Kim B. Clark – The Interaction of Design Hierarchies and Market Concepts in Technological Evolution

Kim Bryce Clark is with us to celebrate the life and theories of his friend Clayton Christensen and, indeed, share some of his theories.

Image of Derek van Bever

Derek van Bever – The Capitalist’s Dilemma

It is a pleasure to welcome a great friend of Clay Christensen, yet another soul deeply touched by the man, the author of “Stall points” and author of the 2014 paper, The Capitalist’s Dilemma, Derek van Bever.

Joseph L. Bower

Joseph L. Bower – Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave

Joseph L. Bower is the father of Resource Allocation theory included in his 1970 groundbreaking book, Managing the Resource Allocation Process.
He has been a leader in general management at Harvard Business School for over 5 decades where he is the Donald K. David Professor Emeritus.
He was Clayton Christensen’s doctoral thesis adviser and worked with Clay to develop and stress test his theories.

He is with us today to recognise his friend and revisit that famous 1995 article,
“Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave” that preceded the Innovator’s Dilemma
In a way this episode is a prequel to part one.
It is a great honour to welcome for the hour or Bower: Professor Joseph L. Bower

Image of Friederike Fabritius

The Brain-Friendly Workplace with Friederike Fabritius

In The Brain-Friendly Workplace, Friederike Fabritius highlights the basic fact that we need more thought diversity and that people’s motivations differ very much.

Picture of Nick Chater and Morten H. Christiansen

The Language Game – Nick Chater and Morten H. Christiansen

It’s a pleasure to welcome the authors of The Language Game- How Improvisation Created Language and Changed the World., Nick Chater and Morten H. Christiansen

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