Innovation is chiefly about combining existing ideas in new ways, but how can we do this if people do not meet, do not randomly share ideas at the watercooler, in the hallway, or when they do not come to the office at all?
Posted 3 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Blog Corporate Culture Disruption Innovation Innovation Exploit Explore Leadership Reinvemt Replicate Transformation Vaughn Tan
Just as innovation-focused restaurants have realised it is better to structure reinvention in a different way to repetition, established companies must empower different teams to manage and conduct reinvention efforts within their organisations. Once they have stumbled upon a successful product, then they can transfer it to an execution team to perfect, refine and replicate. These are different modes of being, thinking and measuring.
Posted 3 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Blog Aidan McCullen Undisruptable Cramming Disruptive Innovation Disruptive Innovation How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns Suez Canal and Innovation
What is cramming in Innovation? Suez Crammed Canal Effect: Cramming Old Tools into a New World
Posted 3 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Blog Aidan McCullen Innovation Are you on the bus to Abilene? Bus to Abilene Meaning Gainsayer or Naysayer Speaking up tp Power What does Bus to Abilene Mean? What is a Gainsayer?
Are we on a bus to Abilene? Is it ok for people to speak up when they think something is not right? Are they gainsayers or Naysayers?
Posted 3 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Aidan McCullen Blog Aidan McCullen Undisruptable Fractal No Lingchi Innovation Long No
My point in sharing this is to inform you of the “fractal no” or the “long no” so that you recognize when you are stuck in a fractal no loop. You can waste a lot of personal energy in such a loop.
Posted 3 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Blog Aidan McCullen Undisruptable Eisenhower Matrix Hyperbolic Discounting Hyperbolic Discounting Eisenhower Matrix Hyperbolic Discounting Eisenhower Matrix. Innovation and Life Decisions
Hyperbolic Discounting Eisenhower Matrix and. Innovation and Life Decisions
Posted 4 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Aidan McCullen Blog Aidan McCullen Innovation Dan Roam Pens Pens of Innovation Aidan McCullen
When a group collaborates, empathy is often assumed to be present, but it is rarely the case. I believe it is a good idea for the group to highlight the need for empathy so that all voices are heard and the room is not dominated by the extraverts or the HiPPO: Highest Paid Person’s Opinion. In addition, when we consider where each person is “coming from” (empathy) and when we agree on ways of working, we are less likely to hold back on our suggestions or withhold beneficial critique.
Posted 4 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Blog Aidan McCullen Innovation Aidan McCullen Undisruptable Michelin and the Michelin Guide The Strategy behind the Michelin Guide What are Complements Why Tesla is Opening restaurants
Why Tesla is opening Restaurants, Why did Michelin Start a Food guide, the answer lies in complements.
Posted 4 years ago Tagged 2 gazelles fighting lion attacks Aidan McCullen Blog Aidan McCullen Undisruptable inner conflict outer failure
In my work as a consultant in reinvention and organizational change, I see this trend all the time. We are often so embroiled in inner conflict, with internal one-upmanship, with competing with the person down the hall that we have no energy left to deal with real threats or to identify magnificent opportunities.
Posted 4 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Blog Aidan McCullen Innovation Aidan McCullen Undisruptable The Thursday Thought To Be List Not to Do Lists
It is far more important to work on a to be list before a to-do list. Aidan McCullen Blog.