We welcome Prof. Andrew Torrance, distinguished Professor of Law at the University of Kansas and visiting scholar at MIT, to discuss the complex legal landscape surrounding user innovation and patents. The conversation delves into the freedom and challenges of product innovation, the balance between open and closed inventions, and the ethical implications of experimental treatments. They also explore the historical and ongoing impact of FDA regulations and the role of patents in fostering or hindering innovation. Sponsored by Wazoku, this episode is essential listening for innovators, legal experts, and anyone interested in the intersection of technology, law, and ethics.
00:00 Introduction and Wazoku Sponsor Message
00:27 Upcoming Reinvention Summit
01:01 Previous Episodes Recap
01:28 Introducing Andrew W. Torrance
02:01 Legal Aspects of Free User Innovation
03:29 Experimenting and Sharing Innovations
09:02 Selling Innovations and Legal Implications
11:07 Influencers and Legal Responsibilities
17:21 Trust in the FDA and Alternative Medicine
24:38 Patient Rights and Experimental Drugs
30:44 Patenting Innovations
38:54 Closing Remarks and Contact Information
39:44 Final Wazoku Sponsor Message
Andrew on SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=625609
Ted Talk: https://youtu.be/g8GTg_632qY?si=lieqXrcdwUWD1l_l