Image of Carol Tavris author of mistake were made

Carol Tavris – Mistakes Were Made But Not By Me

Why We Can’t Admit We’re Wrong: A Deep Dive with Carol Tavris

Have you ever clung to a belief even when faced with overwhelming evidence to the contrary? You’re not alone! In this episode, Aidan McCullen chats with renowned social psychologist Carol Tavris, co-author of the groundbreaking book “Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me).”

Together, they delve into the fascinating world of cognitive dissonance, self-justification, and memory. You’ll discover:

Why admitting mistakes is so darn hard (even for the best of us!)
How our memories can be surprisingly malleable
Real-world examples from law enforcement, politics, and even parenting
How these insights can help us all be more humble, critical thinkers
This episode is a must-listen for anyone who wants to understand the human tendency to rewrite history and the importance of embracing the possibility of being wrong.

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