In Great Company: How to Spark Peak Performance By Creating an Emotionally Connected Workplace with Louis Carter

Our guest today presents a practical approach to ensure that your employees perform at their highest possible levels. It’s not about increasing salaries, offering huge bonuses, or investing in the latest employee engagement tools. The real answer is simpler, deeper, and longer-lasting: getting your people to love where they work.  He takes us step by step through the process of building a lasting emotional connection between your staff and your company.

His proven strategy is founded on five key principles: collaboration, optimism, values, respect, and performance. Fuse them together, and your company will be the envy of your industry.

This groundbreaking guide provides everything you need to create an environment where people have a strong sense of belonging, a place where people finally feel like they’re part of something big, where employees want to work collaboratively and creatively, where your staff and your company grow together. Bridge the engagement gap by ensuring that every member of your team spends their entire work day in great company. 

We welcome Louis Carter, the author of In Great Company: How to Spark Peak Performance By Creating an Emotionally Connected Workplace.

More about Louis here:

Ending Aging: Reversing Human Aging in Our Lifetime with Dr Aubrey de Grey

Nearly all scientists who study the biology of aging agree that we will someday be able to substantially slow down the aging process.

Today’s guest is perhaps the most bullish of all such researchers and believes that the key biomedical technology required to eliminate aging-derived debilitation and death – is now within reach. In his book, he and his research assistant Michael Rae describe the details of this biotechnology.

They explain that the aging of the human body, just like the aging of man-made machines, results from an accumulation of various types of damage. As with man-made machines, this damage can periodically be repaired, leading to the indefinite extension of the machine’s fully functional lifetime, just as is routinely done with classic cars.

We already know what types of damage accumulate in the human body, and we are moving rapidly toward the comprehensive development of technologies to remove that damage. By demystifying aging and its postponement for the nonspecialist reader, our guest systematically dismantles the fatalist presumption that aging will forever defeat the efforts of medical science.

We welcome the author of Ending Aging: The Rejuvenation Breakthroughs That Could Reverse Human Aging in Our Lifetime Dr Aubrey de Grey.

We discuss:

  • The Sens Mission to end age
  • The challenges of changing the age paradigm
  • Decoupling aging from age-related diseases
  • The 7 common age-related diseases
  • The 7 solutions to those diseases
  • The impact of immortality of society

More about Aubrey and Sens here:

Entrepreneurship the Disney Way with Mike Goldsby

This episode focuses on the business story of Walt Disney and the company he built. Combining a unique blend of entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation, and a relentless drive to bring out the best in his teams, Walt Disney created one of the most successful ventures in business history.

Outlining the specific processes of the company, our guest provides us with the tools we need to embrace our own entrepreneurial leadership style, to lead effectively, to be more innovative, and to build a successful organisation. 

Through the lens of Disney, we hear about the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership. Beginning with a general introduction to the concepts relevant to the entrepreneurial organisation today, we examine how Disney built his empire and how the company remains an industry leader. We touch on the Entrepreneurial Leadership Instrument, which measures one’s style in leading entrepreneurial ventures.

Entrepreneurship the Disney Way’ brings entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership to life through the compelling story of one of the most recognisable businessmen and companies of our time. We cover the early years of Walt Disney and the amazing challenges he overcame to build a lasting business.

We welcome the author of Entrepreneurship the Disney Way Mike Goldsby.

More about Mike here:

EP 176: Working Whole: How to Unite Your spiritual beliefs and your work to Live Fulfilled with Kourtney Whitehead

Do you want more from work than just a paycheque or a title? Are you ready to manifest a work life rooted in joy, purpose, and contentment?

Career expert Kourtney Whitehead will guide you on a self-discovery journey to bridge the gap between your spiritual life and your work and help you bring intention and satisfaction to your professional life. In Working Whole, she shares eight principles that will free you to be inspired and joyful in your life and work callings. She advises that when we commit to living our beliefs in these eight core areas (humility, surrender, discipline, gratitude, connection, love, power and patience), we can work authentically and live fulfilled.

