What is cramming in Innovation? Suez Crammed Canal Effect: Cramming Old Tools into a New World
Posted 3 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Blog Aidan McCullen Innovation Are you on the bus to Abilene? Bus to Abilene Meaning Gainsayer or Naysayer Speaking up tp Power What does Bus to Abilene Mean? What is a Gainsayer?
Are we on a bus to Abilene? Is it ok for people to speak up when they think something is not right? Are they gainsayers or Naysayers?
Posted 3 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Aidan McCullen Blog Aidan McCullen Undisruptable Fractal No Lingchi Innovation Long No
My point in sharing this is to inform you of the “fractal no” or the “long no” so that you recognize when you are stuck in a fractal no loop. You can waste a lot of personal energy in such a loop.
Posted 3 years ago Tagged Innovation Improvisation JAzz Innovation Toulouse Innovation Toulouse Rugby Innovation
In Innovation work, it is no different.
We must have extensive knowledge of our industry, of adjacent arenas. We must read widely and eclectically. We must dream big and experiment small.
A huge mistake in innovation work is to hire someone in an innovation role who is all chaos and no order. If you do have an innovator who lacks discipline, then it is important to support them with a do-er. While vision without action is a daydream, action without vision is a nightmare.
Talent without discipline is not enough.
Wonder without rigour remains wonder.
Chaos with order remains chaotic.
One final thing in Innovation is that Innovators need leadership air cover in order to succeed. When you are improvising you are going to make mistakes. It is only through embracing the mistakes that breakthroughs emerge.
Posted 3 years ago Tagged George Lakoff Metaphors we Live By
It is an immense honour and real treat to welcome the author of a plethora of titles including the focus of today’s show: Metaphors we Live By”, George Lakoff you are very welcome.
Posted 3 years ago Tagged “Where all think alike Margaret Mead Quote no one thinks very much.” Psychometric Tests and Innovation Walter Lippmann Quote
While it is natural for organizational neurotypicals to misunderstand changemakers, it is very hard to stomach the incongruity, the mismatch between the espoused values of the organization those values in practice. Innovation and change need friends in high places, without the air cover of leadership in organizations those people who can unlock future growth in organizations will leave to find authenticity and fulfillment somewhere else.
Posted 3 years ago Tagged Curiosity improvisation Innovation intuition natalie thecreativityleap
It encourages you to integrate both wonder and rigour into your daily life in order to produce new and novel products, services, and experiences that deliver greater value to your community and your organization.
To this end, you’ll gain three major tools from this book:
Catalyzing inquiry
Integrating improvisation,
and elevating intuition.
Posted 3 years ago Tagged Change Management Chaorder Chaos and Order Innovation Innovation Management Management And Leadership
There is a need for chaos and order. Too much order and you fossilise. Too much chaos and you fall apart. These things are always in fruitful harmony.
Posted 3 years ago Tagged Corporate Culture Stress Response Innovation
it is vital for organizations and individuals to reinvent in permanence, to constantly build capabilities before we need them. When we do need new capabilities, it is often too late.
Posted 3 years ago Tagged because they do not know the inner workings of not only your industry coupled with the reality that they often do not include key people in designing the map it does not mean that strategy will succeed. In fact many consultants design bum maps. Is it any wonder that 75% of transformational efforts fail? (I always believe it is more because some organizations will not admit such failure) or in the context of this Thursday Thought or the realities of the territory of your organization The map is not the territory means that the description of something is not the reality of that something. The model is not reality when a group of consultants who know very little about your organization design a strategy
The map is not the territory means that the description of something is not the reality of that something. The model is not reality, or in the context of this Thursday Thought, when a group of consultants who know very little about your organization design a strategy, it does not mean that strategy will succeed. In fact, because they do not know the inner workings of not only your industry, or the realities of the territory of your organization, coupled with the reality that they often do not include key people in designing the map, many consultants design bum maps. Is it any wonder that 75% of transformational efforts fail? (I always believe it is more because some organizations will not admit such failure)