We welcome renowned management thinker Gary Hamel to discuss his groundbreaking work Competing for the Future. Hamel explores the essential principles of innovation, strategic foresight, and how organizations can continuously reinvent themselves to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving world.
Posted 1 month ago Tagged business adaptation Business Strategy Byron Reese Agora Change Management economic cycles hive metaphor Innovation innovation cycles inside view Kondratieff cycles leadership insights long-term growth navigating change Organizational Growth overcoming tunnel vision perspective in business read the label Sony rise and fall strategic foresight superorganism theory
In this week’s Thursday Thought, we delve into the complexities of navigating change from within. Using quotes, research, and insights from the Innovation Show, we explore how our perception of individuality vs. being part of a larger whole affects our ability to adapt. Drawing parallels with superorganisms like beehives, the episode discusses how business and economic cycles, like Kondratiev waves, shape our world. Highlighting examples from companies like Sony, we examine the ‘inside view’ trap and the importance of stepping outside our immediate focus to see the bigger picture. Join us as we read the label from outside the jar and prepare for the future.