Business Experiments with Sarah Spoto and Vincent Ducret

Stop Relying on Gut Feeling: How Business Experimentation Drives Innovation

In the ever-changing world of business, instinct can only take you so far. The latest episode of The Innovation Show dives deep into the world of data-driven innovation, exploring how business experimentation can de-risk new ventures and lead to success.

Our Corporate Explorers, Sarah Spoto (Product Marketing Manager for Electric Vehicles & Customer Experience with Cadillac) and Vincent Ducret (ChangeLogic), share their experiences implementing a groundbreaking business experimentation framework for General Motors in China.

This episode unpacks the importance of assumption analysis, prioritizing hypotheses, and iterative experimentation for making informed decisions based on real customer data, not just intuition.

You’ll also learn about:

The challenges of corporate innovation and how to overcome them
How to foster a culture of experimentation that embraces celebrating failures as learning opportunities
A real-world example of business experimentation in action

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