EP 77: Becoming The Mindful Entrepreneur

The Mindful Entrepreneur is a book that synthesises a wealth of business knowledge while telling the true story of what it is really like to be an entrepreneur. It tells the true story of existing entrepreneur and guest on this week’s show Howard Finger. Howard is CEO and founder of Vinciworks. Mapping the story from near bankruptcy to success we are exposed to Howard’s transformative journey. This includes the turning point of his meeting with co-author and guest on the show Joel Gerschman. Joel is a leading coach and educator in the field of business growth, management and leadership. We also learn of Howard’s personal transformation with his meeting and mentorship by Aryeh Goldman. Aryeh has dedicated his life to helping his students and clients actualise their potential. If you want to hear some practical, real-life, hard-hitting advice this is the show for you. If you are an entrepreneur at your wit’s end, this is the show for you. If you want to transform your business and your life, (including your personal life) this is the show for you. You can learn more about the book here: http://mindfulentrepreneur.co/the-book/ You can buy the book here: http://a.co/3N2Aw9q Joel is here: http://mindfulentrepreneur.co/ Howard is here: http://www.vinciworks.com Aryeh is here: http://www.amindfuljew.com/

EP 76: Dollars and Sense, The Hidden Biases that control our spending with Jeff Kreisler

In a world where people are talking about crypto and digital currencies, we look at the real psychology of money and why and how we spend it. Jeff Kreisler and Dan Ariely brilliantly give us some great pointers on how we can avoid the many pitfalls and psychological traps behind our spending habits and behaviours. Money is the top reason for divorce, the number one cause of stress for people and we are demonstrably worse at all kinds of problem-solving when we have money problems on our minds. Money has changed the human condition as much as any other advance—as much as the printing press, the wheel, electricity, and al the tech advances we are now seeing We look at several of the biases and forces at play behind our financial choices and lack thereof, we discuss the following: Opportunity cost neglect and Alternatives We absolutely must, consciously or not, consider opportunity costs every time we use money. We should consider the alternatives we are giving up by choosing to spend money now. The endowment effect The Ikea effect Loss Aversion Emotional Accounting  Anchoring Gateway Drugs Virtual Ownership Retirement savings Fairness and effort Anchoring Payments Frictionless. Painless. Thoughtless The pain of paying Language and how it affects what we pay.

More about Jeff and where to find his books and his speaking opportunities here: http://www.jeffkreisler.com/


EP 75: Disrupting the Disruptors: A decentralised Air BnB, The Bee Token

Beenest is the home sharing platform for hosts to list their homes and for guests to find accommodation. Beenest rewards users with network incentives, commission-free transactions, and security unrivalled in the home sharing industry. On this week’s show, we delve into what Ethereum is, what decentralisation is and how a company could disrupt a disruptor using The Blockchain.

Find out more https://www.beetoken.com/


EP 74: From Problem State to Possibility State with Pam Grout

We talk everything from creativity, the law of attraction, setting goals, living life to the fullest and how we can unlock our inner innovation.

Links to Pam: www.pamgrout.com Ted Talk https://youtu.be/1VCrPvvohGk Books: https://www.amazon.com/Pam-Grout/e/B001HCWQX4/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1514653824&sr=8-1

EP 73: “Focus and Unfocus”, Power your Creativity

Dr Srini Pillay. Srini is CEO of Neurobusiness group and part-time assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard. He is Author of ‘Think Less, Learn More’

In this fantastic chat, we discuss how individuals can harness their inner creativity through a series of easy to do daily rituals. Dr Srini Pillay shares some of the tools he had developed to unleash our innovation. We discuss how and why individuals can become more innovative, more creative, happier and less stressed. We discuss how corporations can embrace the true diversity of thought. We discuss how leaders can harness vision to create better organisations. We discuss the mindset behind the law of attraction and why it works when done properly.

