EP 139: “A Child at Heart: Unlocking Your Creativity, Curiosity, and Reason at Every Age and Stage of Life” – Christopher Phillips

Weaving together philosophy, social science and neuroscience research, personal anecdotes and dialogues, A Child at Heart takes a radically different approach to the traditional boundaries between childhood and adulthood to reveal how rather than lapse into adulthood, we can achieve what the Greeks of old call arete—all-around excellence—when we look to children and youth as a lodestar for our development.

Childhood is our primary launching pad, a time of life when learning is more intense than at any other when we gain the critical knowledge and skills that can help ensure that we remain adaptable. This book weaves together the thinking of philosophers from across the ages who make the unsettling assertion that with the passage of time we are apt to shrink mentally, emotionally, and cognitively. If we follow what has become an all-too-common course, we denature our original nature—which brims with curiosity, empathy, reason, wonder, and a will to experiment and understand—and we regress, our sense of who we are will become fuzzier and everyone in our orbit will pay a price.

Mounting evidence shows that we begin our lives with a moral, intellectual, and creative bang, and in this groundbreaking, heavily researched, and highly engaging volume, today’s guest makes the provocative case that childhood isn’t merely a state of becoming, while adulthood is one of being, as if we’ve “arrived” and reached the summit. His life-changing proposition is that if we embrace the defining qualities of youth, we’re not destined to become frail, dispirited, or unhinged, we’ll grow in a way defined by wonder, curiosity, imaginativeness, playfulness, and compassion—in essence, unlimited potential.

We welcome the founder of Socrates Cafe, Maverick philosopher And Author of and the focus of today’s show “A Child at Heart: Unlocking Your Creativity, Curiosity, and Reason at Every Age and Stage of Life” – Christopher Phillips 

EP 138: The Seven Laws of Guaranteed Growth: BITSING with Frans De Groot

“Those who say you cannot guarantee the achievement of goals are those who do not know how to do it.” – Frans De Groot

Businesses are on the lookout for the one methodology that singlehandedly helps to achieve their goals, and definitively address issues such as “what needs to done” and “which activities to avoid”.

BITSING is a scientifically proven methodology, which enables you to predict results by using facts in order to be 100% certain of achieving goals. This episode enables factual insight into (positive) financial returns, in advance of executing strategies accordingly.

BITSING can be applied by the biggest multinational to the smallest startup. The 7 laws in this book guide you through the process of improving your business strategy.

We discuss:

  • How to be Unbeatable
  • Realise Effective Campaigns
  • Ensure That You Reach Your Goals
  • How to get that “first date” with your customer
  • How to get a commitment from your customer

Author and founder, Frans De Groot explains how this methodology works and how to implement it in your own business. By using examples, illustrations, and insights, Frans provides multiple entry points for readers who want to execute the BITSING strategy accordingly.

As a result of working closely with several universities, the methodology is scientifically validated, in addition to its proven performance within numerous organisations and businesses.

Frans shares how some have experienced exponential growth and reached the magic level of 300%.

This episode offers advice, tools, and direction in what is required in your organisation to achieve goals.

The methodology increases efficiency without sacrificing jobs and has even helped to stimulate employment, including recruiting top talent. BITSING has also boosted employee performance, changed stakeholder behaviour, and optimised work-life balance.

More about Frans here:


The book is available here:


Other shows like this here: 




EP 137: The Positive Potential of Marijuana and CBD with SebastiĂĄn Marincolo PhD

“The legalisation of marijuana is not a dangerous experiment – the prohibition is the experiment, and it has failed dramatically, with millions of victims all around the world.” ― Sebastián Marincolo

The work today’s guests is based on a vast body of knowledge and represents a new methodology for researching the potential of the marijuana high. It is informed by the philosophy of mind, the cognitive sciences, psychology, chemistry, neurobiology and a systematic analysis of hundreds of anecdotal reports. It blends hard science with the warmth of human experience and a deep appreciation for the complexity of human consciousness.

While medical cannabis is capturing most of the attention at the moment, the vast majority of users – an estimated 85% – are interested in the high; first and foremost.

