email what i say no.
00:52:08.075 –> 00:52:11.885
You j i have this problem we have this problem,
00:52:12.000 –> 00:52:26.469
here we need to talk about his here’s what i think there’s always some type of style tried to let what i need to connect this this is human to human personal personal lease signing with a louis was hard of mine.
00:52:26.979 –> 00:52:40.477
Echo reduction training program it’s a wonderful exercise that we can all share things like breathing meditation mindfulness etc understood reminded that she was brought to you with thanks to microsoft for startups,
00:52:40.573 –> 00:52:43.033
for people who wanna find out more about your work,
00:52:43.084 –> 00:52:52.855
you’re books center where can they find you basically go to the business school garden www my name da da rd and.
00:52:53.158 –> 00:53:00.480
Got you can look me up there and see my bio in my list of books articles
00:53:00.387 –> 00:53:12.164
interviews etc what the easiest way to find me and everything is on its on google cuz it’ll take you to my website to take you to various things that have been published
00:53:12.036 –> 00:53:15.558
i’m trying to get a sprint when i say that.
00:53:15.961 –> 00:53:23.003
I wanna close by thanking you for the very meaningful conversation in taking you for
00:53:22.856 –> 00:53:31.402
all the work that you could in no need reading the book but in understanding the book and caring about the book the next that makes this conversation,
00:53:31.409 –> 00:53:37.317
so much more meaning for four of your listeners and everything because you really got into,
00:53:37.332 –> 00:53:50.091
you are an to the grand opera association and how old is stuff works in the wild and very wonderful manner for your audi is very fortunate to have you and i know you’re fortunate and bam
00:53:49.989 –> 00:53:58.535
i’m very fortunate to be able to be with you and so from the bottom my heart do you know what up with a big big hug man not,
00:53:58.577 –> 00:54:11.750
thank you very much and i do hope our paths cross again it’s been an absolute honor and you know you said that not been the smartest guys are not the smartest cookie disciplined and it’s an absolute honor to read,
00:54:11.820 –> 00:54:15.460
work off all the gas have a other week and your work with.
00:54:15.565 –> 00:54:22.445
Very special to me in a really enjoyed it before it is i nothing thank you for your brilliance,
00:54:22.523 –> 00:54:27.810
knowledge wisdom today i want to thank our sponsors for startups
00:54:27.664 –> 00:54:41.026
thank you for your support and helping us grow the show we have a newsletter so go head to the innovation show that you can sign up for weekly update are monthly updates on the show and i like to think,
00:54:41.077 –> 00:54:50.190
our guest to the altar of humidity is the new smart rethinking human and a smart machine age and has.
00:54:50.349 –> 00:54:56.897
Thanks for joining us thank you for having best to everyone.