We welcome Founder of Moven Host of Breaking Banks Radio author of multiple titles but today we focus on Bank 4.0, Banking Everywhere, Never at a Bank Brett King
Posted 4 years ago Tagged
A world no longer focused on limitations but optimised for possibilities.“Everyday Chaos: Technology, Complexity, and How We’re Thriving in a New World of Possibility” David Weinberger,

EP 226: CLEVER: The Six Strategic Drivers for the Fourth Industrial Revolution with Alessandro Lanteri
Posted 5 years ago Tagged Alessandro Lanteri Artificial Intelligence Change CLEVER Exponential Growth Fourth Industrial Revolution
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is here. As emerging technologies like AI and blockchain become ubiquitous, they will unleash unprecedented levels of disruption.

EP 220: Money Without Boundaries, How Blockchain Will Facilitate the Denationalisation of Money with Thomas J. Anderson
Posted 5 years ago Tagged Bitcoin Blockchain Business Denationalisation of Money Entrepreneurship Innovation Leadership Technology Thomas J Anderson We welcome author of Money Without Boundaries
These foundational ideas are not new and not unique. A privately controlled, market-based currency striving for zero risk is arguably the holy grail of multiple influential thinkers and Nobel laureates and the basis for many monetary and investment theories. What is new is that advancements in capital markets, when combined with new technologies, make it possible for society to facilitate old ideas in new ways.