EP 87: Raising Resilience, Emotional Resilience in a Snowflake Generation with Brooks Gibbs

The anti-bullying movement has been full throttle for 18 years since Columbine shooting in 1999. The efforts to stop students from becoming victims of bullying have been solely focused on changing the world around the victim to create a less hostile environment. This has failed.

Brooks Gibbs has flipped the approach to bullying and empowers victims to be emotionally resilient so they are not hurt in the first place. This is a simple solution to a complex problem and the only approach that can keep children from killing themselves or others in retaliation. 

So we will be contrasting a direct versus indirect approach to help kids. A legal versus psychological approach.

More on brooks here: https://www.brooksgibbs.com/ and his programme here: https://brooks-gibbs.mykajabi.com/store/97335cvs

EP 86: The Leading Brain: Powerful Science-Based Strategies for Achieving Peak Performance

Friederike Fabritius, M.S., is a trained neuropsychologist, a certified coach, a popular keynote speaker, an internationally recognized management consultant, and author of The Leading Brain. She is an expert in the field of Neuroleadership.

We discuss strategies to improve our lives by understanding how to maximise the brain. This great conversation includes thoughts on sleep, exercise, brain training, meditation, ageing, children and technology and much more.

You can find out more about Friederike and her work and where to by the book here:



EP 85: Finish: Give yourself the gift of done with Jon Acuff

Jon Acuff is the New York Times Bestselling author of six books including his most recent Wall Street Journal #1 Bestseller, Finish: Give yourself the gift of done.

For over 20 years he’s helped some of the biggest brands in the world tell their story, including The Home Depot, Bose, Staples.

He speaks internationally and was named amidst the INC. top 100 leadership speakers.

We discuss how one of the biggest blockers to our success is our perfectionism. We explore ways to change this and help us achieve our goals and challenge our excuses.

We discuss traits of exceptional leaders and we look at how we might maximise our work practices to work for us.

EP 84 – Reimagining the Kitchen Sink, Disruption in a Mature Market

Steve Waddell is founder and CEO of Nasoni. Steve is disrupting a very mature market, this is the first functional change to the faucet in over 80 years. Steve shares his mindset, his background, his challenges and his motivation.

This show is very useful for anyone who wants to understand bootstrapping a physical product from everything from patent to prototype.

You can find out more here:





EP 83: That Sh!t Will Never Sell – Thoughts on Ideas and How to Sell Them

David Gluckman is the common denominator of so many brands we know and love. Kerrygold butter, Baileys Irish Cream, Smirnoff Black, Le Piat D’or and many more.

We discuss his book That s!it will never sell! through the lens of the lessons it imparts. We discuss the best ways to sell ideas. We discuss the best ways to deliver ideas. We discuss new product development and how to get them over the line.

David shares some of his failures and the lessons learned and the ones that got away.

You can find out more about the book and David here: http://www.thatshitwillneversell.com/

You can read his Linkedin articles reference on the show here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/marketing-success-requires-appetite-risk-david-gluckman

The story of the ship mender is here: https://atkinsbookshelf.wordpress.com/2016/06/06/the-parable-of-the-ship-mechanic/


EP 82: What is The Experience Economy? with business provocateur Joseph Pine II

On this week’s show, we discuss how goods and services are no longer enough. How competing on price alone will kill your business.

We discuss how we need to move beyond designing the thing to designing the experience of the thing.

We discuss how business is a theatre and how employees should be cast members. How employees shift from task mindset to experience mindset, it is no longer about a task but how the task is done.

We discuss how staging experience means the customer is the products and how merchandise is part of the experience and not the product at all.

Joe paints a picture of the landscape and we differentiate Commodities /Goods /Services /Experiences.


Amazon books: https://www.amazon.co.uk/B.-Joseph-Pine/e/B001JP9UY2/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_6?qid=1517360950&sr=1-6

Thoughts page of Joe’s posts: https://strategichorizons.com/books-and-ideas/thoughts/

The Experience Economy Expert Certification class to be held August 6-10 2018 in Minneapolis, Minnesota https://strategichorizons.com/learn-and-engage/public-events/certification/

New HBR Article: Shoppers Need a Reason to Go to Your Store — Other Than Buying Stuff


EP 81: Leveraging the Experience Economy, Smartbox CEO John Perkins

Smartbox is the European leader in experience gifts and offers unique experiences to create unforgettable memories. Ex-Apple Senior Executive John Perkins shares his story and why he sees Smartbox on the crest of a wave. We talk experience economy, the gifting market and company culture.

EP 80: Upping Your Elvis to a better life and business with Chris Baréz-Brown

In this great chat, we discuss every aspect of creativity from personal energy to organisational energy. From personal purpose to aligning the purpose of the organisation. We talk how our brains can be our enemy and our liberators. We touch on how we can enable our inner genius and once again be confident in being who we truly are. Chris is determined to inject energy and more humanity back into business and into life.

You can find out more about Chris and his books here: https://uppingyourelvis.com/books

The app is here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/wake-up!-app/id1147350401?ls=1&mt=8

The Ted Talk is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HfWX8OMlEc


EP 79: Sketchnote your way to Success with Mike Rohde

We discuss Mike’s journey to becoming the Godfather of sketchnoting. We look at how it helps us in our note taking in work, school and at conferences. We explore how it might help liberate different thinkers and add to the much need revolution in the education sector.

Twitter http://twitter.com/rohdesign

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rohdesign/

Books http://rohdesign.com/books

Rohdesign Dispatch http://rohdesign.com/newsletter/ Sketchnote Army http://sketchnotearmy.com

Sketchnote Army Podcast https://soundcloud.com/sketchnote-army-podcast

Sketchnote Video Podcast (10 episodes) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCdugvAzY7lZMqV2VguMVPWEzW1aftQ1a

Sketchnote Mini Workshop (32 min)


The Sketchnote Handbook

Free Chapter 4 PDF download

Free PDF Worksheet download

Use coupon code SKETCHNOTE for 35% off The Sketchnote Handbook at Peachpit.com

The Sketchnote Workbook

Free Chapter 5 PDF download

Free Chapter 7 PDF download

Use coupon code SKETCHNOTE for 35% off The Sketchnote Workbook at Peachpit.com

EP 78 – Victims of Thought – We are not our Thoughts with Jill Whalen

We discuss this new understanding in the context of business and life, by understanding that we are not victims of other people and experiences, but we have been simply victims of thought allows us to liberate ourselves and become happier and more peaceful.

You can find out more about Jill here: http://whatdidyoudowithjill.com/

Her online course is here: http://whatdidyoudowithjill.com/explore-illusion-of-me/

The book is here: Victim of Thought: Seeing Through the Illusion of Anxiety

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