A picture of Wendy on the Innovation Show to discuss her book Smith Both And Thinking

Wendy Smith – Both/And Thinking Part 2

Unleash the Power of “Both/And” Thinking: Solve Toughest Problems & Make Breakthrough DecisionsTired of either/or choices? This episode of The Innovation Show cracks the code on navigating paradoxes. Join Wendy Smith, co-author of “Both/And Thinking,” as she reveals the power of embracing tensions for better problem-solving in your career, organization, and beyond. Discover the four types of paradoxes and practical strategies to manage them effectively. Learn from Lego’s success story and more!

Alison Taylor Higher Ground Interview

Alison Taylor – Higher Ground

Join Alison Taylor, NYU Stern ethics professor and author, to explore ethical challenges, stakeholder capitalism, corporate culture, and the role of leadership in building a responsible and sustainable business.

Teresa M. Amabile

Teresa Amabile – The Progress Principle

Teresa Amabile, author of ‘The Progress Principle,’ sharesher extensive research on motivation and emotions in the workplace.

Rita McGrath and Aidan McCullen on The Innovation Show

Rita McGrath: Designing Organisations for Innovation and Growth

In this final of a 4-part episode, Rita McGrath discusses her upcoming book focused on how organisations can design structures that empower decision-making at all levels, embracing a ‘permissionless’ approach to innovation.

Simon Hill and Aidan McCullen

The Power of Collective Intelligence with Simon Hill

Harnessing Global Creativity for Innovat The Power of Collective Intelligence with Simon Hill

Rita McGrath Aidan McCullen Innovation

The Entrepreneurial Mindset Part 3 with Rita McGrath

In this extensive session with Rita McGrath emphasises the importance of continuous innovation, exploiting new opportunities, and building new competencies to stay competitive.

Rita McGrath

The Entrepreneurial Mindset Part 2 with Rita McGrath

In part 2 of The Entrepreneurial Mindset, Rita McGrath, discusses the concept of the entrepreneurial mindset and the power of consumption chain analysis for businesses seeking to differentiate and innovate. 


Rita illustrates how understanding each step of a customer’s journey, from need identification to product disposal, can unveil numerous opportunities for innovation and competitive advantage.

Trails Less Travelled: Innovation Lessons from former CEO and Chairman of Pitney Bowes, Michael Critelli Part 1

In this episode of ‘The Innovation Show,’ host Aidan McCullen sits down with the former chairman and CEO of Pitney Bowes, Michael Critelli.

Through a deep dive into Critelli’s career, we explore his penchant for the road less traveled, his transformative leadership at Pitney Bowes, and his insights on innovation, strategy, and foresight. From humble beginnings to leading a staple communications company through times of intense change, including the internet era, 9/11, and the recession, Critelli shares lessons on valuing potential over qualifications, listening to dissent, and the importance of constant adaptation in business and life.

00:00 Early Career and Joining Pitney Bowes

01:40 Climbing the Ladder: From Legal to Leadership

04:28 Reinventing Pitney Bowes: A Tale of Transformative Change

07:09 Embracing Agile Strategy: Lessons from the Front Lines

13:51 The Power of Listening and Adapting in Leadership

42:39 The Importance of Vision and Courage in Decision-Making 

44:47 Fostering a Culture of Continuous Learning and Innovation

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