Image of Guy Lezischner

EP 241: The Nocturnal Brain: Tales of Nightmares and Neuroscience with Guy Leschziner

The Nocturnal Brain: Tales of Nightmares and Neuroscience with Guy Leschziner

You can survive longer without food than without sleep. The fact that sleep is fundamental to life is unarguable, but in modern society, at least until recently, we have taken for granted that sleep simply happens, and is a necessary evil to allow us to live our waking lives. Recently, however, there has been a shift in how we view sleep. Rather than being a hindrance to our working and social lives, a biological process that keeps us from being productive, the concept of the importance of sleep is percolating through. Its role in the maintenance of our physical and mental health, our sporting prowess, our cognitive abilities, even in our happiness, is slowly being appreciated. And rightly so. People are taking sleep seriously

The normal expectation of waking up feeling ready for the day ahead is rarely found among our guests patients. Their nights are tormented by a range of conditions, such as terrifying nocturnal hallucinations, sleep paralysis, acting out their dreams or debilitating insomnia. The array of activities in sleep reflects the spectrum of human behaviour in our waking lives. Sometimes these medical problems have a biological explanation, at other times a psychological one, and the focus of the clinical work that He and his colleagues do is to unravel the causes for their sleep disorders and attempt to find a treatment or cure.

More about Guy here:

Corporate Gaslighting: The Changemaker is the Problem?

For so many changemakers, innovation and transformation workers operating in risk-averse working environments is not only frustrating, but can be a threat to their mental health. To exacerbate the situation, guardians of the status quo will often ostracise, obstruct and even “gaslight” the changemaker.

EP 238: The Death of the Artist with Bill Deresiewicz

There are two stories you hear about making a living as an artist in the digital age, and they are diametrically opposed. One comes from Silicon Valley and its boosters in the media. The other story comes from artists themselves. Bill Deresiewicz tells us the real story in “The Death of the Artist”.

StageCoach Image

Leaders as (Stage)Coaches

The word coach comes from stagecoach. A stagecoach is a four-wheeled public coach used to carry paying passengers and light packages on journeys from point A to point B. Most of us will know these from western movies or old TV shows like “Little House on the Prairie”. The concept of a stagecoach is a wonderful analogy for leadership.

EP 237: End of Competitive Advantage with Rita McGrath

In this episode, strategy expert and Columbia Business School professor Rita McGrath takes on one of most fundamental and recognised notions in strategy: that of sustainable competitive advantage.

EP 236: Humane Capital with Vlatka Hlupic

Despite decades of research illustrating the benefits of enlightened leadership, the high-performance workplace is still not the norm. Vlatka Hlupic has spent 20 years investigating this paradox, and in this book she forms a penetrating critique of why such strong evidence has had limited impact, and provides an alternative practical approach that any employer can implement to overcome these challenges.

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