There are two stories you hear about making a living as an artist in the digital age, and they are diametrically opposed. One comes from Silicon Valley and its boosters in the media. The other story comes from artists themselves. Bill Deresiewicz tells us the real story in “The Death of the Artist”.
Posted 4 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Aidan McCullen Blog Aidan McCullen Undisruptable Alan Mullaly Coach and Stagecoach Ford CEO LEader as Coach Rita McGrath
The word coach comes from stagecoach. A stagecoach is a four-wheeled public coach used to carry paying passengers and light packages on journeys from point A to point B. Most of us will know these from western movies or old TV shows like “Little House on the Prairie”. The concept of a stagecoach is a wonderful analogy for leadership.
Posted 4 years ago Tagged Business End of Competitive Advantage End of Competitive Advantage: How to Keep Your Strategy Moving as Fast as Your Business with Rita McGrath Entrepreneurship Human Potential Innovation Leadership Rita McGrath
In this episode, strategy expert and Columbia Business School professor Rita McGrath takes on one of most fundamental and recognised notions in strategy: that of sustainable competitive advantage.
Posted 4 years ago Tagged abracadabra creates as I speak abracadabra is an Aramaic term Innovation Transformation Transforming Legacy Organizations Vision and Innovation
Posted 5 years ago Tagged Business Humane Capital Innovation Leadership Vlatka Hlupic
Despite decades of research illustrating the benefits of enlightened leadership, the high-performance workplace is still not the norm. Vlatka Hlupic has spent 20 years investigating this paradox, and in this book she forms a penetrating critique of why such strong evidence has had limited impact, and provides an alternative practical approach that any employer can implement to overcome these challenges.
Posted 5 years ago Tagged Adam Grant Default Browser Drift through career like plankto Plankton Career plankton means to drift
Plankton are the diverse collection of organisms that live in large bodies of water and cannot swim against a current. They […]
Posted 5 years ago Tagged Aaron Levy Aidan McCullen Business Entrepreneurship Human Potential Innovation Leadership Management Open Honest Direct
Building a business requires more than just a good product and talented people; it requires you to take a hard look at how you show up as a leader.
Open, Honest, and Direct helps you dive into the heart of your business and your people, identifying changes you can make to transform the way you and your managers lead.
Posted 5 years ago Tagged Diversity and Creativity Diversity Good for Profits Neurodiversity
The more diverse our people, the more diverse the ideas. Diversity is good for profits too according to a McKinsey study.
Posted 5 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Business Creative Thinking for Work and Life with William Duggan Entrepreneurship Human Potential Innovation Leadership Technology The Art of Ideas William Duggan
William Duggan is an expert on creativity from Columbia business school. He shares how great ideas don’t just happen. Innovation springs from creative thinking—a method of the human mind that we can study and learn.
Posted 5 years ago Tagged Behaviorism v Ethology BF SKinner and Innovation Chaos and Order Innovation Ethology Innovation Frans De Waal Rat Park Wu Wei Innovation
What do you get if you throw the following ingredients into a mixing bowl? Wu Wei, BF Skinner Boxes, Frans De Waal, Ethology, Behaviorism. You get that Innovation cannot be forced, it can be enabled.