Girl with a finger on her lips

When Good People Go Quiet: A Swiss Cheese Model of Idea Penetration

Swiss cheese Model for Ideas Aidan McCullen. Have you noticed a colleague who was once full of ideas, who has gone unusually quiet? Perhaps you may assume they are just disinterested? You may think they are having a bad day? Perhaps instead, they have fallen prey to a corporate lobotomy? Perhaps they are worn down? Perhaps they just couldn’t be bothered any more.

Rob Fitzpatrick The Mom Test

EP 231: The Mom Test with Rob Fitzpatrick

Rob Fitzpatrick is author of “The Mom Test, How to talk to customers & learn if your business is a good idea when everyone is lying to you”
His book details how customer conversations go wrong and how we can do better.

Elvin Turner

EP 229: Be Less Zombie: How Great Companies Create Dynamic Innovation, Fearless Leadership and Passionate People with Elvin Turner

Elvin Turner goes behind the scenes of some of the world’s most innovative companies and decodes the tools, hacks and approaches that help their managers systematically spark ingenuity, agility, and profitable creativity at scale.

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