Stefano Mastrogiacomo

High-Impact Tools for Teams with Stefano Mastrogiacomo

59% of U.S. workers say that communication is their team’s biggest obstacle to success, followed by accountability at 29% Today’s book explains a simple, powerful tool that helps team leaders and members align and get clarity on exactly who is responsible for each part of the team’s most important activities and projects.

With the guidance of today’s book, you can be better prepared as a team leader or team member to plan effectively, reduce risks, and collaborate with others. Your team will be accountable and ready to deliver results!

We welcome the author of “High-Impact Tools for Teams” Stefano Mastrogiacomo

More about Stefano:


Orpheus and The Business World: Organisational Drag & Gravitational Pull

The legend of Orpheus and Eurydice is a story of love, faith and transformation. It provides a wonderful analogy for letting go of the past and having faith in the future.

To transform we must let go of the way things used to be. Yes, we must respect the old order of things, but then let go.

Steve Brown Innovation

The Innovation Ultimatum with The Bald Futurist: Steve Brown

Today’s book is both a call to innovate for survival in a rapidly evolving competitive environment, and a moral imperative to use these six technologies to serve people, elevate work, and make a lasting, positive impact on the world.

We welcome author of
“The Innovation Ultimatum How six strategic technologies will reshape every business in the 2020s” Steve Brown

Barbara Oakley Innovation Show

Learn Like a Pro with Barbara Oakley

Barbara Oakley struggled in the past with our learning. But has found techniques to help us master material—any material. Building on insights from neuroscience and cognitive psychology, she gives us a crash course to improve your ability to learn, whether you’re studying maths, language, coding, karate, cooking, or anything else. You’ll see why the strategies work because you’ll see what’s happening in the brain when you use them. No, this isn’t a little book of miracles.

But you will find that reducing frustration and improving your study success may sometimes feel miraculous.

Shannon Lucas Innovation Show

Move Fast. Break Stuff. Burn Out. with Shannon Lucas

Catalysts feel a deep sense of drive toward a better future state. We can’t help but see potential change and set it in motion, wherever we are. We’re energized and we’re driven by it.

We welcome author of Move Fast. Break Shit. Burn Out.: The Catalyst’s Guide to Working Well, Shannon Lucas, welcome to the show.

Scott D Anthony

Eat, Sleep, Innovate with Scott D. Anthony

The world’s biggest untapped source of energy isn’t the wind, water, or sun. It is inside existing organisations, which are brimming with innovation energy. Today that energy is largely constrained and contained. You need to release, harness, and amplify it. Today’s book will show you how.

Prometheus holding fire

Keep The Fire Burning: Becoming Promethean

Prometheus risked everything to give us a spark, a fire within. Therefore, it is our responsibility to kindle that spark, to keep it alive and to nurture it on to future generations. We are all born with a spark, however small and however clouded by circumstance. Many of us all our spark to fizzle as we grown older or allow others to extinguish or douse our inner flames. While we will not suffer torture like Prometheus did, not embracing our spark can result in mental torture throughout our existence.

Nadya Zhexembayeva

EP 252: How to Thrive in Chaos with Nadya Zhexembayeva

Our guest today brings us a powerful blend of cross-disciplinary research and battle-tested tools to help you diagnose, design, and implement a reinvention system that allows your company to stop combatting or resisting change – and instead helps you turn every disruption into your greatest opportunity.

We welcome author of
The Chief Reinvention Officer Handbook: How to Thrive in Chaos
Nadya Zhexembayeva

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