In The Hidden Spring, our guest Mark Solms does not dive too deeply into Karl Friston’s mathematics. As you will discover, he summarises its implications, describing Friston’s free energy as a quantifiable measure of how a system models the world and how it behaves.
Posted 2 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Business Consciousness Entrepreneurship Entropy Homeostasis Human Potential Innovation Leadership Mark Solms Markov Blankets Technology The Free Energy Principle The hidden spring Undisruptable
It is a pleasure to welcome the author of The Hidden Spring: A Journey to the Source of Consciousness, Mark Solms. In this episode, we talk about the brain’s prediction system.
00:00:00.000 Introduction and Overview of the Chapter
00:03:30.388 Establishment of the Meteorology Department
00:11:59.546 The Fundamental Task: Minimizing Free Energy
00:15:43.370 Feelings: Connecting Us to Our Ancestors
00:19:36.790 Neglecting the inter-receptive and extra-receptive in cognitive science
00:22:30.002 The brain’s attempt to contain environmental effects on the organism
00:31:32.675 Innate Predictions: Fear and Instinctual Behaviors
00:34:19.723 The Evolution of Responses and Predictive Model Complexification
00:42:59.118 The Brain: Ones and Zeroes, Predictions and Errors
00:54:18.834 The Brain as an Organization
00:59:57.338 Emotional Needs and Scripts