Image of Michael Bungay Stanier

EP 259: The Advice Trap with Michael Bungay Stanier

This episode is about getting to grips with how to actually change your behaviour so you stay curious a little bit longer.

Author of The Advice Trap: Be Humble, Stay Curious & Change the Way You Lead Forever, Michael Bungay Stanier tells us how.

Girl with a finger on her lips

When Good People Go Quiet: A Swiss Cheese Model of Idea Penetration

Swiss cheese Model for Ideas Aidan McCullen. Have you noticed a colleague who was once full of ideas, who has gone unusually quiet? Perhaps you may assume they are just disinterested? You may think they are having a bad day? Perhaps instead, they have fallen prey to a corporate lobotomy? Perhaps they are worn down? Perhaps they just couldn’t be bothered any more.

Captain David Marquet

EP 258: Turn the Ship Around with L. David Marquet

No matter your business or your position, you can apply his approach to create a workplace where everyone takes responsibility for their actions, people are healthier and happier – and everyone is a leader.

Tree Monster by Alexandra Schastlivaya

Organisational Dieback – The Natural Evolution of Organisations

What does Tree Dieback have to do with leadership? Nature instinctively knows what to do to ensure the survival of a species, but we homo sapiens can make things much more complicated than they might otherwise be. Biases, blind spots and clinging to the status quo block our progress. Being aware of this is the first step.

Rebirth Image

Plagues Precede Rebirths: Chaos Precedes Order (and Chaos again)

When we are experiencing chaos, it can be all encompassing, we can forget that there is order ahead. Our guest on Innovation Show 253 is John Rogers, John reminds us that the devastation of the “Black Death” was the chaos that preceded the Renaissance.


Seeking new landscapes: The Eyes of the Beholder

If we learned anything in 2020, perhaps it is that we are stronger together. Collaboration can bring us vaccines in record time. This mindset cannot be just a flash in the pan, if that is the case the pan will not be around for much longer. In a world of complex challenges, we need to venture beyond our swim lanes and explore the entire pool.

Image of John Rogers

EP 253: The Renaissance Campaign: A Problem-Solving Formula with John Rogers

Organizations and individuals need to adopt an entirely different approach to the biggest challenges they face and embrace a new model to ensure they emerge triumphant. That model is The Renaissance Campaign.

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