Discovery-Driven Planning with Rita Gunther McGrath The Clayton Christensen Tribute

Discovery-Driven Planning with Rita Gunther McGrath The Clayton Christensen Tribute

Discovery-Driven Planning with Rita Gunther McGrath The Clayton Christensen Tribute

Joseph L. Bower

Joseph L. Bower – Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave

Joseph L. Bower is the father of Resource Allocation theory included in his 1970 groundbreaking book, Managing the Resource Allocation Process.
He has been a leader in general management at Harvard Business School for over 5 decades where he is the Donald K. David Professor Emeritus.
He was Clayton Christensen’s doctoral thesis adviser and worked with Clay to develop and stress test his theories.

He is with us today to recognise his friend and revisit that famous 1995 article,
“Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave” that preceded the Innovator’s Dilemma
In a way this episode is a prequel to part one.
It is a great honour to welcome for the hour or Bower: Professor Joseph L. Bower

Picture of Nick Chater and Morten H. Christiansen

The Language Game – Nick Chater and Morten H. Christiansen

It’s a pleasure to welcome the authors of The Language Game- How Improvisation Created Language and Changed the World., Nick Chater and Morten H. Christiansen

Matt Christensen,Rose Park Advisors,

Netflix Blockbuster and The Innovators Dilemma with Matt Christensen

The work of Clayton Christensen changed my worldview and, ultimately, my life. I have been lining up all his co-authors to celebrate his life and share his theories. We have been interviewing each of these great thinkers over the last few months and into 2023. We will bring you each of those episodes in chronological order of his book releases. It includes Matt Christensen, Clay’s son and CEO of Rose Park Advisors, Rita McGrath, Joseph L. Bower, Michael Raynor, Scott D. Anthony Hal Gregerson, Taddy Hall Bob Moesta, Michael B. Horn Efosa Ojomo and Karen Dillon.

Coming Jan 23, 2023

Kenneth Cukier Innovation

Framers with Kenneth Cukier: Make Better Decisions In The Age of Big Data

Framing is a cognitive muscle we can strengthen to improve our lives, work and future.
Today’s book shows us how.

We welcome the author of Framers: Make Better Decisions In The Age of Big Data Kenneth Cukier


Innovation Atomisation: Falling To Pieces

If you look at the image, it takes only a small effort to see the contours of a Dalmatian sniffing the ground. However, here is the point, without the previously stored higher-level concept “dog”, if we were only to use “the parts”, we would see only a meaningless pattern of white and black dots. We would focus on the parts and miss the big picture.

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