Habits are a Game Changer

We talk to the author of ‘The Habit Factor’ (and ‘Pressure Paradox’) Martin Grunburg. Martin is also founder of the top productivity (iOS and Android) app sharing the very same name The Habit Factor’. The book laid the important foundation; the ideas about habit development and habit alignment for more efficient goal achievement, and the app supplied the readers a real-life tool that enabled them to apply those ideas. http://www.thehabitfactor.com/

Ep 24 – All about Habits : products, personal, cultural.

This week we talk habits, from habit-forming products to positive habits to corporate habits, even down to your gym routine we have it on the show.


We talk to author of ‘Habit Factor’ (and ‘Pressure Paradox’) Martin Grunberg. Martin is also founder of the top productivity (iOS and Android) app sharing the very same name The Habit Factor’. The book laid the important foundation; the ideas about habit development and habit alignment for more efficient goal achievement, and the app supplied the readers a real-life tool that enabled them to apply those ideas. http://www.thehabitfactor.com/


We are also rejoined by the Prophet of Habit forming products Nir Eyal. Nir discusses the ethics around habit forming products, gives us a recap of his Hook model and tells us about his great upcoming summit, the Habit Summit in San Fran on April 4th and 5th 2017 http://habitsummit.com/.






Influencer Marketing, Amazon Reviews, Virtual Assistant for learning difficulties

We talk to No.1 Global “Digital Marketing Influencer”, 2016 and Forbes “Top 20 Influencers of CMO’s” in 2017, Jeff Bullas. As an influencer Jeff tells us how to engage an influencer to excel at influence marketing. He also lets us know a bit about his mindset and what drives him. 

We talk to Gisela Hausmann, author of nine books, including award-winning “Naked Determination” Gisela is an email evangelist, and an expert Amazon reviewer and review coach.

Finally, we talk to Lisa Marie Clinton, founder and CEO of Avail (Assisted Visuals Achieving Independent Living). Avail is a portable, discreet virtual assistant. It works as an e-learning app and web portal for children and adults with intellectual or development disabilities. The app and site deliver smart prompts based on the person’s ability, so it is personalised to the user.

Ep 22 – The 4 Horsemen, Media, Retail, Invention and Innovation

We talk to 2 wonderful guests. Scott Galloway talks about the 4 horsemen, Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon. We talk about a future for traditional media, we talk retail and we talk voice.


Gene Fein is a serial entrepreneur, inventor and innovator. He tells us about his illustrious career from organizing gigs with Bob Dylan to developing a miracle product with CBD called Therajoy. We also talk about the pitfalls of innovation and change.

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