EP 72: What is GDPR, websites leaking data and what does it mean to Media, Data Brokers and Publishers

GDPR is a Tidal wave headed for the digital media ecosystem. All data brokers and publishers who make margins based on personal data will be affected. This includes Global giants such as Facebook and Google. Websites are leaking personal data to unwarranted parties. Consenting audiences will be tiny compared to what we have today. The transition to non-personal data is the answer.

This week’s guest is Dr Johnny Ryan, Head of Ecosystem for PageFair. Johnny is currently focussing on GDPR, the ePrivacy Regulation, and media sustainability. Johnny is also the author of “A History of the Internet and the Digital Future”. Johnny breaks down what GDPR means in general and more specifically for digital publishers of all types. He discusses the pitfalls and the solutions.

EP 71: Fairtrade meets Blockchain, Fairchain Coffee – Moyee Coffee

Shane Reilly is co-founder of Moyee Coffee in Ireland with Killian Stokes. Moyee Coffee is a social business supplying Ethiopian speciality coffee to offices, independent retailers and online subscribers since September 2016.  

Their approach to changing the coffee industry is called FairChain, which is about leaving more value, profit and jobs in coffee-producing countries like Ethiopia. 

Since the early November, Moyee has been running a pilot project in Ethiopia with blockchain pioneers bext360 to prove more than ever that coffee is capable of leading the way to a more honest, fairer society. The first ‘block’ in the chain has already begun and you can follow real-time payments to Ethiopian farmers for their coffee cherries.

This is nothing less than a revolution and the start of a project that will bring an unprecedented level of transparency in a profoundly unfair industry. The bext360 blockchain project will mean by next year all Moyee’s coffee will be fully blockchain-traceable from the washing station in Ethiopia to our retail and office customers in Europe.

EP 70: Blockchain "The Planetary Brain"

Vince tells us how Blockchain will act like a canvas to connect the World, like a giant brain. We discuss the many benefits of a connected World built on this new technology. Vince gives us a plethora of fantastic examples where we will see Blockchain realise its potential. We discuss the blockers to adoption, some possible routes of how to begin. We discuss accountability, transparency and trust and how the World of business will dramatically change.

Fascinating listen, worth the time investment.





EP 69: Decentralisation, Decapitalisation, Disintermediation – Peerism

Nathan Waters is the founder of Peerism, a blockchain-based economic protocol which aims to solve job automation and wealth inequality via skill tokens, proof-of-skill and matching paid work to tokenized skill levels. He is a futurist, entrepreneur and social decentralist. He also founded and organises one of the largest Ethereum meetups in the world SydEthereum and the largest independent hackathon in Australia Hackagong.




EP 68: The Blockchain Revolution with Don Tapscott

Don is a leading Global authority on the impact of technology on business and society. He has authored over 15 books, including Wikinomics, The Digital Economy, Digital Capital, Growing up Digital, the Naked Corporation, Radical Openness and Blockchain Revolution We talk a little about Don and his ethos and how he has overcome adversity to change over the years.

We talk about his phenomenal 2008 “Wikinomics – Mass Collaboration” Don tells us how technology changes the way society functions and how collaboration is an engine of the new economy. We talk Decentralisation, Blockchain v middlemen, banks, governments, smart contract, establishing trust, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

We talk how bank systems exclude poorer nations, prohibitive costs and complex systems and how Blockchain can reduce corruption and improve contracts. 70% of the world has no enforceable claim to the land they own and this can be fixed.

We talk Imogen Heap and music payments and copyright. We talk about data issues and how you own your own identity, you could rent data to an advertiser for example. Blockchain and smart contracts can enable many smaller players to play just like the internet liberated people from the printing press.

For more on Don’s latest work see: http://dontapscott.com/

For more on his Blockchain Research instate, see https://www.blockchainresearchinstitute.org/

For Don’s books see: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Don-Tapscott/e/B0045AJUQ6/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1512690802&sr=8-1

For Don’s Ted talks see: https://www.ted.com/speakers/don_tapscott Twitter: @dtapscott

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