We welcome renowned management thinker Gary Hamel to discuss his groundbreaking work Competing for the Future. Hamel explores the essential principles of innovation, strategic foresight, and how organizations can continuously reinvent themselves to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving world.
Posted 9 months ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Alexander Pett Boardroom Dynamics Corporate Explorer Corporate Innovation David Kantor Effective Communication Empathy in Leadership Executive Buy-In Executive Leadership Group Dynamics High Stakes Conversations Innovation Leadership Leadership Strategies Organizational Change Political Savvy Pre-Meeting Preparation Productive Tension Senior Team Engagement
Mastering high-stakes conversations is essential for driving corporate innovation. In this episode, Alexander Pett, an expert in executive team dynamics, reveals the power of “productive tension.” Learn how to strategically navigate disagreements, secure senior-level buy-in, and effectively communicate your innovative ideas in the boardroom. Tune in to discover practical frameworks and communication strategies that will empower you to lead successful organizational change.