Our guest wants to know how the high can spur creative thinking, deepen empathic understanding, help with many illnesses, enhance the ways we pay attention, or bring hidden memories to the fore. Cannabis has always been able to do some of these things, Rather than dwelling on the supposed dangers of cannabis – none of which have ever been proven – he’s asking a far more intriguing question: How can we use it to enhance our existence?

Prohibition prevents independent, expert information on cannabis biology, strains, genetics and growing from entering the mainstream media. Furthermore, many users have even been actively misled by criminal dealers who take advantage of prohibition and the lack of knowledge on the side of consumers to sell them cheaply produced, low-grade marijuana – sometimes laced and weighted with dangerous substances – under the name of superior strains.

It is for these reasons we welcome today’s guest: philosopher, consciousness researcher, creative director, photographer and author of “High – insights on Marijuana” and “What Hashish Did To Walter Benjamin” Sebastian Marincolo PhD.

We talk:

  • The Science behind Marijuana and CBD
  • The Endocannabinoid System
  • CBD
  • Prohibition
  • Legalisation
  • The impact on health
  • Autism
  • Empathy
  • Creativity
  • Imagination
  • Hyperfocus
  • Memory Retrieval
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Focused Attention
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Parkinsons
  • PTSD
  • Anxiety
  • How to get high properly,
  • Vaping vs smoking and much more

More about Sebastian here: http://www.sebastianmarincolo.de/

EP 136: Even Eagles Need a Push: Learning to Soar in a Changing World with thought leader, speaker and bestselling author David McNally

Discover your strengths, live your dreams! Let go of fear. Discover your true sense of purpose. Live the life you’ve only imagined!

Maximise your creative potential. Find success with dignity. Deal with personal crises.

Why does the thrill of soaring begin with the fear of falling?

How can you overcome that fear and dare to live?

Today’s guest shares some solutions. He has spent over 30 years working with leaders aligning their organisations to inspire individuals, teams, and hundreds, even thousands of people in various settings. He has captured his insights as an entrepreneur, speaker, author and film producer to share the powerful transformation that occurs when people share a common purpose. He has discovered that the key to real growth and profitability is purposeful leaders who build inspiring organisations and iconic brands. His mission is straightforward and clear: To provide people with the knowledge, skills and inspiration to perform at their best.

He is the author of the bestselling books, The Eagle’s Secret– Success Strategies for Thriving at Work and in Life, The Push – Unleashing the Power of Encouragement, My Sacred Journey Through Cancer. 

His co-authored book, Be Your Own Brand, also a bestseller, is in its second edition and is now used by many business schools to address the importance of building a strong personal brand.

His latest book is “Mark of an Eagle—How Your Life Changes the World”, which was released last year. It is the third in the eagle trilogy.

Also, an award-winning producer, he has produced two highly praised, inspirational films, The Power of Purpose and If I Were Brave.

The focus for this episode is his bestseller “Even Eagles Need a Push: Learning to Soar in a Changing World”

We welcome David McNally.

We talk:

  • Confidence
  • Overcoming setbacks
  • Thinking
  • The Inner Critic
  • Goals
  • Purpose
  • Mission
  • Contribution
  • Forgiveness
  • Vision
  • Commitment
  • Legacy


More about David here:



EP 135: The Writer's Process: Getting Your Brain in Gear with Anne Janzer

For centuries, people have searched for ways to access inspiration and streamline content creation. Whether praying to the muses or shutting themselves into dark rooms, authors use trial and error to find the methods that work for them.

What if we could apply cognitive science principles to determine our own perfect methods for creativity and productivity?

We welcome the author of “Writing to Be Understood, Subscription Marketing, The Workplace Writer’s Process and the focus of today’s episode  “The Writer’s Process: Getting Your Brain in Gear”, Anne Janzer

We talk about:

  • Behavioural writing sciences
  • Anne’s 2 writing systems, The Muse and the Scribe
  • The focus and discipline of the Scribe
  • The intuition, creativity, and empathy of the Muse
  • Attention and focus strategies
  • Flow
  • Managing time
  • Self-discipline and procrastination
  • The 7 step writing process
  • The drafting period
  • The revision period
  • What type of editor
  • The biases we will encounter
  • Feedback
  • Corporate Writing

More about Anne here:


EP 134: Five Stars: The Communication Secrets to Get from Good to Great with author Carmine Gallo

As the forces of globalisation, automation, and artificial intelligence combine to disrupt every field and every career, having a good idea isn’t good enough. Mastering the ancient art of persuasion is the key to standing out, getting ahead, and achieving greatness in the modern world. Communication is no longer a “soft” skill—it is the human edge that will make you unstoppable, irresistible, and irreplaceable—earning you that perfect rating, that fifth star.

