EP 147: “Defining You: How to profile yourself and unlock your full potential” with author Fiona Murden

“There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self.” —Aldous Huxley

Have you ever wondered what a profiling session would tell you about yourself?

Our guest helps some of the most successful people in the world to understand their behaviour and improve their performance. Here she guides you through the professional profiling assessment process in private, to help you discover your strengths, understand what really drives you and learn which environments will help you to excel.

Our behaviour is at the core of what we do. This is your ultimate self-awareness toolkit to help you understand both your own and other’s behaviour and to positively influence it. Along the way you may even start to sleep better, think more clearly and have good moods more often.

More about Fiona here: https://fionamurden.com/

EP 146: Artificial Intelligence and the Two Singularities with Calum Chace

“Optimism, like pessimism, is a bias, and to be avoided. But summoning the determination to rise to a challenge and succeed is a virtue.” – Calum Chace

Today’s guest argues that in the course of this century, the exponential growth in the capability of AI is likely to bring about two “singularities” – points at which conditions are so extreme that the normal rules break down.

The first is the economic singularity, when machine skill reaches a level that renders many of us unemployable and requires an overhaul of our current economic and social systems.

The second is the technological singularity, when machine intelligence reaches and then surpasses the cognitive abilities of an adult human, relegating us to the second smartest species on the planet.

These singularities will present huge challenges, but this he argues that we can meet these challenges and overcome them. If we do, the rewards could be almost unimaginable.

Artificial intelligence can turn out to be the best thing ever to happen to humanity, making our future wonderful almost beyond imagination. But only if we address head-on the challenges that it will raise.

We welcome expert on artificial intelligence, and its likely future impact on society and bestselling author of many books including the focus of today’s show “Artificial Intelligence and the Two Singularities”, Calum Chace, welcome to the show

We discuss:

  • The Terminology
  • Technological Singularity
  • Economic Singularity
  • Exponential Change
  • Artificial General Intelligence
  • The AI race
  • Technological Joblessness
  • Universal Basic Income
  • Impact on Society
  • What is being done
  • The Gods and the Useless
  • Transhumanism
  • Augmented Humanity
  • Centaurs
  • Privacy Concerns

More about Calum here;


and the book here:


EP 145: The Beginning of Infinity, Explanations That Transform the World, David Deutsch,

The Beginning of Infinity, Explanations That Transform the World, David Deutsch,

A bold and all-embracing exploration of the nature and progress of knowledge from one of today’s great thinkers. 

Throughout history, mankind has struggled to understand life’s mysteries, from the mundane to the seemingly miraculous.

Our guest is a multiple award-winning pioneer in the field of quantum computation and argues that explanations have a fundamental place in the universe. They have unlimited scope and power to cause change, and the quest to improve them is the basic regulating principle not only of science but of all successful human endeavour.

This stream of ever improving explanations has infinite reach. We are subject only to the laws of physics, and they impose no upper boundary to what we can eventually understand, control, and achieve.

He applies that worldview to a wide range of issues and unsolved problems, from creativity and free will to the origin and future of the human species.

We welcome David Deutsch, Fellow of the Royal Society, a pioneer in quantum computing, visiting Professor of physics at the Centre for Quantum Computation at Oxford University, multiple TED Talker, optimist and author of The Beginning of Infinity,  Explanations That Transform the World.

We discuss:

  • What David calls good explanations.
  • Error as unavoidable in the growth of knowledge.
  • Fallibilism
  • Education
  • Creativity
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • The misconception that knowledge needs authority to be genuine or reliable
  • All scientific theories are testable conjectures
  • Every explanation begins with conjecture
  • The growth of knowledge consists of correcting misconceptions in our theories
  • The Principle of Mediocrity
  • The Spaceship Earth metaphor
  • We touch very lightly on the Multiverse




EP 144: “Our Search for Belonging: How Our Need to Connect Is Tearing Us Apart" with Howard Ross

“If you’re treated a certain way you become a certain kind of person. If certain things are described to you as being real they’re real for you whether they’re real or not.” — James Baldwin

We are living in a time of mounting political segregation that threatens to tear us apart as a unified society. The result is that we are becoming increasingly tribal, and the narratives of life that we get exposed to on a daily basis have become echo chambers in which we hear our beliefs reinforced and others’ beliefs demonised. 

At the core of tribalism exists a paradox: as humans, we are hardwired with the need to belong, which ends up making us deeply connected with some yet deeply divided from others. 

