Teresa M. Amabile

Teresa Amabile – The Progress Principle

Teresa Amabile, author of ‘The Progress Principle,’ sharesher extensive research on motivation and emotions in the workplace.

George Glackin

George Glackin – Value Flows and Design Criteria Maps

This episode of the Corporate Explorer series focuses on developing compelling value propositions through the use of ‘value flows’ and ‘design criteria maps’, as explained by guest George Glackin.

Dan Ariely Misbelief Podcast

Navigating Misinformation with Empathy: Misbelief with Dan Ariely

This episode features Dan Ariely, author of ‘Misbelief, what makes rational people believe irrational things’, focusing on the psychology behind misinformation and belief in conspiracy theories.

Michael Nichols

Venture Building from Idea to Scale with Michael Nichols

Michael Nichols, coauthor of the Corporate Explorer Field Book and Director of Corporate Ventures for MANN + HUMMEL, shares insights on the challenges of inside-out innovation within corporations, emphasizing the importance of validating business models beyond core business practices.

Rita McGrath and Aidan McCullen on The Innovation Show

Rita McGrath: Designing Organisations for Innovation and Growth

In this final of a 4-part episode, Rita McGrath discusses her upcoming book focused on how organisations can design structures that empower decision-making at all levels, embracing a ‘permissionless’ approach to innovation.

Simon Hill and Aidan McCullen

The Power of Collective Intelligence with Simon Hill

Harnessing Global Creativity for Innovat The Power of Collective Intelligence with Simon Hill

Rita McGrath Aidan McCullen Innovation

The Entrepreneurial Mindset Part 3 with Rita McGrath

In this extensive session with Rita McGrath emphasises the importance of continuous innovation, exploiting new opportunities, and building new competencies to stay competitive.

Rita McGrath

The Entrepreneurial Mindset Part 2 with Rita McGrath

In part 2 of The Entrepreneurial Mindset, Rita McGrath, discusses the concept of the entrepreneurial mindset and the power of consumption chain analysis for businesses seeking to differentiate and innovate. 


Rita illustrates how understanding each step of a customer’s journey, from need identification to product disposal, can unveil numerous opportunities for innovation and competitive advantage.

The Entrepreneurial Mindset Part 1 with Rita McGrath

A conversation with Rita McGrath, author of ‘The Entrepreneurial Mindset,’ exploring principles for thriving in rapidly changing environments. McGrath shares her personal journey from industry to academia, emphasising the importance of understanding practical business applications.

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