Carmine Gallo is the bestselling author of many titles including Talk Like TED, The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs, The Storytellers Secret and the focus of today’s show “Five Stars: The Communication Secrets to Get from Good to Great”

We talk:

  • Persuasion offering a competitive advantage
  • We need to focus on a specific and time specific goal
  • What we can learn from John F. Kennedy
  • The NASA story
  • Interview skills
  • Why we should keep our presentations brief
  • Verbal content versus visual content
  • Corporate storytelling
  • The Pathos Principle
  • Origin Stories
  • The element of struggle
  • The example of Nike
  • Psychological Safety
  • The use of simple language
  • Winston Churchill
  • John Chambers, Cisco CEO, Emeritus

More about Carmine and his books here:


EP 133: The Persuasion Code with Patrick Renvoisé

The key to success in sales and marketing often lies in the art of persuasion, but in a world of distractions, it can be challenging to capture the attention of your audience and tap into their decision-making process.

Today’s guest is the founder of SalesBrain, the world’s first Neuromarketing agency, built upon two decades of research on the effect of advertising and sales messages on the human brain to create a breakthrough persuasion strategy. Based on the latest research in neuroscience, media psychology and behavioural economics, today’s guest makes understanding the complex science of persuasion simple.

We will discuss the award-winning persuasion model, NeuroMapℱ, a science-based, comprehensive yet simple step-by-step process that helps develop successful marketing and sales messages.

This strategy of persuasion is useful in both business and personal success. 

Today’s guest is the author of the new book, The Persuasion Code: How Neuromarketing Can Help You Persuade Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime, Patrick Renvoise

This strategy of persuasion is useful in both business and personal success. 

Today’s guest is the author of the new book, The Persuasion Code: How Neuromarketing Can Help You Persuade Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime, Patrick RenvoisĂ©

  • We share some of the 188 cognitive biases
  • We talk recency bias and primacy bias
  • We share the candy equation, the gain maximisation bet and the loss avoidance bet
  • We discuss how the biases can be unlocked to maximise our sales or marketing messages
  • Patrick shares what is happening with our brains and our emotions and how they impact and guide our choices
  • Patrick shows how marketers need to create the emotion that nudges people towards your product and brand
  • Patrick discusses how we can unlock sales using the Salesbrain models and NeuroMap
  • Patrick shares the 6 stimuli for persuasive messages
  • We discuss the 6 persuasion elements and the 7 persuasion catalysts

More about Patrick Renvoisé and Neuromarketing here:


The book is here:



EP 132: Branding Countries, Cities, Region with Imagination – Dr Robert Govers

Many of us feel uneasy with the lack of recognition that our community, city, region or country receives internationally and with the stereotypes and outdated clichĂ©s by which “outsiders” define us. This has probably been the case for as long as man exists, but in today’s world with its global connections and social media, it is becoming more apparent, more relevant and more frustrating; to citizens generally, but in particular to policymakers, public administrators, leaders and representatives in public, private and civil society sectors.

Why this is so and what to do about it is the focus of today’s show. We will discuss the topic of community reputation. For communities to be admired, they need a sense of belonging and purpose in order to do amazing imaginative things befitting their character while captivating others.

