Mark Solms

Mark Solms – The Hidden Spring Part 6: The P.A.G.

It is a pleasure to welcome the author of The Hidden Spring: A Journey to the Source of Consciousness, Mark Solms.

In this episode, we will discuss questions such as where does arousal come from anatomically and how does it arise physiologically? And the central question of today is where the seemingly magical shift from automatic reflex to volitional feeling occurs. Today, we will share some terms like synaptic transmission, reuptake, post-synaptic modulation and the role of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators, and we will also explain the role of the PAG, the periaqueductal grey.

Image of Edward Hess and his book cover Own Your Work Journey

Edward D. Hess – Own Your Work Journey!

It is a sincere pleasure to welcome the author of “Own Your Work Journey!: The Path to Meaningful Work and Happiness in the Age of Smart Technology and Radical Change.” Edward D. Hess

Image of Mr Potato Head falling apart

The Potato Principle And The Differentiation Dividend

Diversity of species, genetics, age, thinking and specialism (skillsets) is fundamental to the health of an ecosystem. As we will explore in this Thursday’s Thought, homogeneity risks ecosystems. Despite mother nature’s wisdom, we often think we know better. A drive for profits and short-termism frequently trump what is best for the long term.

Image of Sven Smit

Sven Smit – Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick

Today’s book shows, through empirical analysis and the experiences of dozens of companies that have successfully made multiple big moves, that to dramatically improve performance, you have to overcome incrementalism and corporate inertia.

We welcome Chairman of the McKinsey Global Institute and Author of “Strategy beyond the hockey Stick” Sven Smit

Sarah Stein Greenberg – Creative Acts For Curious People

It is a pleasure to welcome the Executive Director of the Stanford and the author of Creative Acts for Curious People: How to Think, Create, and Lead in Unconventional Ways, Sarah Stein Greenberg.


The Corporate Explorer in The Field – Balaji Bondili and Andrew Binns

In Chapter 5 of the Corporate Explorer, Binns, Tushman and O’Reilly share how a Corporate Explorer created a new business inside the consulting and accounting firm Deloitte.
His new unit, Deloitte Pixel, uses the “wisdom of crowds” to solve complex management problems. Ice are joined by Balaji Bondili.


Charles O'Reilly III – Winning Through Innovation Part 2

In part 2 of our Tushman and O’Reilly series, Charles O’Reilly III explores the importance of cultural alignment in encouraging change. We focus on the cases of DaVita, Microsoft and AGC.

Organisational Range Anxiety: Nothing Vast Enters Life Without a Curse

In today’s business world of flux, explore units are agile, decentralised, experimental cultures, loose work processes, strong entrepreneurial and technical competencies, and relatively young and neurodiverse employees. In contrast to the exploit units, these small entrepreneurial units are inefficient, rarely profitable, and have no established histories. They often deliberately violate the norms valued in older parts of the organization.

Because the explore units are wildly different from the exploit incumbent, explorers are often undermined by the parent company, whose short-term needs override exploration. While the exploit teams win in the short term, they sink the company in the long.

Michael Tushman Innovation Show

Winning Through Part 1 Innovation with Michael Tushman

For Part 1 of our series on Tushman and O’Reilly, we welcome the author of the 1997 classic: “Winning Through Innovation: A Practical Guide to Leading Organisational Change and Renewal”, Professor Michael Tushman.

Kim B. Clark – The Interaction of Design Hierarchies and Market Concepts in Technological Evolution

Kim Bryce Clark is with us to celebrate the life and theories of his friend Clayton Christensen and, indeed, share some of his theories.

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