Just as an organization should explore new business models, a bee population explores new hive locations. My point in sharing this analogy is both to emphasise how there is always a small percentage who search for alternatives but also to highlight how the scout bee communicates and sells her idea.
Posted 3 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Podcast April Rinne Change Flux Innovation Innovation Show Transformation
Flux challenges your assumptions and expectations in ways that enable you to lean into the future with hope rather than fear, and with clarity and confidence anchored in what makes you, you.
We welcome the author of Flux, 8 Superpowers for Thriving in Constant Change, April Rinne
Posted 3 years ago Tagged Art Kleiner Age of Heretics Art Kleiner Author
author of “The Age of Heretics: A History of the Radical Thinkers Who Reinvented Corporate Management” and the earlier subtitle was Heroes, Outlaws, and the Forerunners of Corporate Change, it is a phenomenal book, one of many by today’s guest, Art Kleiner
Posted 3 years ago Tagged Edydis Human Edysis Human Potential Shedding Crab Shell Shedding old shell
Life’s animating force compels us to evolve, but unlike the crab and the caterpillar, many of us ignore that inner calling to change. We often hear the whispers in moments of silence: a walk in the wilderness, a moment in the shower, a vacant stare in the distance. We silence the internal voice with busyness, to-do lists, important-but-not-urgent tasks, entertainment, the contents of the fridge, anything but unearthing our destiny. Instead of changing, we cling to the familiar, even though we are compelled to evolve.
Posted 3 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Innovation Aidan McCullen Undisruptable Corporate Culture Innovation Scurves Smart Growth Whitney Johnson Whitney Johnson
We welcome friend of the Innovation Show and author of yet another fantastic book, Smart Growth: How to Grow Your People to Grow Your Company, Whitney Johnson.
Posted 3 years ago Tagged Alan Watts She is Black Disruption God is Black Radical Empathy Terri Givens
It is critical to realise that our schemas, these mental shortcuts, while beneficial can produce biases and prejudices that often obscure the truth. As our recent guest on the Innovation Show, Elliot Aronson told us, “Unless we recognize our cognitive limitations we will be enslaved by them.”
Posted 3 years ago Tagged
We welcome the author of, “Radical Empathy, Finding A Path to Bridging Racial Divides”, Terri Givens.
Posted 3 years ago Tagged Curtain Twitcher Effect Aidan McCullen Innovation Management Intrinsic Extrinsic Motivation and Innovation Transformation
leaders are time-strapped, but a major part of transformation efforts includes leaders making time to provide the extrinsic motivation necessary to kindle the intrinsic motivation that may have extinguished inside your people.
Posted 3 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Blog Corporate Culture Disruption Innovation Innovation Exploit Explore Leadership Reinvemt Replicate Transformation Vaughn Tan
Just as innovation-focused restaurants have realised it is better to structure reinvention in a different way to repetition, established companies must empower different teams to manage and conduct reinvention efforts within their organisations. Once they have stumbled upon a successful product, then they can transfer it to an execution team to perfect, refine and replicate. These are different modes of being, thinking and measuring.
Posted 3 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Business Columbia University Vaughn Tan Entrepreneurship Human Potential Innovation Leadership Technology The Uncertainty Mindset Undisruptable Vaughn Tan
The Uncertainty Mindset with Vaughn Tan changes how organizations hire, set goals, and motivate team members and leads organizations to work in highly unconventional ways.