Stan Deetz Organisational Change

Stan Deetz – Leading Organizations through Transition: Communication and Cultural Change

In this episode, Stan Deetz explores the complexities of leading cultural and organizational change. Drawing from his book Leading Organizations Through Transition, he emphasizes the importance of communication, member involvement, and managing the psychological and systemic aspects of change. Deetz discusses strategies for creating a culture of resilience, managing resistance, and aligning organizational values with the changing landscape of business.

Mark Solms

Mark Solms – The Hidden Spring Part 4: Feelings 1

Feelings are difficult to research because they are inherently subjective, but If we exclude feelings from our account of the brain, we will never understand how it works. You tell us, to a fantastic degree, neuroscientists searching for an explanation of consciousness have ignored feelings. Mark Solms takes us on an exploration of Feelings and te work of his friend and collaborator, Jaak Panksepp.

Hire For Neurosignature, Train for Skill_ The Brain is Like a Waterbed-2

Hire For Neurosignature, Train for Skill: The Brain is Like a Waterbed

Hire For Neurosignature, Train for Skill: The Brain is Like a Waterbed. Audio version of our popular article.

Mark Solms The Hidden Spring The Cortical Fallacy

Mark Solms – The Hidden Spring Part 3: The Cortical Fallacy

In The Hidden Spring, our guest Mark Solms does not dive too deeply into Karl Friston’s mathematics. As you will discover, he summarises its implications, describing Friston’s free energy as a quantifiable measure of how a system models the world and how it behaves. This notion leads to a very different idea of consciousness from Descartes’s reason-centric version that set up the puzzling dualism of “mind” and “matter”, a la Damasio’s Descartes Error. Mark explores the “cortical fallacy,” which refers to his view that neuroscientists who have argued that the “seat of consciousness” is in the cortex are wrong. Recent neuroscience has shed light on where this is.

As Mark points out, damage to just two cubic millimetres of the upper brainstem will “obliterate all consciousness.”

So where does it “Spring” from?

The Microstress Effect with Karen Dillon

Karen Dillon – The Microstress Effect

Microstress: tiny moments of stress triggered by people in our personal and professional lives; stresses so routine that we barely register them but whose cumulative toll is debilitating. We welcome the author of “The Microstress Effect” Karen Dillon

How Will You Measure Your Life? with Karen Dillon The Clay Christensen Tribute

Karen Dillon – How Will You Measure Your Life?

Karen Dillon joins us to share concepts from her book How Will You Measure you Life co-authored with her friend, Clay Christensen

Kenneth Cukier Innovation

Framers with Kenneth Cukier: Make Better Decisions In The Age of Big Data

Framing is a cognitive muscle we can strengthen to improve our lives, work and future.
Today’s book shows us how.

We welcome the author of Framers: Make Better Decisions In The Age of Big Data Kenneth Cukier

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