Image of robots sitting around like gods

The God(s) and The Useless: Scams and Gaps In an Age of AI

While scams and fraud have been around as long as human society, what happens when a scammer is no longer a person but an AI? As in Esperanza’s case, trust is often the scammer’s most potent weapon. This elderly woman, driven by her religious obsession, gave her life savings to someone she believed was divine. With its capacity to learn and adapt, AI could potentially exploit that trust on a much larger scale.

Greg Satell

LIVE SHOW: Greg Satell – How to Save the World From AI

I was MC for the tech stage at the Fifteen Seconds Festival in Graz, Austria. My friend Greg Satell joined me on stage and wrapped his change framework around the compelling question: “How Can We Save The World From AI.”

Hire For Neurosignature, Train for Skill: The Brain is Like a Waterbed

Hire For Neurosignature Train For Skill. In a changing workplace, rather than hiring solely based on skill, we might consider a candidate’s neurosignature. Each neurosignature brings unique strengths to the table. Hiring for neurosignature and training for skill might lead to higher workplace happiness, higher revenue and lower employee turnover.

Image of Helen Edwards

Helen Edwards – From Marginal to Mainstream Part 2

Helen Edwards joins us for part 2 of a 2-part episode on her book, “From Marginal to Mainstream Why Tomorrow’s brand growth will come from the Fringes – and How to get there first.”

Image of Helen Edward

Helen Edwards – From Marginal to Mainstream Part 1

Helen Edwards book, “Marginal to Mainstream” shows why businesses, marketers and entrepreneurs need to break free from their ‘mainstream inhibition’ and turn their attention to the margins – to confront, evaluate and embrace the ‘strangeness’ of behaviours, ideas and ways of life at the fringes.

The Paradox of Convenience – Necessary Friction

Friction s an often-overlooked aspect of innovation and new product development. The following stories illustrate the importance of empathy, jobs-to-be-done research and understanding the balance of friction and progress. 

Corporate-Controlled Burn: “Right Way Fire” 

The Aboriginal tradition of “Right Way Fire” involves the controlled use of fire to maintain and restore ecosystems. Strategic small-scale slow burns in targeted areas during the early dry season minimise the risks of uncontrollable wildfires in the dry season. This practice is deeply rooted in the understanding that mindfully clearing away the old and stagnant creates space for new growth and vitality. This collective ancestral wisdom, long ignored, is now changing practices across several countries with similar savannah grasslands.)

Don’t Eat Your Seed Corn: Tenant Farmers Don’t Pick Up Rocks

“Tenant farmers don’t pick up rocks.” Just as tenant farmers, who have short-term leases on the land they cultivate, lack the incentive to invest in long-term improvements like clearing the fields of rocks, some leaders with increasingly short tenures hesitate to make crucial investments in the future of their organisations. Rather than focus on initiatives that require time and resources to bear fruit, they often shutter them, earn a bonus on their efforts, and are out the gate before the lack of seedcorn becomes apparent. Consequently, the organisation becomes stuck in a cycle of short-term gains, missing out on the long-term benefits that arise from seedcorn investments and productivity programmes akin to picking up rocks.

An image of balloons shrinking

The Rise Before The Stall: The Seneca Effect

The Seneca Effect, also known as the Seneca Cliff or Seneca Collapse, is a concept named after the ancient Roman philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca. The effect is based on Seneca’s quote, “Fortune is of sluggish growth, but ruin is rapid.” He observed that many things in nature, including human affairs, systems and civilisations, tend to decline much more rapidly than they ascend.

An image of one bad apple

Black Walnuts, Broken Windows, Bad Apples: Hire Slow and Fire Fast

If you neglect to remove the black walnut, you will see a gradual departure of the surrounding species to healthier pastures, with the younger saplings leading the way. In conclusion, just as removing a black walnut tree from an environment restores balance and promotes healthy growth, it’s essential to address toxic employees in the workplace to maintain a positive and productive work environment. It is essential to repair the broken windows.

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