Ismail Amla

From Incremental to Exponential with Ismail Amla

We welcome the author of “From Incremental to Exponential: How Large Companies Can See the Future and Rethink Innovation”, Ismail Amla

Hortense Le Gentil

Aligned with Hortense Le Gentil

Have you ever felt like you were on a roll? Every thing seems to be going your way. Time slows, and you see clearly. Past the noise and distractions, you’re able to zoom in on the essential. You take the perfect action at the perfect time. You instinctively know what to do, and you have the profound feeling that you are on the right path. This experience is the manifestation of what our guest calls alignment. Alignment is the congruence of who you are, what you feel, and what you love on a deep and fundamental level with what you do, what you say, what you envision, and where you are going. Alignment is not about falling in step or conforming to others’ expectations, but rather it’s about becoming more yourself—and, in so doing, transcending what you thought were the limits of your capabilities. You too, if properly aligned, can reach higher than you ever thought possible, effortlessly and joyfully inspiring others to embrace and follow your vision. You too can generate that sense of clarity and ease, even in the face of challenges and setbacks. You too can create that congruence of who you are, what you think, and what you do.

We welcome the author of “Aligned: Connecting Your True Self with the Leader You’re Meant to Be”, Hortense Le Gentil. More about Hortense

Bruce Tulgan

The Art of Being Indispensable at Work with Bruce Tulgan

With new technology, constant change and uncertainty, and far-flung virtual teams, getting things done at work is tougher and more complex than ever. We’re in the midst of a collaboration revolution, working with everyone, all the time, across silos and platforms. But sometimes it feels like we’re stuck in a no-win cycle—dealing with an overwhelming influx of asks, with unclear lines of communication and authority. Overcommitment syndrome looms larger than ever before. But even amid the seeming chaos, there’s always that indispensable go-to person who thrives on their many working relationships with people all over the organization chart. How do they do it? Go-to people consistently make themselves valuable to others, maintain a positive attitude of service, are creative and tenacious, and take personal responsibility for getting the right things done. Our guest today reveals the secrets of the go-to person in our new world of work. Based on an intensive study of people at all levels, in all kinds of organizations, He shows how go-to people think and behave differently, building up their influence with others—not by trying to do everything for everybody but by doing the right things at the right times for the right reasons, regardless of whether they have the formal authority.

We welcome the author of The Art of Being Indispensable at Work: Win Influence, Beat Overcommitment, and Get the Right Things Done Bruce Tulgan

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