Bobby Duffy

The Perils of Perception with Bobby Duffy

One in ten French people still believe the earth may be flat; 

One-quarter of Australians think that cavemen and dinosaurs existed at the same time; 

One in nine Brits think the 9/11 attacks were a US government conspiracy; 

15 per cent of Americans  believe that the media or government adds secret mind-controlling signals to television transmissions. 

Our main interest is not niche stupidity or minority belief in conspiracies, but much more general and widespread misperceptions about individual, social and political realities.

Do you eat too much sugar? 

Is violence in the world increasing or decreasing? 

What proportion of your country are Muslim? 

What does it cost to raise a child? 

How much do we need to save for retirement? 

How much tax do the rich pay? 


When we estimate the answers to these fundamental questions that directly affect our lives, we tend to be vastly wrong, irrespective of how educated we are. 

Today’s book – informed by over ten exclusive major polling studies by IPSOS across 40 countries – asks why in the age of the internet, where information should be more accessible than ever, we remain so poorly informed. 

It is a pleasure to welcome the author of The Perils of Perception: Why We’re Wrong About Nearly Everything, Bobby Duffy, welcome to the show.

Rishad Tobaccowala

Rishad Tobaccowala – Restoring the Soul of Business

In “Restoring the Soul of Business”, Rishad Tobaccowala helps us discover how to extract meaning from data and see poetry in the plumbing. This book recognizes that while our world is increasingly filled with digital, silicon-based, computing objects, it is populated by people who remain analogue, carbon-based, feeling creatures.

Tracking The Trigger Point, Then Releasing It

Trigger points are small knots in muscles, which cause pain where it originates and/or in a spot that may seem completely unconnected.

Trigger points can decrease the range of motion and can cause muscles to fatigue quicker than they normally would.

For example, you may experience a sharp pain in your elbow, but that pain is caused by a trigger point in your shoulder blade. Such pain is known as referred pain and comes from the nerves impacted by the underlying cause of your symptoms. You seek relief for the obvious elbow pain, but the cause of that pain lies with a weakness in your shoulder blade.

The origin of the pain is not immediately obvious, while it manifests in one place, the cause lies elsewhere that is not so obvious. If you are working on transformation programmes with organisations, it is essential to identify “innovation trigger points”.

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