Picture of Nick Chater and Morten H. Christiansen

The Language Game – Nick Chater and Morten H. Christiansen

It’s a pleasure to welcome the authors of The Language Game- How Improvisation Created Language and Changed the World., Nick Chater and Morten H. Christiansen

Surveillance States with Barry O'Sullivan

The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL), along with six academics working in the area of artificial intelligence and data privacy, wrote an open letter to Irelands Minster for Justice Helen McEntee last month, noting that the use of Facial Recognition Technology raises serious and challenging issues about individual privacy and data rights

Brain puppeteer

Hacking the Brain, Trojan Rats and Cat-Seeking Missiles

You may have heard that hackers succeeded in hacking Elon Musk’s Starlink internet satellite network using a $25 homemade device. Security researchers have revealed how hardware vulnerabilities allow attackers to access the Starlink system and run custom code on the devices. Starlink (a division of Musk’s SpaceX) encourages hackers to attack its system to uncover security vulnerabilities by offering a bug bounty. We can be sure that Musk and co. Companies employ some of the best engineers on the planet to work in Tesla, Space X, Starlink and Neuralink. The fact that they were hacked so easily should worry us.

Kenneth Cukier Innovation

Framers with Kenneth Cukier: Make Better Decisions In The Age of Big Data

Framing is a cognitive muscle we can strengthen to improve our lives, work and future.
Today’s book shows us how.

We welcome the author of Framers: Make Better Decisions In The Age of Big Data Kenneth Cukier

Rishad Tobaccowala

Rishad Tobaccowala – Restoring the Soul of Business

In “Restoring the Soul of Business”, Rishad Tobaccowala helps us discover how to extract meaning from data and see poetry in the plumbing. This book recognizes that while our world is increasingly filled with digital, silicon-based, computing objects, it is populated by people who remain analogue, carbon-based, feeling creatures.

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