Image of Helen Edwards

Helen Edwards – From Marginal to Mainstream Part 2

Helen Edwards joins us for part 2 of a 2-part episode on her book, “From Marginal to Mainstream Why Tomorrow’s brand growth will come from the Fringes – and How to get there first.”

Image of Helen Edward

Helen Edwards – From Marginal to Mainstream Part 1

Helen Edwards book, “Marginal to Mainstream” shows why businesses, marketers and entrepreneurs need to break free from their ‘mainstream inhibition’ and turn their attention to the margins – to confront, evaluate and embrace the ‘strangeness’ of behaviours, ideas and ways of life at the fringes.

Image of Edward Hess and his book cover Own Your Work Journey

Edward D. Hess – Own Your Work Journey!

It is a sincere pleasure to welcome the author of “Own Your Work Journey!: The Path to Meaningful Work and Happiness in the Age of Smart Technology and Radical Change.” Edward D. Hess

The-GAME-of-Innovation by David Cutler

David Cutler – The GAME of Innovation

David Cutler’s “The GAME of Innovation” book, shares a flexible methodology for designing powerhouse innovation GAMEs (Guidelines, Arena, Materials, Experience), Aligning teams with five problem-solving “lenses.

Charles Conn Aidan McCullen

Charles Conn – The Imperfectionists

Charles Conn’s concept is modelled after innovative companies such as Patagonia which are not afraid to step out into risk using small moves that build capabilities, assets and understanding. The imperfectionist strategy creates opportunities unavailable to those with conventional strategic thinking based on old structural models.

Image of Sven Smit

Sven Smit – Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick

Today’s book shows, through empirical analysis and the experiences of dozens of companies that have successfully made multiple big moves, that to dramatically improve performance, you have to overcome incrementalism and corporate inertia.

We welcome Chairman of the McKinsey Global Institute and Author of “Strategy beyond the hockey Stick” Sven Smit

Image of Marty Cagan author of Empowered_

Marty Cagan – Empowered: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Products

Marty Cagan.has long worked to reveal the best practices of the most consistently innovative companies in the world. A natural companion to his bestselling book INSPIRED, EMPOWERED tackles head-on the reason why most companies fail to leverage the potential of their people to innovate truly: product leadership. 

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