Discovery-Driven Planning with Rita Gunther McGrath The Clayton Christensen Tribute

Discovery-Driven Planning with Rita Gunther McGrath The Clayton Christensen Tribute

Discovery-Driven Planning with Rita Gunther McGrath The Clayton Christensen Tribute

Joseph L. Bower

Joseph L. Bower – Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave

Joseph L. Bower is the father of Resource Allocation theory included in his 1970 groundbreaking book, Managing the Resource Allocation Process.
He has been a leader in general management at Harvard Business School for over 5 decades where he is the Donald K. David Professor Emeritus.
He was Clayton Christensenā€™s doctoral thesis adviser and worked with Clay to develop and stress test his theories.

He is with us today to recognise his friend and revisit that famous 1995 article,
ā€œDisruptive Technologies: Catching the Waveā€ that preceded the Innovatorā€™s Dilemma
In a way this episode is a prequel to part one.
It is a great honour to welcome for the hour or Bower: Professor Joseph L. Bower

Dropping Coconuts: Letting Go

This week’s #thursdaythought is about letting go of assets before they have run their course. It is inspired by the latest episode of The Innovation Show with the author of “Quit” by Annie Duke. Serendipitously it is also influenced by Rita McGrath, who joined us in person this week in Dublin.

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