Mark Solms

Mark Solms – The Hidden Spring Part 4: Feelings 1

Feelings are difficult to research because they are inherently subjective, but If we exclude feelings from our account of the brain, we will never understand how it works. You tell us, to a fantastic degree, neuroscientists searching for an explanation of consciousness have ignored feelings. Mark Solms takes us on an exploration of Feelings and te work of his friend and collaborator, Jaak Panksepp.

Hire For Neurosignature, Train for Skill_ The Brain is Like a Waterbed-2

Hire For Neurosignature, Train for Skill: The Brain is Like a Waterbed

Hire For Neurosignature, Train for Skill: The Brain is Like a Waterbed. Audio version of our popular article.

Image of robots sitting around like gods

The God(s) and The Useless: Scams and Gaps In an Age of AI

While scams and fraud have been around as long as human society, what happens when a scammer is no longer a person but an AI? As in Esperanza’s case, trust is often the scammer’s most potent weapon. This elderly woman, driven by her religious obsession, gave her life savings to someone she believed was divine. With its capacity to learn and adapt, AI could potentially exploit that trust on a much larger scale.

Mark Solms The Hidden Spring The Cortical Fallacy

Mark Solms – The Hidden Spring Part 3: The Cortical Fallacy

In The Hidden Spring, our guest Mark Solms does not dive too deeply into Karl Fristonā€™s mathematics. As you will discover, he summarises its implications, describing Fristonā€™s free energy as a quantifiable measure of how a system models the world and how it behaves. This notion leads to a very different idea of consciousness from Descartesā€™s reason-centric version that set up the puzzling dualism of ā€œmindā€ and ā€œmatterā€, a la Damasio’s Descartes Error. Mark explores the ā€œcortical fallacy,ā€ which refers to his view that neuroscientists who have argued that the ā€œseat of consciousnessā€ is in the cortex are wrong. Recent neuroscience has shed light on where this is.

As Mark points out, damage to just two cubic millimetres of the upper brainstem will ā€œobliterate all consciousness.ā€

So where does it “Spring” from?

Mark Solms

Mark Solms – The Hidden Spring Part 1: A Journey to the Source of Consciousness

Part 1 of a 9-part series with the brilliant Mark Solms.How does the mind connect to the body?
Why does it feel like something to be us?
Our guest is one of the boldest thinkers in neuroscience and solving this puzzle has been a lifetime’s quest.
Now at last, the pioneer who discovered the brain mechanism for dreaming
appears to have made a breakthrough.

It is a pleasure to welcome the author of The Hidden Spring: A Journey to the Source of Consciousness, Mark Solms welcome to the show

Greg Satell

LIVE SHOW: Greg Satell – How to Save the World From AI

I was MC for the tech stage at the Fifteen Seconds Festival in Graz, Austria. My friend Greg Satell joined me on stage and wrapped his change framework around the compelling question: “How Can We Save The World From AI.”

Phaedra Boinodiris

LIVE SHOW: Phaedra Boinodiris – AI for the Rest of Us

I was MC for the tech stage at the Fifteen seconds Festival in Graz, Austria. I had the pleasure of meeting the brilliant Phaedra Boinodiris. She is the author of the book ā€œAI for the Rest of Usā€, and is a co-founder of the Future World Alliance, a non-profit dedicated to curating K-12 education in AI ethics.

Hire For Neurosignature, Train for Skill: The Brain is Like a Waterbed

Hire For Neurosignature Train For Skill. In a changing workplace, rather than hiring solely based on skill, we might consider a candidate’s neurosignature. Each neurosignature brings unique strengths to the table. Hiring for neurosignature and training for skill might lead to higher workplace happiness, higher revenue and lower employee turnover.

A Caterpillar Stuck in a Cocoon

Confined to the Cocoon: More Ways To Skin A Caterpillar (Cake)

Incremental innovation remains a critical component for organisations. However, when an organisation only rewards incremental endeavours (recognition, remuneration and promotion), why would anybody want to risk their career with transformational effort? Give the customer a 12-blade razor, a chai-latte-flavoured soda or a 6G Origami phone. By all means, be a fast-moving caterpillar-cake copycat, but invest some of the profits from the incremental present into the transformational future. Don’t use the future to fuel your present.

Image of Helen Edward

Helen Edwards – From Marginal to Mainstream Part 1

Helen Edwards book, “Marginal to Mainstream” shows why businesses, marketers and entrepreneurs need to break free from their ‘mainstream inhibition’ and turn their attention to the margins – to confront, evaluate and embrace the ‘strangeness’ of behaviours, ideas and ways of life at the fringes.

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