Every act of Creation is first an act of Destruction: Catabolic and Anabolic
Posted 4 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Blog Aidan McCullen Undisruptable Eisenhower Matrix Hyperbolic Discounting Hyperbolic Discounting Eisenhower Matrix Hyperbolic Discounting Eisenhower Matrix. Innovation and Life Decisions
Hyperbolic Discounting Eisenhower Matrix and. Innovation and Life Decisions
Posted 4 years ago Tagged Big Think Digital Goddess The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur Victoria Montgomery Brown
We welcome author Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur, Victoria Montgomery Brown
Posted 4 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Aidan McCullen Blog Aidan McCullen Innovation Dan Roam Pens Pens of Innovation Aidan McCullen
When a group collaborates, empathy is often assumed to be present, but it is rarely the case. I believe it is a good idea for the group to highlight the need for empathy so that all voices are heard and the room is not dominated by the extraverts or the HiPPO: Highest Paid Person’s Opinion. In addition, when we consider where each person is “coming from” (empathy) and when we agree on ways of working, we are less likely to hold back on our suggestions or withhold beneficial critique.
Posted 4 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Anne Janzer Business Entrepreneurship Human Potential Innovation Leadership Technology Undisruptable Writing Coach Writing to be Understood
Whether you’re an expert trying to communicate with a mainstream audience or a nonfiction writer hoping to reach more people, Anne Janzer offers us the insight we need to reach more people with your words.
Posted 4 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Blog Aidan McCullen Innovation Aidan McCullen Undisruptable Michelin and the Michelin Guide The Strategy behind the Michelin Guide What are Complements Why Tesla is Opening restaurants
Why Tesla is opening Restaurants, Why did Michelin Start a Food guide, the answer lies in complements.
Posted 4 years ago Tagged the organisational junk drawer
When I run workshops with teams, I encourage letting go of old initiatives, processes and procedures in order to free up organisational bandwidth. This is essentially an emptying of the organisational junk drawer.
Posted 4 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Better Simpler Strategy Business Entrepreneurship Felix Oberholzer Gee Harvard Innovation Leadership Technology Undisruptable
At a time when many managers struggle not to drown in vast seas of projects and initiatives, these businesses follow simple rules that help them select the few ideas that truly make a difference. We welcome author of “Better, Simpler Strategy: A Value-Based Guide to Exceptional Performance”, Felix Oberholzer-Gee
Posted 4 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen BCG Martin Reeves. Boston Consulting Group The Imagination Machine
The Imagination Machine: How to Spark New Ideas and Create Your Company’s Future, with BCG’s Martin Reeves in a conversation with Aidan McCullen
Posted 4 years ago Tagged inoculate blockers Why 2 doses Covid
As we certainly know by now (whether we want to or not), medical inoculation refers to a set of methods of artificially inducing immunity against infectious diseases. While our immune systems are extremely adept at fighting viruses, they sometimes need a helping hand. In this Thursday Thought, I draw the analogy of inoculation methodologies and organisational (and even individual) transformation journeys. In particular, I focus on the multi-dose approach, as we are experiencing today with the Covid-19 vaccine rollout.