Hire For Neurosignature Train For Skill. In a changing workplace, rather than hiring solely based on skill, we might consider a candidate’s neurosignature. Each neurosignature brings unique strengths to the table. Hiring for neurosignature and training for skill might lead to higher workplace happiness, higher revenue and lower employee turnover.
Posted 2 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Caterpillar Cake Battle M&S Aldi Corporate Culture Disruption Entrepreneurship Incremental Innovation Innovation Leadership Rita McGrath Transformation
Incremental innovation remains a critical component for organisations. However, when an organisation only rewards incremental endeavours (recognition, remuneration and promotion), why would anybody want to risk their career with transformational effort? Give the customer a 12-blade razor, a chai-latte-flavoured soda or a 6G Origami phone. By all means, be a fast-moving caterpillar-cake copycat, but invest some of the profits from the incremental present into the transformational future. Don’t use the future to fuel your present.
Posted 2 years ago Tagged Business Cricket Protein Disruption Innovation Insect Protein Marketing Strategy Technology Transformation Veganism
Helen Edwards book, “Marginal to Mainstream” shows why businesses, marketers and entrepreneurs need to break free from their ‘mainstream inhibition’ and turn their attention to the margins – to confront, evaluate and embrace the ‘strangeness’ of behaviours, ideas and ways of life at the fringes.
Posted 2 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Business Ed Hess Ed Hess Darden Edward D. Hess Entrepreneurship Human Potential Innovation Leadership Own Your Work Journey Technology Undisruptable
It is a sincere pleasure to welcome the author of “Own Your Work Journey!: The Path to Meaningful Work and Happiness in the Age of Smart Technology and Radical Change.” Edward D. Hess
Posted 2 years ago Tagged George Pransky Psychologist Life is a Metaphor Linda Pransky Linda Prnsky
We are joined by he author of “Life is a Metaphor: Metaphors, Stories and Musings for the Heart”, George Pransky, joined by his wife and long-time business partner Linda Pransky
Posted 2 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Aidan McCullen Innovation Dr Robert Hogan Dr Robert Hogan of Hogan Assessments Hogan Assessments Leadership
“The more humble the person, the greater the leadership potential.” – Dr Robert Hogan (Hogan Assessments)
Posted 2 years ago Tagged "Every act of creation is first an act of destruction." Aidan McCullen Business Charles Conn Charles Conn Interview Charles Conn is the author of Bullet Proof Problem Solving. Corporate Culture Disruption Innovation Leadership Patagonia Right Way Fire Strategy
The Aboriginal tradition of “Right Way Fire” involves the controlled use of fire to maintain and restore ecosystems. Strategic small-scale slow burns in targeted areas during the early dry season minimise the risks of uncontrollable wildfires in the dry season. This practice is deeply rooted in the understanding that mindfully clearing away the old and stagnant creates space for new growth and vitality. This collective ancestral wisdom, long ignored, is now changing practices across several countries with similar savannah grasslands.)
Posted 2 years ago Tagged
Charles Conn’s concept is modelled after innovative companies such as Patagonia which are not afraid to step out into risk using small moves that build capabilities, assets and understanding. The imperfectionist strategy creates opportunities unavailable to those with conventional strategic thinking based on old structural models.
Posted 2 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Business Diversity Entrepreneurship Human Potential Innovation Leadership McKinsey Strategy beyond the Hockey Stick Sven Smit Technology Undisruptable
Diversity of species, genetics, age, thinking and specialism (skillsets) is fundamental to the health of an ecosystem. As we will explore in this Thursday’s Thought, homogeneity risks ecosystems. Despite mother nature’s wisdom, we often think we know better. A drive for profits and short-termism frequently trump what is best for the long term.
Posted 2 years ago Tagged Aidan McCullen Business Catalysing Collagen Dual Transformation Innovation Leadership Subversive Serrapeptase Transformation
“Without changing the structure of your organisation, I would argue that [innovation] will not work.” – John Chambers (former CEO Cisco)
Many of us feel the bodily repercussions of middle age with joint pain, scar tissue and stiff muscles. While we mostly forget what led to these issues, our bodies keep the score. About two years ago, I embarked on a journey of physical reinvention. It strikes me how much this experience mirrors the formidable task of organisational transformation. To elaborate, I use the analogy of two supplements: serrapeptase to break down existing structures and collagen to rebuild them anew.