When these tribes are formed out of fear of the “other,” on topics such as race, immigration status, religion, or partisan politics, we resort to an “us versus them” attitude. 

Especially in the digital age, when we are all interconnected in one way or another, these tensions seep into our daily lives and we become secluded with our self-identified tribes. 

Today’s guest explores how our human need to belong is the driving force behind the increasing division of our world. 

Drawing upon decades of leadership experience, he probes the depth of tribalism, examines the role of social media in exacerbating it, and offers tactics for how to combat it. 

Filled with tested practices for opening safe and honest dialogue in the workplace and challenges to confront our own tendencies to bond with those who are like us, his book “Our Search for Belonging” is a powerful statement of hope in a disquieting time.

We welcome diversity and inclusion expert and author of “Our Search for Belonging: How Our Need to Connect Is Tearing Us Apart” Howard J. Ross

We talk:

  • Bias
  • Polarisation
  • Why we tend to form tribes
  • Race and Gender
  • Politics
  • The brain
  • White Privilege
  • Empathy
  • Media
  • The Toilet Assumption

More about Howard here:




EP 143: Iterate: Run a Fast, Flexible, Focused Management Team with Ed Muzio

Today we discuss an iterative organisation, the only kind of organization that can learn and adapt fast enough to keep up in today’s world. For anyone running a team of managers, or advising someone who does, today we explore the fundamental behaviours that create iteration. 

Our guest will explain how to implement them, and how to get the process started. Iterate defines what management really is and helps readers create a fast, flexible, focused management team that does it well.

Our guest is recognised as one of the planet’s clearest thinkers on management practice and provides a research-based blueprint for a management team that will take the next best step for the organization in any situation. 

This show is for senior leadership, front line and middle management, and human resource executives and explores how to equip teams with both knowledge and practical skills so that they not only understand their own purpose but also perform that purpose well amidst ever-changing conditions. 

It touches on how to create measurable business results for any management team, of any size, in any industry where complex work and frequent change are the norms.

We explore:

  • How to tear down the silos created by the typical Western approach to management
  • How managers can manage other managers in an Iterative organization so that the whole organization is coordinated
  • How to promote front line self-sufficiency
  • How to successfully structure meetings to enable critical decision-making and ensure commitments are carried out
  • How to help your reports give their reports insight into the ways their work impacts the big picture

 CEO of Group Harmonics and award-winning author of “Iterate: Run a Fast, Flexible, Focused Management Team”, Ed Muzio

More on Ed and the book here: https://iteratenow.com/

EP 142: Into the Magic Shop, A Neurosurgeon's Quest to Discover the Mysteries of the Brain and the Secrets of the Heart with James R. Doty MD

Growing up in the high desert of California, Jim Doty was poor, with an alcoholic father and a mother chronically depressed and paralysed by a stroke.

Today, he is the director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) at Stanford University, of which the Dalai Lama is a founding benefactor.

As a child, his life was at a dead end until at twelve he wandered into a magic shop looking for a plastic thumb. Instead, he met Ruth, a woman who taught him a series of exercises to ease his own suffering and manifest his greatest desires. Ruth’s final mandate was that he keep his heart open and teach these techniques to others. She gave him his first glimpse of the unique relationship between the brain and the heart.

Doty would go on to put Ruth’s practices to work with extraordinary results. He achieved power and wealth that he could only imagine as a twelve-year-old. However, he neglects Ruth’s most important lesson, to keep his heart open, with disastrous results.

A spectacular charitable contribution that will virtually ruin him, changed his life.

Part memoir, part science, part inspiration, and part practical instruction, Into the Magic Shop, shows us how we can fundamentally change our lives by first changing our brains and our hearts.

More about Jim here: http://intothemagicshop.com

Meditations mentioned throughout the show here:


Similar shows here: http://www.theinnovationshow.io/2018/10/19/ep-126-a-life-worth-breathing-with-max-strom/



EP 141: “Parallel Mind, The Art of Creativity” with Aliyah Marr

“The Toltecs believe that every human is an artist, and the art we create is our lives.” —Don Miguel Ruiz

Today’s guest uses practical examples and guides us through conceptual, transpersonal art experiments to demonstrate how we can use the power of art to access our inner child, express our buried emotions, and use any form of art as a catalyst to transform our lives.

Pure creativity is an activity that has no predefined destination or purpose, while applied creativity is an activity that always has a goal or application in mind.

Pure creativity can be seen as a kind of play, while applied creativity is usually seen as work.

