Dan Ariely Misbelief Podcast

Navigating Misinformation with Empathy: Misbelief with Dan Ariely

This episode features Dan Ariely, author of ‘Misbelief, what makes rational people believe irrational things’, focusing on the psychology behind misinformation and belief in conspiracy theories.

Ellen Langer Innovation Show Aidan McCullen

Ellen Langer – The Mindful Body Part 1

An Interview with Ellen Langer: The Power of Mindfulness in Health and Life. Ellen Langer was the first woman to be tenured in psychology at Harvard. Known worldwide as the mother of mindfulness and the mother of Positive Psychology

Challenge-Driven Innovation with Bea Schofield

This episode of the Corporate Explorer series features a discussion with Bea Schofield, a specialist in Challenge-Driven Innovation (CDI), and various co-authors of the ‘Corporate Explorer Field Book’.

The podcast, supported by Wazoku, delves into how large organisations can foster innovation through a sustainable ecosystem using ‘Connected Collective Intelligence’. The conversation focuses on the principles of CDI, detailing a framework dubbed ‘LASSO’ for crafting effective challenges that stimulate creative solutions. It underscores the importance of setting clear boundaries to fuel creativity, ensuring challenges are actionable and specific, and aligning them with strategic goals to facilitate ownership and support within the organisation. The episode also covers strategic challenge framing, stakeholder engagement, solution evaluation, and prioritisation, offering insights into blending creativity with systematic processes for corporate innovation. Bea Schofield shares her perspective on the role of corporate innovators and the necessity of balancing ideation with execution to drive meaningful organisational change. 

00:00 Welcome to the Corporate Explorer Series: Launching the Field Book

00:15 Introducing Wazoku: Powering Sustainable Innovation

01:07 Diving Into the World of CDI with Bea Schofield

03:59 Exploring the LASSO Framework for Effective Challenges

07:44 The Importance of Support and Ownership in Innovation

17:19 Navigating Corporate Innovation: Strategies and Tools

20:41 Selecting the Right Channels for Innovation Challenges

21:58 Wrapping Up and Where to Find Bea Schofield

Corporate Explorer Series, Innovation Ecosystems, CDI (Challenge Driven Innovation), Connected Collective Intelligence, Ideation Process, Challenge Design, LASSO Framework, Problem Solving,  Collaboration,  Corporate Innovation

Michael Beer

Fit To Compete Part 2 with Michael Beer

Join us in ‘Fit to Compete, Part 2’ where Michael Beer, the renowned expert in corporate strategy, delves into the crucial elements of business innovation and transformation. This episode offers insightful discussions on strategic fitness, the power of honest conversations, and the roles of leadership and culture in driving organizational change. Featuring a case study on Becton Dickinson, Mike highlights the essentiality of aligning strategy with internal communication for corporate success. Perfect for professionals and leaders seeking guidance in the dynamic world of business.”

Main topics with timestamps:

  1. Strategic Fitness Process – [00:00:00]
  2. Long-Term Investment Challenges – [00:13:00]
  3. Impact of Company Culture and Leadership – [00:30:00]
  4. Role of Succession Planning – [00:43:00]
  5. Becton Dickinson Case Study – [00:51:00]
  6. Transformative Leadership and Values – [00:57:00]
  7. Innovation in Corporate Strategy – [01:03:00]
  8. Conclusion and Key Takeaways – [01:10:00]

Articles mentioned in the episode: The Great Training Robbery https://www.hbs.edu/ris/Publication%20Files/16-121_bc0f03ce-27de-4479-a90e-9d78b8da7b67.pdf

Find Mike Beer: https://www.beermichael.com


Image of Paul Nunes Big Bang

Big Bang Disruption with Paul Nunes Part 3

We have entered a fourth stage of innovation— the era of Big Bang Disruption. The new disrupters attack existing markets not just from the top, bottom, and sides but from all three at once. This isn’t disruptive innovation. It’s devastating innovation.

Paul Nunes Jumping the S-Curve_

Jumping the S-Curve – Paul Nunes Part 2

Paul Nunes has found that what matters is not just climbing your current S-curve, which is what you do to reach the top of a single successful business. Instead, he emphasises the equal importance of the moves you must make to your next business: making the jump to your future S-curve.

Paul Nunes Jumping the S-Curve

Jumping the S-Curve – Paul Nunes Part 1

Paul Nunes has found that what matters is not just climbing your current S-curve, which is what you do to reach the top of a single successful business. Instead, he emphasises the equal importance of the moves you must make to your next business: making the jump to your future S-curve.

Private Lawns, Planning: Protection or Growth

The ‘private lawn’ is the ability to have the time and space to plan, think and grow. For some of us, daily survival consumes all our time and energy, leaving no room for strategic thinking or planning. Few organisations carve out the time to plan, strategise and think about long-term goals and objectives.

As business leaders, creating an environment where everyone can access their ‘private lawn’ – a space for growth, planning, and forward-thinking is crucial. However, we must also plan by priority.

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