Rebirth Image

Plagues Precede Rebirths: Chaos Precedes Order (and Chaos again)

When we are experiencing chaos, it can be all encompassing, we can forget that there is order ahead. Our guest on Innovation Show 253 is John Rogers, John reminds us that the devastation of the “Black Death” was the chaos that preceded the Renaissance.


Seeking new landscapes: The Eyes of the Beholder

If we learned anything in 2020, perhaps it is that we are stronger together. Collaboration can bring us vaccines in record time. This mindset cannot be just a flash in the pan, if that is the case the pan will not be around for much longer. In a world of complex challenges, we need to venture beyond our swim lanes and explore the entire pool.

Image of John Rogers

EP 253: The Renaissance Campaign: A Problem-Solving Formula with John Rogers

Organizations and individuals need to adopt an entirely different approach to the biggest challenges they face and embrace a new model to ensure they emerge triumphant. That model is The Renaissance Campaign.

Bob Johansen

EP 251: Full-Spectrum Thinking: How to Escape Boxes in a Post-Categorical Future with Bob Johansen

Our guest is a Leading futurist and shows how a new way of thinking, enhanced by new technologies, will help leaders break free of limiting labels and see new gradients of possibility in a chaotic world.

We welcome the author of Full-Spectrum Thinking: How to Escape Boxes in a Post-Categorical Future, Bob Johansen

Scripting Your Future – NeuroVisioning

When we imagine the future, we use memories, dreams, movies we have seen. These data points act like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that we construct. If this is the case, then we can manipulate the information we consume to create novel versions of the future. We can use new information to create new visions of our organisations for a rapidly-evolving world.

Lisa Wimberger

EP 249 Neurosculpting: A Whole-Brain Approach to Heal Trauma, Rewrite Limiting Beliefs, and Find Wholeness with Lisa Wimberger.

“If you could learn to squeeze the vibrancy and beauty out of each moment of […]

Rhizome People

Dunbar’s Number and The Rise of The Rhizomatous Organisation Part Two

Rhizomatous organisation, where departments within an organisation are connected by a unifying vision, a North Star, while they expand on the strength of the whole. In part two, we look at successful organisations that have behaved just like rhizomatous plants and sprouted new entities in some cases right beside an existing one. More importantly, I share how Dunbar’s number has an influence.

Robin Dunbar

EP 248 Robin Dunbar on Friends: Understanding the Power of our Most Important Relationships

Friends matter to us, and they matter more than we think. The single most surprising fact to emerge out of the medical literature over the last decade or so has been that the number and quality of the friendships we have has a bigger influence on our happiness, health and even mortality risk than anything else except giving up smoking. Robin Dunbar explains why.

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