Bruce Tulgan

The Art of Being Indispensable at Work with Bruce Tulgan

With new technology, constant change and uncertainty, and far-flung virtual teams, getting things done at work is tougher and more complex than ever. We’re in the midst of a collaboration revolution, working with everyone, all the time, across silos and platforms. But sometimes it feels like we’re stuck in a no-win cycle—dealing with an overwhelming influx of asks, with unclear lines of communication and authority. Overcommitment syndrome looms larger than ever before. But even amid the seeming chaos, there’s always that indispensable go-to person who thrives on their many working relationships with people all over the organization chart. How do they do it? Go-to people consistently make themselves valuable to others, maintain a positive attitude of service, are creative and tenacious, and take personal responsibility for getting the right things done. Our guest today reveals the secrets of the go-to person in our new world of work. Based on an intensive study of people at all levels, in all kinds of organizations, He shows how go-to people think and behave differently, building up their influence with others—not by trying to do everything for everybody but by doing the right things at the right times for the right reasons, regardless of whether they have the formal authority.

We welcome the author of The Art of Being Indispensable at Work: Win Influence, Beat Overcommitment, and Get the Right Things Done Bruce Tulgan

Jane McConnell

The Gig Mindset Advantage with Jane McConnell

Found at all levels of the workforce but often stifled by managers, gig mindsetters are disruptors who upend business as usual and bridge gaps while achieving surprising outcomes and charting new directions. Six case studies of early adopters illustrate how it is shaping business in diverse fields: science and technology, industrial energy, healthcare, financial services, agricultural commodity trading and legal services.

Ben Bensaou

Built to Innovate Part 3 with Ben M. Bensaou

In this episode, we explore some case studies in innovation including: Samsung The Pentagon The cement company-turned renewables EcoCem The paint company AkzoNobel and many nuggets of wisdom in between thank to Ben Bensaou

Ben Bensaou Insead

Built to Innovate Part 2 with Ben M. Bensaou

It’s no secret that continuous innovation is the key to seizing and maintaining the competitive edge in today’s increasingly challenging business environment. Unfortunately, the process for achieving this holy grail of business has been a mystery—until now thanks to Ben Bensaou.

Art Kleiner

Pierre Wack and the Origins of Scenario Planning with Art Kleiner

In episode 4, we focus on The Mystics in an episode called “The Age of Heretics Part 4: Pierre Wack and the Origins of Scenario Planning” with Art Kleiner This is part of a longer series based on the book The Age of Heretics with Art Kleiner.

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