Ozan Varol

EP 256: Think Like a Rocket Scientist: Simple Strategies for Giant Leaps in Work and Life with Ozan Varol

Today, thinking like a rocket scientist is a necessity. We all encounter complex and unfamiliar problems in our lives. Those who can tackle these problems — without clear guidelines and with the clock ticking — enjoy an extraordinary advantage. Ozan Varol’s “Think Like a Rocket Scientist will inspire you to take your own moonshot and enable you to achieve lift-off.”

Image of BJ Fogg

EP 254 Tiny Habits with BJ Fogg

Our guest is here to say: It isn’t your fault. creating positive change isn’t as hard as you think and when it comes to change tiny is mighty. We welcome, founder of the Behavior Design Lab at Stanford University and author Tiny Habits, BJ Fogg.

Image of John Rogers

EP 253: The Renaissance Campaign: A Problem-Solving Formula with John Rogers

Organizations and individuals need to adopt an entirely different approach to the biggest challenges they face and embrace a new model to ensure they emerge triumphant. That model is The Renaissance Campaign.

Nadya Zhexembayeva

EP 252: How to Thrive in Chaos with Nadya Zhexembayeva

Our guest today brings us a powerful blend of cross-disciplinary research and battle-tested tools to help you diagnose, design, and implement a reinvention system that allows your company to stop combatting or resisting change – and instead helps you turn every disruption into your greatest opportunity.

We welcome author of
The Chief Reinvention Officer Handbook: How to Thrive in Chaos
Nadya Zhexembayeva

Bob Johansen

EP 251: Full-Spectrum Thinking: How to Escape Boxes in a Post-Categorical Future with Bob Johansen

Our guest is a Leading futurist and shows how a new way of thinking, enhanced by new technologies, will help leaders break free of limiting labels and see new gradients of possibility in a chaotic world.

We welcome the author of Full-Spectrum Thinking: How to Escape Boxes in a Post-Categorical Future, Bob Johansen

Image of Donald Rattner

EP 250: My Creative Space: How to Design Your Home to Stimulate Ideas and Spark Innovation with Donald M. Rattner

For over twenty years, scientists have been discovering connections between our physical surroundings and the creative mind. Today’s book is the first to turn this rich trove of psychological research into practical techniques for shaping a home that will boost your creativity. We welcome Donald Rattner, the author of My Creative Space: How to Design Your Home to Stimulate Ideas and Spark Innovation.

Lisa Wimberger

EP 249 Neurosculpting: A Whole-Brain Approach to Heal Trauma, Rewrite Limiting Beliefs, and Find Wholeness with Lisa Wimberger.

“If you could learn to squeeze the vibrancy and beauty out of each moment of […]

Robin Dunbar

EP 248 Robin Dunbar on Friends: Understanding the Power of our Most Important Relationships

Friends matter to us, and they matter more than we think. The single most surprising fact to emerge out of the medical literature over the last decade or so has been that the number and quality of the friendships we have has a bigger influence on our happiness, health and even mortality risk than anything else except giving up smoking. Robin Dunbar explains why.

Leonard Mlodinow Innovation Show

EP 247: Leonard Mlodinow on Stephen Hawking: A Memoir of Friendship and Physics

Leonard Mlodinow, Stephen Hawking, Subliminal, Elastic, Euclid’s Window, Feynman’s Rainbow, The Upright Thinkers and War of the Worldviews with Deepak Chopra. And 2 books coauthored with Stephen Hawking.Innovation,Business,Leadership,Entrepreneurship,Human Potential

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