Drawn from her long career as a recruiter, counsellor and coach and her work with everyone from new hires to seasoned executives in transition to high-achievers preparing for retirement, Kourtney shares tips and tools for handling the expectations, choices, conflicts, challenges and opportunities we face in our work life. She leads you through a transformative experience to become more creative, energised, observant, accepting of change and open-hearted.

We welcome Kourtney Whitehead, author of Working Whole: How to Unite Your spiritual beliefs and your work to Live Fulfilled.

The Compass and the Radar: The Art of Building a Rewarding Career While Remaining True to Yourself with Paolo Gallo

Today’s guest offers a unique pathway toward identifying the right career, finding the ideal job and developing a moral compass–the solid value system that will then anchor us in our professional lives.

With a creative and engaging mix of coaching practice, management theories, case studies and personal story-telling, this book helps us to identify both our own compass—which relates to integrity, passion and internal value systems—and radar—which helps us to understand organisational complexity and ‘read’ workplace dynamics and situations.

The Compass of Success is founded on a series of searching questions that will enable anyone to find their compass and radar to achieve personal success:

– How can I find out what my real strengths and talents are?
– Do I love what I do?
– How can I find a job with a company that truly reflects my values?
– What are the prices I am willing to pay for a meaningful and rewarding career?
– How should I define a successful career?

Amid a volatile and uncertain world, one in which technology, AI and digital resources are transforming the work environment, The Compass and the Radar allows us to pause, reflect, and consider who we are, what we stand for, and how to remain free.

We welcome the author of “The Compass and the Radar: The Art of Building a Rewarding Career While Remaining True to Yourself,” Paolo Gallo

More about Paolo here:

Offline: Free Your Mind from Smartphone and Social Media Stress with Søren Kenner

Today’s guest has sparked an international debate by revealing the “mind hacks” Facebook, Apple, Google, and Instagram use to get you and your children hooked on their products. 

In Offline, he delivers an eye-opening research-based journey into the world of tech giants, smartphones, social engineering, and subconscious manipulation. This provocative work shows you how digital devices change individuals and communities for better and worse.

A must-read if you or your kids use smartphones or tablets and spend time browsing social networks, playing online games or even just browsing sites with news and entertainment.  

Learn how to recognise ‘mind hacks’ and avoid the potentially disastrous side-effects of digital pollution. Unplug from the matrix. Learn digital habits that work for you.

We talk:

  • The Impact of Technology on the Brain
  • Digital Fragmentation Syndrome
  • The Tsunami of Technology Transformation
  • Human Cognition
  • Neural Pruning
  • Hormonal Triggers
  • Social Comparison
  • Addictive Design
  • BJ Fogg and Captology
  • Online Selling
  • Cambridge Analytica
  • Data
  • Online Marketing
  • Insidious Plays
  • Confirmation Bias
  • FLOW and Life Stories

More about Søren here:

How We Make Stuff Now: Turn Ideas into Products with Jules Pieri

Do you have an idea for a business but don’t know where to start? Thanks to high-speed Do you have an idea for a business but don’t know where to start? Thanks to high-speed Internet, game-changing technology, and innovative new platforms, you can go from idea to marketplace on a shoestring budget―and join the growing movement of successful Makers who’ve built their businesses from the ground up. 

Whether you’re a self-starting newcomer to the world of e-commerce, a member of the Maker Movement, or an experienced entrepreneur, the first crucial step in your journey to turning little ideas into big businesses is learning How We Make Stuff Now.

We welcome Jules Pieri, author of “How We Make Stuff Now: Turn Ideas into Products That Build Successful Businesses”

  • Deciding if you want to be an Entrepreneur
  • Maker Movement
  • Empowering Innovation
  • The Maker Challenge
  • The Amazon Challenge
  • Testing the Market
  • Fraud Products
  • Funding
  • Data
  • Fear and Failure

More about Jules:

Rebel Talent: Why it Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life with Francesca Gino

In Rebel Talent,  today’s guest shows us why the happiest and most successful among us are those who break the rules and how we can all do it more.

