
Howard Gardner: The Synthesizing Mind

In this episode of the Innovation Show, Howard Gardner, renowned for his theory of multiple intelligences, discusses his memoir ‘A Synthesizing Mind,’ recounting his life’s intellectual journey.

Gardner talks about his career, his passion for understanding intelligence, his work on ‘good work,’ and how modern innovations like large language models impact his theories.

George Glackin

George Glackin – Value Flows and Design Criteria Maps

This episode of the Corporate Explorer series focuses on developing compelling value propositions through the use of ‘value flows’ and ‘design criteria maps’, as explained by guest George Glackin.

Image of Charles Conn

EP 221: Bulletproof Problem Solving: The One Skill That Changes Everything with Charles Conn

Charles Conn shares the seven-step systematic approach to creative problem solving developed in top consulting firms that will work in any field or industry, turning you into a highly sought-after bulletproof problem solver who can tackle challenges that others balk at.

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