Our guest is an international adviser, scholar, speaker and author of “Imaginative Communities: Admired cities, regions and countries” Dr Robert Govers

We discuss:

  • Place reputation, how it impacts other’s view of us and our view of ourselves
  • “Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.” – Napoleon Hill. People can be influenced by how others speak about them and then it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  • Globalization: In 2000, 2/3s of the worlds online population was from North America and Europe. In 2010 2/3s of the worlds online population was from elsewhere
  • How countries, regions and cities can no longer compete based on functional characteristics like accessibility, service levels and other advantages
  • How interconnectedness and globalisation have led to homogeneity so imagination can be a competitive advantage?
  • “Imagination is its own form of courage” – Frank Underwood, House of Cards
  • How it takes courage to paddle your own canoe, just like business, just like life
  • Kazakhstan and the “Stan Effect”
  • Collaboration as a key to gain maximum benefit from imagination
  • The story about Oslo’s future library
  • “The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.”
  • Estonia as an imaginative community
  • The little-known country of Bhutan and its gross national happiness
  • Most of our listeners are in the USA so let’s share the imaginative virtues that founded America?
  • Communicating communities, you can’t advertise this, it is pull and not push
  • Communities addressing existing clichĂ©s and stereotypes?
  • Finland (hello to our listeners on Business FM) where they developed their own set of emojis
  • Communities are built on mental Models: Schema and Schemata
  • How we limit information processing and selective learning by applying five filters?
  • How mainstream Media also plays a huge part
  • The 2006 World Cup hosted by Germany and Germany’s goal to change its reputation to be one that is much more friendly than perceived
  • How marketing requires reputation and reputation leads to sharing of great experiences
  • Like any strategy, we tend to focus on short-term returns on investment. This is a long game you want perceptions to seep into the consciousness of outsiders

More about Robert here: https://rgovers.com/ and https://www.imaginativecommunities.com/contents/

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EP 131: The Human Workplace: People-Centred Organizational Development with Andy Swann

“The digital transformation is over. We live in an age where digital is the default setting. Anyone who is yet to transform is either obsolete or on the way there.” – Andy Swann

The modern world and old organizations are not compatible. Right now, we’re communicating, thinking, collaborating, sharing, working and playing in ways that couldn’t have been imagined two decades ago, yet somehow many of our businesses and the structures employed to operate them remain the same, carrying on in the way they always have. There are many reasons why this is completely unsustainable and we’re going to explore these as we journey through what makes a human workplace.

The human workplace is one that adapts, innovates fast, involves everyone, communicates, understands and acts in perpetuity. It creates relationships rather than transactions. People are emotional, responsive, individual. That’s what our organizations need to be, creating a story and telling it in their own way.

Our guest is the author of The Human Workplace: People-Centred Organizational Development, Andy Swann

We talk:

  • The Startup Myth
  • Collective Energy
  • Purposeful Organisations
  • The definition of A human workplace
  • Connection with community
  • Agility
  • Complex, dispersed organizations
  • Purpose = Survival + X
  • When the community thrives, the organization thrives.
  • The problem with hierarchy (is not what you think)
  • The organisation as a platform
  • Just enough structure to thrive
  • Holes and wholes?
  • Scaling up startups and the Dunbar number.
  • Why and how does personal purpose come before company purpose?

More about Andy Swann here:


EP 130: Dirty Minds: How Our Brains Influence Love, Sex, and Relationships

“Our deepest (and fastest) yearnings can be tempered by reason and experience; our more prudent judgments softened by desire and need.”  ― Kayt Sukel

Philosophers, theologians, artists, and boy bands have waxed poetic about the nature of love for centuries.

But what does the brain have to say about the way we carry our hearts?

As technology advances to allow us a more focused examination of the intricate dance our brains do with our environment, we can use science to shed new light on humanity’s oldest question, “What is this thing called love?”

Today’s guest dived into the latest neuroscientific research concerning love and sex and what it really means for the way we approach our relationships. 

Her book This Is Your Brain on Sex: The Science Behind the Search for Love/Dirty Minds: How Our Brains Influence Love, Sex, and Relationships asks age-old questions such as:

What parts of the brain are involved with love?

Is there really a “seven-year itch”?

Why do good girls like bad boys?

Is monogamy practical?

How thin is that line between love and hate?

Do mothers have a stronger bond with children than their fathers do?

How do our childhood experiences affect our emotional control and who is at risk for love addiction?

We welcome author Kayt Sukel

More about Kayt here: http://kaytsukel.com/


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