When you change your perspective of time and see it as non-linear, it helps you realise that a step backwards is a natural part of renewal. When you perceive time as non-linear, it enables you to reinvent, renew and regenerate safely in the knowledge that your old bloom and your new bud co-exist, each supporting your magnificent present.
Posted 2 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Business Habit Factor Innovation Leadership Martin Grunburg Power of Story Transformation
Martin Grunburg produces an epic finale and at the same time, introduces an innovative and simplified behaviour change model already impacting the coaching and behaviour change professions. Find Martin here: https://thehabitfactor.com
Posted 2 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Banking Reinvention Quadrant Innovation Leadership Paolo Sironi Strategy Transformation
Paolo Sironi offers the Banking Reinvention Quadrant (BRQ), and the compass pointing to the North Star of higher business value is the theory of Financial Market Transparency (FMT)
Posted 2 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Birds and Leadership Business Corporate Culture Dee Hock Disruption Leadership Transformation V-Form Leadership and Mentorship
Just as we can learn functional principles like air flight from birds, we can also learn soft skills like leadership and teamwork.
Posted 2 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Bob Moesta Business Clayton Christensen Efosa Ojomo Entrepreneurship Hal Gregerson Human Potential Innovation Innovator's Dilemma Joseph L. Bower Karen Dillon Leadership Matt Christensen Matthew Christensen Michael B. Horn Michael Raynor Rita McGrath Rose Park Advisors Scott D. Anthony Taddy Hall Technology Undisruptable
The work of Clayton Christensen changed my worldview and, ultimately, my life. I have been lining up all his co-authors to celebrate his life and share his theories. We have been interviewing each of these great thinkers over the last few months and into 2023. We will bring you each of those episodes in chronological order of his book releases. It includes Matt Christensen, Clay’s son and CEO of Rose Park Advisors, Rita McGrath, Joseph L. Bower, Michael Raynor, Scott D. Anthony Hal Gregerson, Taddy Hall Bob Moesta, Michael B. Horn Efosa Ojomo and Karen Dillon.
Coming Jan 23, 2023
Posted 2 years ago Tagged
We are joined by Friederike Fabritius, Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Brain-Friendly Workplace: Why Talented People Quit and How to Get Them to Stay and of the award-winning book The Leading Brain: Neuroscience Hacks to Work Smarter, Better, Happier.
Posted 2 years ago Tagged Bank of Future Business Disruption Fintech Innovation Leadership Transformation
Many of the earth’s most enduring organisms from ants to bees encourage specialisation. Likewise, the successful bank of the future will incorporate composite specialists into their superorganism rather than trying to compete on all levels. This approach will not only optimise survival for legacy organisations but will create an ecosystem that caters to changing customer demands. This combination of specialism and diversity applies not to only the most successful organisms, but also to the most successful organisations.
Posted 2 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Business Corporate Culture Disruption Entrepreneurship Innovation Leadership Stealing From The Future: Decaffeinate Your Strategy Strategy Transformation
Stealing From The Future: Decaffeinate Your Strategy. Business Leaders steal from their future the same way coffee robs from our sleep.
Posted 2 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Temdayi Viki
Our guest today has seen them all and is with us to share “The Top 10 Innovation Shortcuts Company Leaders Should Avoid”.
Posted 2 years ago Tagged Clayton Christensen Fire Ready Aim Ready Ready Aim Stanley McChrystal
The problem of Ready, Ready, Ready, Aim, Aim is exasperated by the characteristics of disruptive technologies. Such innovations enable new markets, so how can you possibly aim when there is nothing to aim at?