Kenneth Cukier Innovation

Framers with Kenneth Cukier: Make Better Decisions In The Age of Big Data

Framing is a cognitive muscle we can strengthen to improve our lives, work and future.
Today’s book shows us how.

We welcome the author of Framers: Make Better Decisions In The Age of Big Data Kenneth Cukier


Innovation Atomisation: Falling To Pieces

If you look at the image, it takes only a small effort to see the contours of a Dalmatian sniffing the ground. However, here is the point, without the previously stored higher-level concept “dog”, if we were only to use “the parts”, we would see only a meaningless pattern of white and black dots. We would focus on the parts and miss the big picture.

Frank Barrett

Yes to the Mess Part 2: Surprising Leadership Lessons from Jazz with Frank Barrett

The premise of today’s book is that nurturing spontaneity, creativity , experimentation, and dynamic synchronization is no longer an optional approach to leadership. It’s the only approach. The current velocity of change demands nothing less. It demands paying attention to the mental models, the cultural beliefs and values, the practices and structures that support improvisation.

We welcome back the author of: “Yes to the Mess: Surprising Leadership Lessons from Jazz”, Frank Barrett.

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