Image of Wolf's eyes

Wolves don’t lose sleep over the opinion of Sheep – Tall Poppies

When others discourage us, we need to see past their words. What do they really mean? Often friends and family do not want us to get hurt, they see a career change/entrepreneurial adventure/new study as a risk. Others may feel if we change they may lose us, we may no longer show interest in them. In some cases, if you change and progress in life, they see it as a reflection of their lack of change. If you change and they don’t where does it leave them?

Scripting Your Future – NeuroVisioning

When we imagine the future, we use memories, dreams, movies we have seen. These data points act like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that we construct. If this is the case, then we can manipulate the information we consume to create novel versions of the future. We can use new information to create new visions of our organisations for a rapidly-evolving world.

Image of Donald Rattner

EP 250: My Creative Space: How to Design Your Home to Stimulate Ideas and Spark Innovation with Donald M. Rattner

For over twenty years, scientists have been discovering connections between our physical surroundings and the creative mind. Today’s book is the first to turn this rich trove of psychological research into practical techniques for shaping a home that will boost your creativity. We welcome Donald Rattner, the author of My Creative Space: How to Design Your Home to Stimulate Ideas and Spark Innovation.

Lisa Wimberger

EP 249 Neurosculpting: A Whole-Brain Approach to Heal Trauma, Rewrite Limiting Beliefs, and Find Wholeness with Lisa Wimberger.

“If you could learn to squeeze the vibrancy and beauty out of each moment of […]

Robin Dunbar

EP 248 Robin Dunbar on Friends: Understanding the Power of our Most Important Relationships

Friends matter to us, and they matter more than we think. The single most surprising fact to emerge out of the medical literature over the last decade or so has been that the number and quality of the friendships we have has a bigger influence on our happiness, health and even mortality risk than anything else except giving up smoking. Robin Dunbar explains why.

Leonard Mlodinow Innovation Show

EP 247: Leonard Mlodinow on Stephen Hawking: A Memoir of Friendship and Physics

Leonard Mlodinow, Stephen Hawking, Subliminal, Elastic, Euclid’s Window, Feynman’s Rainbow, The Upright Thinkers and War of the Worldviews with Deepak Chopra. And 2 books coauthored with Stephen Hawking.Innovation,Business,Leadership,Entrepreneurship,Human Potential

Bill Burnett Dave Evans

EP 246: Designing Your Work Life with Bill Burnett and Dave Evans

The course – the most popular at Stanford – has led to a global franchise and a New York Times and worldwide bestselling book: Designing Your Life, published in 2016.

Today they are here to discuss their follow up book : Designing Your Work Life: How to Thrive and Change and Find Happiness at Work

Cliff Goldmacher

EP 245: The Reason For The Rhymes: Mastering the Seven Essential Skills of Innovation by Learning to Write Songs with Cliff Goldmacher

The Reason For The Rhymes: Mastering the Seven Essential Skills of Innovation by Learning to Write Songs with Cliff Goldmacher

Image of Guy Lezischner

EP 241: The Nocturnal Brain: Tales of Nightmares and Neuroscience with Guy Leschziner

The Nocturnal Brain: Tales of Nightmares and Neuroscience with Guy Leschziner

You can survive longer without food than without sleep. The fact that sleep is fundamental to life is unarguable, but in modern society, at least until recently, we have taken for granted that sleep simply happens, and is a necessary evil to allow us to live our waking lives. Recently, however, there has been a shift in how we view sleep. Rather than being a hindrance to our working and social lives, a biological process that keeps us from being productive, the concept of the importance of sleep is percolating through. Its role in the maintenance of our physical and mental health, our sporting prowess, our cognitive abilities, even in our happiness, is slowly being appreciated. And rightly so. People are taking sleep seriously

The normal expectation of waking up feeling ready for the day ahead is rarely found among our guests patients. Their nights are tormented by a range of conditions, such as terrifying nocturnal hallucinations, sleep paralysis, acting out their dreams or debilitating insomnia. The array of activities in sleep reflects the spectrum of human behaviour in our waking lives. Sometimes these medical problems have a biological explanation, at other times a psychological one, and the focus of the clinical work that He and his colleagues do is to unravel the causes for their sleep disorders and attempt to find a treatment or cure.

More about Guy here:

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