While scams and fraud have been around as long as human society, what happens when a scammer is no longer a person but an AI? As in Esperanza’s case, trust is often the scammer’s most potent weapon. This elderly woman, driven by her religious obsession, gave her life savings to someone she believed was divine. With its capacity to learn and adapt, AI could potentially exploit that trust on a much larger scale.
Posted 3 years ago Tagged 5G networks Aidan McCullen artificial intelligence (AI) Augmented Reality autonomous machines Blockchain Steve Brown the bald futurist The Innovation Ultimatum the Internet of Things (IoT)
Today’s book is both a call to innovate for survival in a rapidly evolving competitive environment, and a moral imperative to use these six technologies to serve people, elevate work, and make a lasting, positive impact on the world.
We welcome author of
“The Innovation Ultimatum How six strategic technologies will reshape every business in the 2020s” Steve Brown