Image of Dan Toma The Corporate startup author

EP 230: The Corporate Startup: How established companies can create successful innovation ecosystems with Dan Toma

There is now more pressure on established companies to innovate. The challenge most companies face is how to develop new products for new markets, while managing their core business at the same time.Β 

Elvin Turner

EP 229: Be Less Zombie: How Great Companies Create Dynamic Innovation, Fearless Leadership and Passionate People with Elvin Turner

Elvin Turner goes behind the scenes of some of the world’s most innovative companies and decodes the tools, hacks and approaches that help their managers systematically spark ingenuity, agility, and profitable creativity at scale.

EP 228: Create the Future and the Innovation Handbook: Tactics for Disruptive Thinking, Jeremy Gutsche

In our era of AI, rapid change, disruption, and possibility, there are so many great opportunities within our grasp. However, smart, successful people consistently miss out. Their capabilities are limited by seven traps, and they rely on and repeat past decisions.

Innovation Lessons from Ants: Collaboratively Exploit and Explore

Ants have many lessons to teach humans about surviving change, including innovation lessons, lessons in collaboration and organisational structure.

EP 226: CLEVER: The Six Strategic Drivers for the Fourth Industrial Revolution with Alessandro Lanteri

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is here. As emerging technologies like AI and blockchain become ubiquitous, they will unleash unprecedented levels of disruption.

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