Dan Ariely Misbelief Podcast

Navigating Misinformation with Empathy: Misbelief with Dan Ariely

This episode features Dan Ariely, author of ‘Misbelief, what makes rational people believe irrational things’, focusing on the psychology behind misinformation and belief in conspiracy theories.

Ellen Langer Innovation Show Aidan McCullen

Ellen Langer – The Mindful Body Part 1

An Interview with Ellen Langer: The Power of Mindfulness in Health and Life. Ellen Langer was the first woman to be tenured in psychology at Harvard. Known worldwide as the mother of mindfulness and the mother of Positive Psychology

Image of robots sitting around like gods

The God(s) and The Useless: Scams and Gaps In an Age of AI

While scams and fraud have been around as long as human society, what happens when a scammer is no longer a person but an AI? As in Esperanza’s case, trust is often the scammer’s most potent weapon. This elderly woman, driven by her religious obsession, gave her life savings to someone she believed was divine. With its capacity to learn and adapt, AI could potentially exploit that trust on a much larger scale.

Mark Solms The Hidden Spring The Cortical Fallacy

Mark Solms – The Hidden Spring Part 3: The Cortical Fallacy

In The Hidden Spring, our guest Mark Solms does not dive too deeply into Karl Fristonā€™s mathematics. As you will discover, he summarises its implications, describing Fristonā€™s free energy as a quantifiable measure of how a system models the world and how it behaves. This notion leads to a very different idea of consciousness from Descartesā€™s reason-centric version that set up the puzzling dualism of ā€œmindā€ and ā€œmatterā€, a la Damasio’s Descartes Error. Mark explores the ā€œcortical fallacy,ā€ which refers to his view that neuroscientists who have argued that the ā€œseat of consciousnessā€ is in the cortex are wrong. Recent neuroscience has shed light on where this is.

As Mark points out, damage to just two cubic millimetres of the upper brainstem will ā€œobliterate all consciousness.ā€

So where does it “Spring” from?

Greg Satell

LIVE SHOW: Greg Satell – How to Save the World From AI

I was MC for the tech stage at the Fifteen Seconds Festival in Graz, Austria. My friend Greg Satell joined me on stage and wrapped his change framework around the compelling question: “How Can We Save The World From AI.”

Phaedra Boinodiris

LIVE SHOW: Phaedra Boinodiris – AI for the Rest of Us

I was MC for the tech stage at the Fifteen seconds Festival in Graz, Austria. I had the pleasure of meeting the brilliant Phaedra Boinodiris. She is the author of the book ā€œAI for the Rest of Usā€, and is a co-founder of the Future World Alliance, a non-profit dedicated to curating K-12 education in AI ethics.

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