A old lady becoming younger

Organisational Senescence: Senescent Skillsets 

Some organisations engage in renewal as an event rather than an ongoing process. In such cases, they find their organisational skillsets and capabilities are inadequate for the new reality. Often employees who excelled in a previous reality struggle in the new paradigm. In some cases, these employees become senescent. They can even act like a senescent cell and influence those around them to become toxic and malevolent.

Kim B. Clark – The Interaction of Design Hierarchies and Market Concepts in Technological Evolution

Kim Bryce Clark is with us to celebrate the life and theories of his friend Clayton Christensen and, indeed, share some of his theories.

Competing Against Luck_ The Story Of Innovation And Customer Choice with Taddy Hall LGE

Taddy Hall- Competing Against Luck

Today’s book is a book about progress.
Yes, it’s a book about innovation—and how to get better at it.
But at its core, this book is about the struggles we all face to make progress in our lives.
If you’re like many entrepreneurs and managers, the word “progress” might not spring to mind when you’re trying to innovate.

How Will You Measure Your Life? PART 2 with Karen Dillon

Karen Dillon – Part 2: How Will You Measure Your Life?

In, “How Will You Measure Your Life?”, Clay Christensen and Karen Dillon apply the theories developed by Clayton Christensen to our lives.

How Will You Measure Your Life? with Karen Dillon The Clay Christensen Tribute

Karen Dillon – How Will You Measure Your Life?

Karen Dillon joins us to share concepts from her book How Will You Measure you Life co-authored with her friend, Clay Christensen

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