Image of Donald Rattner

EP 250: My Creative Space: How to Design Your Home to Stimulate Ideas and Spark Innovation with Donald M. Rattner

For over twenty years, scientists have been discovering connections between our physical surroundings and the creative mind. Today’s book is the first to turn this rich trove of psychological research into practical techniques for shaping a home that will boost your creativity. We welcome Donald Rattner, the author of My Creative Space: How to Design Your Home to Stimulate Ideas and Spark Innovation.

Image of Alex Lazarow

EP 239: Out-Innovate with Alex Lazarow

Venture capitalist Alex Lazarow shows in this insightful and instructive book, this Silicon Valley “gospel” is due for a refresh–and it comes from what he calls the “frontier,” the growing constellation of startup ecosystems, outside of the Valley and other major economic centres, that now stretches across the globe.

StageCoach Image

Leaders as (Stage)Coaches

The word coach comes from stagecoach. A stagecoach is a four-wheeled public coach used to carry paying passengers and light packages on journeys from point A to point B. Most of us will know these from western movies or old TV shows like “Little House on the Prairie”. The concept of a stagecoach is a wonderful analogy for leadership.

EP 235: Open, Honest, and Direct with Aaron Levy

Building a business requires more than just a good product and talented people; it requires you to take a hard look at how you show up as a leader.

Open, Honest, and Direct helps you dive into the heart of your business and your people, identifying changes you can make to transform the way you and your managers lead.

EP 234: The Art of Ideas with William Duggan

William Duggan is an expert on creativity from Columbia business school. He shares how great ideas don’t just happen. Innovation springs from creative thinking—a method of the human mind that we can study and learn.

EP 233: Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are? with Frans de Waal

Frans de Waal. overturns the view of animals as stimulus-response beings and opens our eyes to their complex and intricate minds. With astonishing stories of animal cognition, his work challenges everything you thought you knew about animal – and human – intelligence. We welcome author of Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?, Frans de Waal.

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