We welcome creative consultant and coach with a stellar list of clients from IBM to American Express and the author of multiple titles including the focus of today’s show “Parallel Mind, The Art of Creativity: The missing manual for your right brain”, Aliyah Marr.

We talk:

  • Creativity
  • Left and Right Brain
  • Open Focus
  • The Inner Child
  • The benefit of Limitation
  • Limiting Beliefs
  • Internal Dialogues
  • Overcoming Fear

More about Aliyah here:


EP 140: How to beat your Brain with Exercise, Diet and Healthy Habits, Sugar Cravings and Workplace Stress with Matt Lovell

Matt Lovell is an expert in corporate wellness, he is a Performance and Health Nutritionist and Body recomposition expert and he develops top health and nutrition products via his site aminoman.com. His clients include England Rugby, Tottenham Hotspur, Man City and currently Reading and Bournemouth football clubs.

We talk:

  • How the brain always wins with habit changes
  • Easing out of old dietary and training habits
  • Sugar Cravings
  • Small dietary changes
  • Short 15 minute workouts
  • Workplace and Life Stress
  • Chronic stress and obesity
  • Cushing’s Disease
  • Amygdala Hijacks
  • Vision Setting

More on Matt here: https://aminoman.com/

EP 139: “A Child at Heart: Unlocking Your Creativity, Curiosity, and Reason at Every Age and Stage of Life” – Christopher Phillips

Weaving together philosophy, social science and neuroscience research, personal anecdotes and dialogues, A Child at Heart takes a radically different approach to the traditional boundaries between childhood and adulthood to reveal how rather than lapse into adulthood, we can achieve what the Greeks of old call arete—all-around excellence—when we look to children and youth as a lodestar for our development.

Childhood is our primary launching pad, a time of life when learning is more intense than at any other when we gain the critical knowledge and skills that can help ensure that we remain adaptable. This book weaves together the thinking of philosophers from across the ages who make the unsettling assertion that with the passage of time we are apt to shrink mentally, emotionally, and cognitively. If we follow what has become an all-too-common course, we denature our original nature—which brims with curiosity, empathy, reason, wonder, and a will to experiment and understand—and we regress, our sense of who we are will become fuzzier and everyone in our orbit will pay a price.

Mounting evidence shows that we begin our lives with a moral, intellectual, and creative bang, and in this groundbreaking, heavily researched, and highly engaging volume, today’s guest makes the provocative case that childhood isn’t merely a state of becoming, while adulthood is one of being, as if we’ve “arrived” and reached the summit. His life-changing proposition is that if we embrace the defining qualities of youth, we’re not destined to become frail, dispirited, or unhinged, we’ll grow in a way defined by wonder, curiosity, imaginativeness, playfulness, and compassion—in essence, unlimited potential.

We welcome the founder of Socrates Cafe, Maverick philosopher And Author of and the focus of today’s show “A Child at Heart: Unlocking Your Creativity, Curiosity, and Reason at Every Age and Stage of Life” – Christopher Phillips 

EP 138: The Seven Laws of Guaranteed Growth: BITSING with Frans De Groot

“Those who say you cannot guarantee the achievement of goals are those who do not know how to do it.” – Frans De Groot

Businesses are on the lookout for the one methodology that singlehandedly helps to achieve their goals, and definitively address issues such as “what needs to done” and “which activities to avoid”.

BITSING is a scientifically proven methodology, which enables you to predict results by using facts in order to be 100% certain of achieving goals. This episode enables factual insight into (positive) financial returns, in advance of executing strategies accordingly.

BITSING can be applied by the biggest multinational to the smallest startup. The 7 laws in this book guide you through the process of improving your business strategy.

We discuss:

  • How to be Unbeatable
  • Realise Effective Campaigns
  • Ensure That You Reach Your Goals
  • How to get that “first date” with your customer
  • How to get a commitment from your customer

Author and founder, Frans De Groot explains how this methodology works and how to implement it in your own business. By using examples, illustrations, and insights, Frans provides multiple entry points for readers who want to execute the BITSING strategy accordingly.

As a result of working closely with several universities, the methodology is scientifically validated, in addition to its proven performance within numerous organisations and businesses.

Frans shares how some have experienced exponential growth and reached the magic level of 300%.

This episode offers advice, tools, and direction in what is required in your organisation to achieve goals.

The methodology increases efficiency without sacrificing jobs and has even helped to stimulate employment, including recruiting top talent. BITSING has also boosted employee performance, changed stakeholder behaviour, and optimised work-life balance.

More about Frans here:


The book is available here:


Other shows like this here: 




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