The world’s best chef.
The pilot who landed his plane on a river.
The magician who made history.
The computer scientist who changed animated films forever.
What do they all have in common?

They are all rebels.

Our guest has been studying rebellion and conformity for more than fifteen years. She has discovered that when we mindlessly follow rules and norms rather than constructively rebelling against them, we become less happy and less successful in every area of our lives. While rebels may seem disruptive, they are ultimately good for business: their passion, drive, curiosity and creativity can raise organisations to a new level.

When we break the rules, we fix our lives.

We welcome award-winning Harvard Business School professor, behavioural scientist and author of Rebel Talent: Why it Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life, Francesca Gino

We talk:

  • Italian master chef and Rebel Massimo Bottura
  • Rebellion reframed as a constructive force
  • 5 core elements of Rebel Talent
  • Napoleon, the rebel
  • Hidden biases towards Rebellion
  • Morningstar Case Study
  • Breaking conformity
  • Diversity
  • Stereotyping
  • GroupThink 
  • The need for Novelty
  • Following Rituals
  • Novelty in Business
  • Inviting Curiosity
  • Adriano Olivetti and Exploration
  • Counterfactual Thinking
  • Authenticity

More about Francesca here:

The Yes Brain Child: Help Your Child be More Resilient, Independent and Creative with Dr Tina Payne Bryson

“Every single child has an inner spark–a combination of a unique temperament and various experiences–and we want to fan that flame to help kids become happy, healthy, and internally driven to be the ‘best them’ they can become.” – Dr Tina Payne Bryson and Dr Daniel Siegel

The Yes Brain Child

Children can often act out or shut down when faced with a setback or a tricky issue like homework, food or screen time. Our guest calls the ‘No Brain’ response. But you can help develop the ability to cope, solve their own problems and thrive by nurturing the ‘Yes Brain’.

Drawing on her successful work with thousands of parents and children from all backgrounds, our guest provides the advice, tools and activities to help parents and children of all ages.

This is what the ‘Yes Brain’ approach looks like in action:

*A 5-year-old boy thinks about his first day at school and says, ‘I’m nervous but I’ll give it a try.’

*An 8-year-old girl says, ‘I’d like to join the football team, even though none of my friends like football.’

*A 14-year-old boy looks at a test he’s earned a D- for and says, ‘That’s not the mark I wanted but it’s not the end of the world. I’ll ask the teacher how I can improve.’

I would like to add to all that a Yes Brain is what we need in business environments today. A mind open to possibility and with the ability to control emotion and recognise when fear is a blocker. So please do listen to this show as a parent, a corporate innovator, change-maker or out of pure curiosity.

We welcome the author of “The Yes Brain Child: Help Your Child be More Resilient, Independent and Creative”, Dr Tina Payne Bryson

We discuss: 

  • Yes and No brains 
  • The Prefrontal Cortex
  • Neuroplasticity
  • Social and Emotional Intelligence
  • Response Techniques
  • Empathy
  • Attuned Communication
  • Self Regulation
  • Overcoming Fear
  • Building Resilience 
  • Intuition and Morality
  • Integration
  • Tolerating Discomfort
  • Perspective
  • Discipline as Education

More about Tina here:

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Sport Leadership Lessons for Business and Life with Stuart Lancaster

Today’s guest is previously best known for his position as the head coach of the English national rugby union team from 2011 until 2015, In 2016, he joined the backroom team of the Ireland provincial side, Leinster Rugby and has been instrumental in their success.

I have asked our guest on to the show to discuss leadership lessons from sport, focus on a business context. In this episode we will talk about: creating a purpose, a why, a vision, values and behaviours and people-led leadership to achieve success.

We discuss:

  • The benefits of failure and the necessity of resilience.
  • The desired characteristics of organisational achievement.
  • The individual characteristics needed to achieve in any field.
  • The elements of mind, body and soul.
  • How to build a high-performing culture.
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