
The Corporate Explorer in The Field – Balaji Bondili and Andrew Binns

In Chapter 5 of the Corporate Explorer, Binns, Tushman and O’Reilly share how a Corporate Explorer created a new business inside the consulting and accounting firm Deloitte.
His new unit, Deloitte Pixel, uses the “wisdom of crowds” to solve complex management problems. Ice are joined by Balaji Bondili.

Perspective Giraffe

Size Does Matter: Innovation’s Relativity Problem

History is replete with examples where bankrupt organisations had all the ingredients they needed to endure, but their perspective biased their evaluation. In many cases, engineers at established firms had invented the same technology that led to their firm’s demise. However, the entrants led the commercialisation of disruptive technologies rather than incumbents because of the relativity problem.

Man o'war

The Bank of The Future is a Man O’War

Many of the earth’s most enduring organisms from ants to bees encourage specialisation. Likewise, the successful bank of the future will incorporate composite specialists into their superorganism rather than trying to compete on all levels. This approach will not only optimise survival for legacy organisations but will create an ecosystem that caters to changing customer demands. This combination of specialism and diversity applies not to only the most successful organisms, but also to the most successful organisations.


Threat Within Vs Threat Without

Changemakers often experience the full wrath of a protective status quo when an internal power broker perceives them as a threat (to their position). Even though they may espouse upstanding business practices, proclaiming, “We are very innovative!”, ultimately when threatened by internally driven proactive change, the status quo can act as unscrupulously as the mob. 

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